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  1. As some of you know, ORMtnMan stopped development of the Real Guns Mod some time ago, but didn't want his work to go to waste. After much hammering away on the keyboard, and testing on poor defenseless zombies I feel its now safe to officially present the results. This brings a number of new features and fixes to ORGM. Current Version: 3.09.2 Stable Tested PZ Versions: 38.30 to 40.43 Current Compatibility: Necroforge & Survivors Mod: Compatible (built-in patch, as of v2.02-stable) Nolan's ORGM Silencer Mod: Compatible (built-in patch, as of v2.03-stable) Nolan's SuperSurvivors Mod: Partially Compatible (built-in patch, as of v3.04-stable) Any other mods/addons for the legacy ORGM version are not considered compatible. Expect errors if you use them. Changelog Webpage and Frequently Asked Questions Discord ORGM Support Introductory ORGM Tutorial Video (By Ghul King) Downloads (Stable): Current Release 3.09.2 Stable: https://downloads.tekagis.ca/ProjectZomboidMods/ORGM.zip Steam Workshop 3.09.2 Stable: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=514618604 * steam version may not be up-to-date with latest release. Credit to Khaos & ORMntMan for maintaining the workshop page Downloads (Beta/Experimental): Latest Beta Release 3.09.2 Stable: https://downloads.tekagis.ca/ProjectZomboidMods/ORGM-Beta.zip * In the event the latest version is stable, the beta link above will point to the stable version. Github Development Version: https://github.com/FWolfe/RealGunsMod
  2. IP: Welcome to Redboid! One of the longest running servers with a dedicated admin team and ever-growing community. Our focus is to provide an experience you will not forget! Ranging from events, factions, PvE, PvP and a touch of role-play. Let us not forget the hordes of the undead that plague the lands! The possibilities are endless. What will the zombie apocalypse turn you into?! A leader of a glorious faction? A ruler of ruthless bandits? Or just your general survivor, trying to get by in this wretched world. Here you will be virtually challenged both mentally and physically, dealing with a constant onslaught of zombies amongst other desperate survivors and mother nature herself. Whom can you trust? Will your best friend betray you? Would someone trip you to save their life from the horde? Or would they sacrifice their own, so you can live another day? Which path will you take? Join us on Redboid to find out! Come Join us for the Autumn Harvest season wipe, full of fun & madness! Redboid has just wiped its server clean ready for the new season, ready for players to come make their mark and survive with friends! We offer a fun filled experience to all types of players within a friendly community, and helpful staff at hand too. For those that are new to Zomboid & have never tried out the original stable Multiplayer (Build 40) we highly recommend y’all give it a test drive It offers an experience close to what we’re all waiting for (just slight graphical differences) Pz’s classic multiplayer is an original experience in itself, one in which we encourage anyone that's a Pz fan to give a go of, at least once Never know, it might just quench that multiplayer thirst for the time being! Maps: Vanilla - Valley Station Military Checkpoint - Base Astaroth - West Point Expansion - Bedford Mods: Eris Minimap Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars Hydrocraft Nocturnal Zombies ORGM Cure Zombie Virus And many more.. Server settings: 3 alternate characters per player 5x character XP gain Links: Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/redboid Discord: https://discord.gg/2abTaWY Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9S2VFO6ij1kATWNCU3nPyg Please feel free to join our Discord! Here you will have full access to all the server’s information and designated areas for questions, suggestions, announcements, direct contact with the admins and more. We shall look forward to seeing you there! As always Have Fun & Be Safe! -The Redboid Admin Team Server trailer:
  3. IP: Welcome to Redboid! One of the longest running servers with a dedicated admin team and ever-growing community. Our focus is to provide an experience you will not forget! Ranging from events, factions, PvE, PvP and a touch of role-play. Let us not forget the hordes of the undead that plague the lands! The possibilities are endless. What will the zombie apocalypse turn you into?! A leader of a glorious faction? A ruler of ruthless bandits? Or just your general survivor, trying to get by in this wretched world. Here you will be virtually challenged both mentally and physically, dealing with a constant onslaught of zombies amongst other desperate survivors and mother nature herself. Whom can you trust? Will your best friend