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Ideas with Sprites.


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Hi guys. I want to start making some sprites, with more experience I hope to get better along the way! So what I'll be doing in this thread is uploading some Sprites that I create and give them some uses in the PZ World, The rest is up to you guys. If you're the kind of guy who thinks, 'I'm super awesome and If I don't code this into the game my life won't be complete.' then keep on reading because I love you.

Also don't be afraid to ask for a sprite if you have the coding knowledge but can't use a brush, I want to learn. Criticisms and Compliment are wanted, but don't just say you don't like it. I'm not a mind reader as to why.


Tape - 30c4mer.pngb6ypli.png

1). It can be used on Bandages to increase the healing speed. The Tape will stop the Bandage from falling off (even though the Bandages don't fall off anyway, but let's use our imaginations here guys.). A healing speed boost in PZ is crucial, even if the boost isn't massive.

2). It can be used to increase the durability of weapons, offering a temporary fix to weapons that chip and break. (Wooden Bats).My dad always used to say, "Nothing a bit of Gaffa tape won't fix." to which I'd reply, "Dad I need new break pads...".

3). MAGAZINES AS ARMOUR! Wait what? This is definitely not stolen from World War Z. But, seriously guys. Find a Magazine, not bored enough to read the ad section?. Get some tape and get that Magazine wrapped round your forearms to decrease the chances of zombies scratching and biting you.*

*This armor has not been tested and may not work as described.

Chalk - 2ajxqqa.png15nvkb6.png2cqcj02.png5tuzva.pngwrb4ax.png2zqh10h.pngnq7dx5.png

1). Chalk is used to mark Safe houses, trips to the supermarket. Useful if there are characters like Hanzel and Gretel in PZ. Putting the Safe House decal will attract wandering AI (friendly and unfriendly), which has its gains and pains. Spraying the Arrow decals will also attract wandering AI to follow the arrows forwards or go the opposite way to come into contact with you. This again has its pains and gains.

2). Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a Chalk stick in a zombie's eye.

Wire Cutters - 2evc3tt.png

1). Wire cutters are used to phone up space aliens. No... Not really, they're used to cut metal fences to gather wire. Cutting the metal gates leaves a hole big enough for you and the zombies to walk right through.

Wire - 9u9c.png

1). Coming up with some uses.

Tripwire - 6oq6mf.png

1). Coming up with some

Sheet Metal - 1zdydle.png

uses, 1). Sheet Metal can be found in warehouses, less likely in houses but there are some DIY heads that might have it in their garage. Sheet Metal gives your wooden walls more fortifications. Nail one piece of Sheet Metal to your walls to give them more fortification!


Wooden Peg - mblt09.png

A Wooden Peg, Craftable from planks you have created from sawing logs. Wooden Pegs can only be used in the Carpentry skill with the required levels and also from reading the Book of Joints.



Gameplay Only


Forests That Kill!


Running through the forests give you little cuts on your arms and legs that can get infected if you don't bandage them up! Mother nature or a mother ducker.

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Wire Cutters - 2evc3tt.png


2.) Use this tool to gather (1) Wire 9u9c.png from already existing wire fence tiles. Works similar to the "sledgehammer" and destroys 1 tile of the wired fence.


Sheet Metal - 1zdydle.png


2.) Use this to fortify your windows. Both conceals light/sight inside your safehouse and offers a bigger protection than (4) barricaded wooden planks. Can be combined with (4) wooden planks to get the maximum out of your barricade.


Tape - 30c4mer.pngb6ypli.png


4.) Combine a Sturdy Stick (1) with Tape (1) and a Baseball Bat/Fire Axe/Any Melee To get a 1time only durability Upgrade. Can be done to increase weapon's durability, unable to use twice.


5.) Combine Empty (Pop) Bottle (3) with Tape (1), Scissors (1) and Sheet (1) to create a handmade pistol suppressor. Muffles gunshots, but does not save you from zombies around the perception area (gunshot is still loud enough to gather zombies from the loaded area, but not as loud to bring attention from other, unloaded chunks of map). Can last for about 10-20 shots (or equivalent of 2 pistol clips/magazines). Has random chance to catch on fire and break earlier. The bigger the carpentry level is, the better supressor can be made.

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