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Using Trash and Recycling Bins as Rain Barrels


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I was watching one of Mathas' videos of PZ, and he was suggesting that perfect, water-tight rain barrels should not be available to build at level 0. I agree, but then I thought, why would rain barrels even be necessary? Just drag over a wheely bin and pop the top open.

Of course, to balance it, you could make it so that you have a pretty high chance to get sick from the garbage water unless you perform a "clean" interaction that consumes 1 sheet or 1 bath towel, and 1 jug of bleach. Perhaps to balance this out bleach could be made slightly less common.

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You wouldn't need a whole jug. Just a small amount of it is necessary. A single drop of household bleach is enough to purify a gallon of water and make it safe for consumption. Heck, it'd probably be better taking a bucket of water and some dish detergent and scrub it out real good with soapy water.

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We already discussed this, I think this is a way to coolect water that everyone can and would do. We even discussed a way to use plastic bags inside the garbage cans to collect portions of water... this could maybe lead to less water but no contamination through the dirty garbage can

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