betray you? Would someone trip you to save their life from the horde? Or would they sacrifice their own, so you can live another day? Which path will you take? Join us on Redboid to find out! Come Join us for the Sunny Summer season wipe, full of fun & phuckery! Redboid has just wiped its server clean ready for the new season, ready for players to come make their mark and survive with friends! We offer a fun filled experience to all types of players within a friendly community, and helpful staff at hand too. For those that are new to Zomboid & have never tried out the original stable Multiplayer (Build 40) we highly recommend y’all give it a test drive It offers an experience close to what we’re all waiting for (just slight graphical differences) Pz’s classic multiplayer is an original experience in itself, one in which we encourage anyone that's a Pz fan to give a go of, at least once Never know, it might just quench that multiplayer thirst for the time being! Maps: Vanilla - Valley Station Military Checkpoint - Base Astaroth - West Point Expansion Mods: Eris Minimap Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars Hydrocraft Nocturnal Zombies ORGM Cure Zombie Virus And many more.. Server settings: 3 alternate characters per player 5x character XP gain Links: Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/redboid Discord: https://discord.gg/2abTaWY Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9S2VFO6ij1kATWNCU3nPyg Please feel free to join our Discord! Here you will have full access to all the server’s information and designated areas for questions, suggestions, announcements, direct contact with the admins and more. We shall look forward to seeing you there! As always Have Fun & Be Safe! -The Redboid Admin Team Server trailer:
  4. IP: Welcome to Redboid! One of the longest running servers with a dedicated admin team and ever-growing community. Our focus is to provide an experience you will not forget! Ranging from events, factions, PvE, PvP and a touch of role-play. Let us not forget the hordes of the undead that plague the lands! The possibilities are endless. What will the zombie apocalypse turn you into?! A leader of a glorious faction? A ruler of ruthless bandits? Or just your general survivor, trying to get by in this wretched world. Here you will be virtually challenged both mentally and physically, dealing with a constant onslaught of zombies amongst other desperate survivors and mother nature herself. Whom can you trust? Will your best friend betray you? Would someone trip you to save their life from the horde? Or would they sacrifice their own, so you can live another day? Which path will you take? Join us on Redboid to find out! Come Join us for A Fresh Spring Season wipe, full of fun for all! Maps: Vanilla - Valley Station Military Checkpoint - Base Astaroth - West Point Expansion Mods: Hydrocraft ORGM Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars Nocturnal Zombies Unbreakable Metal Walls Eris Minimap Keyring Trophies (NEW!) Kravity Cars x2 (NEW!) & Many more Server settings: 3 alternate characters per player 5x character XP gain Links: Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/redboid Discord: https://discord.gg/MSVhKKf Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9S2VFO6ij1kATWNCU3nPyg Please feel free to join our discord! Here you will have full access to all the server’s information and designated areas for questions, suggestions, announcements, direct contact with the admins and more. We shall look forward to seeing you there! As always Have Fun & Be Safe! -The Redboid Admin Team
  5. IP: Welcome to Redboid! One of the longest running servers with a dedicated admin team and ever-growing community. Our focus is to provide an experience you will not forget! Ranging from events, factions, PvE, PvP and a touch of role-play. Let us not forget the hordes of the undead that plague the lands! The possibilities are endless. What will the zombie apocalypse turn you into?! A leader of a glorious faction? A ruler of ruthless bandits? Or just your general survivor, trying to get by in this wretched world. Here you will be virtually challenged both mentally and physically, dealing with a constant onslaught of zombies amongst other desperate survivors and mother nature herself. Whom can you trust? Will your best friend betray you? Would someone trip you to save their life from the horde? Or would they sacrifice their own, so you can live another day? Which path will you take? Join us on Redboid to find out! Come Join us for the fresh winter season wipe, full of fun & festivities! Maps: Vanilla - Valley Station Military Checkpoint - Base Astaroth - West Point Expansion Mods: Hydrocraft ORGM Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars Nocturnal Zombies Unbreakable Metal Walls Eris Minimap & Many more Server settings: 3 alternate characters per player 5x character XP gain Links: Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/redboid Discord: https://discord.gg/MSVhKKf Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9S2VFO6ij1kATWNCU3nPyg Please feel free to join our discord! Here you will have full access to all the server’s information and designated areas for questions, suggestions, announcements, direct contact with the admins and more. We shall look forward to seeing you there As always Have Fun, Be Safe & A Very Merry Christmas -The Redboid Admin Team
