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Setting up a standalone PZ server - Help request



Hola all, long time no talkie and all that.


I'll cut to the heart of the matter. Having taken a break from Zomboid for a while, and now seeing all the cool stuff that's been added in the recent updates, I'm looking to set up a standalone Zomboid server for myself and a few friends.


Now here's the kicker. I don't want to host the server on my desktop computer, seeing as I'm connected to my router via a Wi-Fi connection. Plus, although hosting a game through hamachi has worked in the past, I'm not really fond of the idea any more. I know I'll have to set up port forwarding and so on, blah, blah.


What I DO have is a Raspberry Pi (Model B+) floating around doing nothing. The installed OS is Rasbian, a Debian serived linux distribution. Esentially, what I'm looking for is a guide for setting up a PZ  server on a standalone linux machine (Bit concerned steam would be skittish though), and what the minimum/recommended hardware requirements are for a server.


In short, is a Raspberry Pi Zomboid Server doable, or would I be better setting things up on my windows desktop?

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5 answers to this question

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Simply put: No, you can´t use the Raspberry Pi as a PZ-server (or client) because it´s a different type of computer (architectures do not match a "normal" pc, you can read more about that here).


Another important part when setting up a server on a local machine (like your normal desktop pc) is the dynamic IP. PZ handles the savegames for the clients with the server-IP, which normally changes every 24 hours. So in order to get rid of the manual renaming the saves on all the clients with the new IP you would have to get some kind of dyndns/static IP.

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