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  1. Can't imagine a wheelie bin being particularly water tight, but still sounds like a neat idea.
  2. That sounds incredibly dull. While a horde randomly breaking through my safehouse might be annoying it's certainly more interesting than just sitting there waiting for time to pass so you can get a new high score.
  3. I'm fine with all this as long as they don't try to put in multiplayer. It just won't work.
  4. Good thing Project Zomboid isn't well known branding then. Most of the people who will recognise the name are the people who already own it. Changing the name to something that isn't rubbish would probably only help sales. If you say the name "Project Zomboid" to someone who's never heard of it they'll probably just think it's another dumb, uninspired zombie game.
  5. It would work great on NPCs though. Honestly I doubt a multiplayer mode will work for this game in general.
  6. No, I don't think it is. The game isn't going to be completed for a few years now, that's plenty of time.
  7. The devs have said they'll be doing. There will be a map but no minimap.
  8. I have played The Sims and quite enjoyed it. The difference being that you don't manually control one Sim, you indirectly control a whole bunch of them. It's hardly time consuming and you can always do something else while you wait.
  9. Locking up other players is not a good idea though. Forcing the other player to just sit there and do nothing for ages is not fun.
  10. Was wondering about this myself. "Project Zomboid" makes it sound like it's just a prototype or an experiment rather than a proper game. "This is how you died" just sounds pretentious though.
  11. Or just move a sofa in front of it I guess.
  12. Well that's a little sinister. ...do you need help?
  13. Day Z is a mod of Arma. It uses the same engine as far as I'm aware. If Arma is realistic then so is Day Z. And no, if you think GTA V is realistic, you are bonkers. A believable plot is not the same as realism.
  14. The hell? I don't know what bizarro world you live in where GTA is realistic. You'll have to tell me what it's like living in a world where you can heal from bullet wounds by hiding behind a wall for a few seconds. Also, you just claimed that Day Z isn't realistic but now you're saying that ARMA is. Well done mate.
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