  6. IP: To all PZ Survivors, Redboid has just had a fresh wipe for the new autumn season! One of the longest running servers with a dedicated admin team and ever-growing community. Our focus is to provide an experience you will not forget! Ranging from events, factions, PvE, PvP and a touch of role-play. Let us not forget the hordes of the undead that plague the lands! The possibilities are endless. What will the zombie apocalypse turn you into?! A leader of a glorious faction? A ruler of ruthless bandits? Or just your general survivor, trying to get by in this wretched world. Here you will be virtually challenged both mentally and physically, dealing with a constant onslaught of zombies amongst other desperate survivors and mother nature herself. Whom can you trust? Will your best friend betray you? Will someone trip you to save their life from the horde? Or would they sacrifice their own, so you can live another day? Which path will you take? Come Join us on Redboid to find out! We have a thriving community, along with friendly active Admins that are willing to answer any questions & help with any problems you may have. Our server is run in favor of you players to give you all different play experiences & opportunities. Come join us for the new spring season for some fun filled events, a brand new bunch of maps to explore, new base building defences to try out & a play through experience you will remember! Maps: Vanilla - Valley Station Military Checkpoint - Base Astaroth - West Point Expansion - Bedford Castle Mods: Hydrocraft ORGM Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars Nocturnal Zombies Unbreakable Metal Walls More Hair Colours *(NEW)* & Many more Server settings: 3 alternate characters per player 5x character XP gain Links: Reddit: reddit.com/r/redboid Discord: https://discord.gg/MSVhKKf Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9S2VFO6ij1kATWNCU3nPyg Please feel free to join our discord! Here you will have full access to all the server’s information and designated areas for questions, suggestions, announcements, direct contact with the admins and more. We shall look forward to seeing you there As always Have Fun & Be Safe! -The Redboid Admin Team
  7. IP: To all PZ Survivors, Redboid has just had a fresh wipe for the new summer season! One of the longest running servers with a dedicated admin team and ever-growing community. Our focus is to provide an experience you will not forget! Ranging from events, factions, PvE, PvP and a touch of role-play. Let us not forget the hordes of the undead that plague the lands! The possibilities are endless. What will the zombie apocalypse turn you into?! A leader of a glorious faction? A ruler of ruthless bandits? Or just your general survivor, trying to get by in this wretched world. Here you will be virtually challenged both mentally and physically, dealing with a constant onslaught of zombies amongst other desperate survivors and mother nature herself. Whom can you trust? Will your best friend betray you? Will someone trip you to save their life from the horde? Or would they sacrifice their own, so you can live another day? Which path will you take? Come Join us on Redboid to find out! We have a thriving community, along with friendly active Admins that are willing to answer any questions & help with any problems you may have. Our server is run in favor of you players to give you all different play experiences & opportunities. Come join us for the new spring season for some fun filled events, a brand new bunch of maps to explore, new base building defences to try out & a play through experience you will remember! Maps: Vanilla - Fort Knox - Valley Station Military Checkpoint - The Island - Base Astaroth Mods: Hydrocraft ORGM Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars Nocturnal Zombies Unbreakable Metal Walls & Many more Server settings: 3 alternate characters per player 5x character XP gain Links: Reddit: reddit.com/r/redboid Discord: https://discord.gg/MSVhKKf Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9S2VFO6ij1kATWNCU3nPyg Please feel free to join our discord! Here you will have full access to all the server’s information and designated areas for questions, suggestions, announcements, direct contact with the admins and more. We shall look forward to seeing you there As always Have Fun & Be Safe! -The Redboid Admin Team
