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The zombie/human argument

Professor Roche

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Yes I am being a stubborn bastard, I realize this but I am doing it a legitimate cause, surprisingly I'm not just trolling (At least I started off like that). Please explain how intentionally being stubborn is "cute", because I understood you up until that point.

Being a "stubborn bastard" is not conductive to discussion, as it simply results in shooting anything contradictory to your point down and insulting others. If you simply want to argue and shout at people, this isn't the forum for it.

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In the defense of the moderators and admins I'd like to say that yes this is indeed a frustrating (even to read) "discussion" and that I understand any frustration over how moronic it is.


In the defense of the OP, the subject is:

The zombie/human argument

So I suppose kudos for making it into an argument.


My 2c though, all zombies are human but not all humans are zombies. (at least in PZ, in RE you have all kinds of zombies.)

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Calm down guys and let us just get back to the topic: Dragons.

No, wait. What?


But seriously: Zombies were once humans. But we don't really know, what happened to them. Either it's a virus or fungi or aliens who created zombies, we don't know this. So, if it's for example a parasite, zombies aren't humans anymore, just human corpses with a new host in them ;-)

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I think you misinterpreted this


Yes I am being a stubborn bastard, I realize this but I am doing it a legitimate cause, surprisingly I'm not just trolling (At least I started off like that). Please explain how intentionally being stubborn is "cute", because I understood you up until that point.


The whole argument seriously sounds like "I'm not wrong" nerd rage after doing something silly

  • He invested himself in a weird train of thought & had to "prove" it was correct because he's not dumb
  • This escalated because people disagreed & were making jokes about it
  • People reacted to his escalated behavior by ganging up on him, resulting with his back against a wall attacking anyone who spoke

Seriously, that's TEXT BOOK nerd rage :D

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