  8. IP: To all PZ Survivors, Redboid has just had a fresh wipe for the new spring season! One of the longest running servers with a dedicated admin team and ever-growing community. Our focus is to provide an experience you will not forget! Ranging from events, factions, PvE, PvP and a touch of role-play. Let us not forget the hordes of the undead that plague the lands! The possibilities are endless. What will the zombie apocalypse turn you into?! A leader of a glorious faction? A ruler of ruthless bandits? Or just your general survivor, trying to get by in this wretched world. Here you will be virtually challenged both mentally and physically, dealing with a constant onslaught of zombies amongst other desperate survivors and mother nature herself. Whom can you trust? Will your best friend betray you? Will someone trip you to save their life from the horde? Or would they sacrifice their own, so you can live another day? Which path will you take? Come Join us on Redboid to find out! We have a thriving community, along with friendly active Admins that are willing to answer any questions & help with any problems you may have. Our server is run in favor of you players to give you all different play experiences & opportunities. Come join us for the new spring season for some fun filled events, a brand new bunch of maps to explore, new base building defences to try out & a play through experience you will remember! We have a thriving community, along with friendly active Admins that are willing to answer any questions & help with any problems you may have. Our server is run in favor of you players to give you all different play experiences & opportunities. Come join us for the new season for some fun filled events, a brand new KOS area extension to try out & a play through experience you will remember! Maps: Vanilla - Bedford Falls - Valley Station Military Checkpoint - Base Acaroth - The Island Mods: Hydrocraft ORGM Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars Nocturnal Zombies Unbreakable Metal Walls (NEW) & Many more Server settings: 3 alternate characters per player 5x character XP gain Links: Reddit: reddit.com/r/redboid Discord: https://discord.gg/MSVhKKf Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9S2VFO6ij1kATWNCU3nPyg Please feel free to join our discord! Here you will have full access to all the server’s information and designated areas for questions, suggestions, announcements, direct contact with the admins and more. We shall look forward to seeing you there As always Have Fun & Be Safe! -The Redboid Admin Team
  9. GATEWAY ROLEPLAY Gateway Roleplay is a 24/7 Project Zomboid Roleplay Server which focuses on heavy realism. We're an open and friendly community that welcomes all roleplayers, old and new. With an open map and dozens of mods, there's an endless amount of possibilities! Lores change periodically and are not limited to only zombie apocalypse scenarios. We hope to make Project Zomboid all the more exciting by providing a story and player-driven environment where you can play out your characters' stories! To get started, sign up for our forums here! You're welcome to join our Discord as well! It's a great place to get to know fellow players and be notified of any server news. As of now, we are setting up for our next lore which we plan to launch once Build 41 is stable. Join the Discord to stay up to date with our progress! Our staff works hard to keep the server up and running! Feel free to message any of them over the forums or Discord if you have any questions about the server. You may also reply directly to this post and we'll get back to you as soon as possible! STAFF: Thank you so much for reading! We hope to see you over on Gateway!
  10. IP: To all PZ Survivors, Redboid has just had a fresh wipe for the New Year, New Decade! One of the longest running servers with a dedicated admin team and ever-growing community. Our focus is to provide an experience you will not forget! Ranging from events, factions, PvE, PvP and a touch of role-play. Let us not forget the hordes of the undead that plague the lands! The possibilities are endless. What will the zombie apocalypse turn you into?! A leader of a glorious faction? A ruler of ruthless bandits? Or just your general survivor, trying to get by in this wretched world. Here you will be virtually challenged both mentally and physically, dealing with a constant onslaught of zombies amongst other desperate survivors and mother nature herself. Whom can you trust? Will your best friend betray you? Will someone trip you to save their life from the horde? Or would they sacrifice their own, so you can live another day? Which path will you take? Come Join us on Redboid to find out! We have a thriving community, along with friendly active Admins that are willing to answer any questions & help with any problems you may have. Our server is run in favor of you players to give you all different play experiences & opportunities. Come join us for the new season for some fun filled events, a brand new KOS area extension to try out & a play through experience you will remember! Maps: Vanilla - Midriver - Ballincoolin - Fort Redstone - Valley Station Military Checkpoint Mods: Hydrocraft ORGM Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars Nocturnal Zombies Advanced Trading Post **(NEW!)** & Many more Server settings: 3 alternate characters per player 5x character XP gain Links: Reddit: reddit.com/r/redboid Discord: https://discord.gg/MSVhKKf Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9S2VFO6ij1kATWNCU3nPyg Please feel free to join our discord! Here you will have full access to all the server’s information and designated areas for questions, suggestions, announcements, direct contact with the admins and more. We shall look forward to seeing you there As always Have Fun & Be Safe! -The Redboid Admin Team
  11. Years ago Eudoxio created the server Death & Decay for Project Zomboid. It was a heavy role playing server that managed to bring together an amazing community of players, stories, and memories. Sadly due to financial instability, Eudoxio had to close the server back in 2017 after 2 years of running. Since then I've decided to get back touch with him. especially with animations being right around the corner: and asked if I could personally take over the server and reopen it with a new host and he was happy to contribute and bring this wonderful server back to life. So without further ado! Death & Decay: Sunrise Hello everyone and welcome back to the 5th season of Death & Decay! I know what you're thinking and yes it has been a while.. No we're not dead, In fact we're alive and better than ever! So we hope to see you soon, Survivors! Server Information IP: | Build: 40.43 Server restart times: Server Location: Server Language: English/Spanish Season 5 start date: Player slots: Discord: https://discord.gg/R8XHESC Forums: http://deathanddecay.boards.net/ _________________________________________________________________________ Server Rules: (OOC) Usernames: Please refrain from using usernames that are too complicated or use symbols. Keep it simple! Use a name suited for Roleplaying. No Metagaming: If you get some information from the forum or the discord, your character doesn't know what you know! Please play it as such. If you die and change your character, find a story on how you "found" your current living location as is. Dont "Kill On Sight" (KOS): Don't just kill someone after running up to them - if you get the itch for murder, you can find plenty of legitimate reasons to shoot at people. If you have a problem with someone, signal the staff and we'll resolve the problem. Griefing is Not Allowed: Don't break other people's stuff for no reason! Have a heart. Stealing: Stealing is allowed but only in character, so leave a note hinting you did it. That way people could play as detectives if they wanted! Be Respectful of Others: Use your judgment when playing your character. Don't go over the line. We're all here to have fun after all! Role Playing Rules: (IC) Use *R* when speaking in global chat: Putting *R* before what you type indicated to other people that you're speaking on the global radio. Use (parentheses) when speaking OOC: Try to keep the OOC (Out Of Character) chat to a minimum in game, but it's completely normal to have to say something 'Out Of Character' at some point. Use parentheses when you do so. Try to stay in character: We're not always asking for extremely deep storylines, but try to have at least SOME idea of who your character is, what they were before the apocalypse, how they survived up to where they are now. _________________________________________________________________________ We've come to the decision after a lot of thought that the sever should have brand new lore, and a new world. Seasons 1-4 were amazing and refreshing but Eudoxio and I thought it'd be nice for a new approach.. New Server Lore 6 months ago there was a mass epidemic, it spread through the world without notice for weeks and when top scientists realized what was happening it was already far to late. Originating from Japan, the virus quickly became airborne and spread globally.. Before long the Military had lost most of it's force, and major towns and cities were soon overrun and quarantined by what little troops remained. What was left afterwards was global destruction, cars piled on streets, bodies filling lakes and rivers, and entire city population decimated in days.. However before the collapse of civilization a cure was produced and released but only made it to a few city's military, never fully released to the public. _________________________________________________________________________ I also wanted to add as a side note that we are in fact planning on updating to the latest release (Animations), whenever that release may happen. We will be wiping the map, and removing all mods/maps due to potential issues regarding stability and performance. (We will be keeping the lore/character names if you'd like to continue your stories!) Once mods/maps are updated, and if they all work together well. We will be adding them back into the server. _________________________________________________________________________ New Server Mods & Maps (Necroforge & Cheatmenu are for staff) Mods: Hydrocraft ORGM Improved Build Menu Simple Food Spawn Organized Storage Hair Styles Global Radios Rename Weapons Zombie Cure Medical Cocktail ORGM Suppressor Blind Trait MoreBuild Crematorium Wedge's Item Name Fixes NecroForge Cheatmenu Maps: Bedford Falls, Drayton Rebuild, Phoenix, South Muldraugh, Eerie Country, Lake Ivy, Over The River, Fetzen's East Muldraugh Nature Reserve. _________________________________________________________________________ Server Settings (Yeah there's a lot..) nightlengthmodifier=1.0 | PauseEmpty=true SafetySystem=true | ShowSafety=true SpawnItems=Nothing | HoursForLootRespawn=150 MaxItemsForLootRespawn=8 | ConstructionPreventsLootRespawn=true NoFireSpread=true | NoFire=false MinutesPerPage=0.2 | HoursForCorpseRemoval=240 PlayerSafehouse=true | SafehouseAllowTrepass=true SafehouseAllowFire=false | SafehouseAllowLoot=false SafehouseAllowRespawn=true | SafehouseDaySurvivedToClaim=12 SafeHouseRemovalTime=500 | AllowDestructionBySledgehammer=true SleepAllowed=true | sleepNeeded=false MaxAccountsPerUser=0 Day Length: 4 Hours | Start Month: June Start Day: 5 | Start Time: 5AM Water Shutoff: 2-6 Months | Electricity Shutoff: 2-6 Months House Alarm Frequency: Sometimes | Locked Houses Frequency: Rare Food Spoilage: Normal | Refrigerator Effectiveness: Normal Rotten Food Removal: -1 | Loot Respawn: Every 2 months Loot Seen Prevent Hours: 720 | Months Since Apocalypse: 0 Darkness During Night: Dark | Fire Spread: Off Generator Working In Exterior: On | Temperature: Normal Rain: Normal | Erosion Speed: (100 days) Erosion Days: 0 | Farming Speed: Normal Plant Resilience: Normal | Farming's Abundance: Normal Nature's Abundance: Normal | Compost Time: 2 Weeks Maximum Fog Intensity: Normal | Maximum Rain FX Intensity: Normal Enable Snow On Ground: Yes | Helicopter: Once Meta Event: Sometimes |Sleeping Event: Sometimes Generator Spawn: Rare | Generator Fuel Consumption: 0.5 Randomized House Chance: Rare | Annotated Map Chance: Sometimes Time Before Corpse Removal: -1 | Decaying Corpse Health Impact: Normal Blood Level: Normal | Food: Rare Weapon: Rare | Other: Rare XP Multiplier: 1.0 | Stats Decrease: Normal Endurance Regeneration: Normal | Nutrition: Yes Starter Kit: Nothing | Free Trait Points: 0 Player Built Construction Strength: Normal | Injury Severity: Normal Bone Fracture: Yes | Enable Vehicle: Yes Easy Use: No | Recent Survivor Vehicles: Low Zombie Attraction Multiplier: 1.0 | Car Spawn Rate: Low Chance Has Gas: Low | Initial Gas: Low Gas Consumption: 1.0 | Locked Frequency: Rare General Condition: Very Low | Car Wreck Congestion: Yes Car Alarms Frequency: Extremely Rare | Player Damaged From Crash: Yes Car Damage On Impact: Low | Siren Shutoff Hours: 0.0 Damage To Player Hit By Car: None | Clothing Degradation: Normal Speed: Fast shamblers | Strength: Normal Toughness: Normal | Transmission: Blood + Saliva Infection Mortality: 2-3 days | Reanimate Time: 0-12 hours Cognitive: Basic Navigation | Memory: Normal Decomposition: Slows + Weakens | Sight: Normal Hearing: Normal | Smell: Normal Environmental attacks: Yes | Damage construction: Yes Day/Night active: Both | Zombie triggering house alarms: Yes Speed: Fast Shamblers | Strength: Normal Toughness: Normal | Transmission: Blood + Saliva Infection Mortality: 2-3 Days | Reanimate Time: 0-12 Hours Cognitive: Basic Navigation | Memory: Normal Decomposition: Slows + Weakens | Sight: Normal Hearing: Normal | Smell: Normal Environmental Attacks: Yes | Damage Constructs: Yes Day/Night Active: Both | Zombie House Alarm Triggering: Yes Population Multiplier: 2.0 | Population Start Multiplier: 0.5 Population Peak Multiplier: 3.0 | Population Peak Day: 260 Respawn Hours: 72.0 | Respawn Unseen Hours: 16.0 Respawn Multiplier: 0.1 | Redistribute Hours: 12.0 Follow Sound Distance: 100 | Rally Group Size: 20 Rally Travel Distance: 20| Rally Group Separation: 15 Rally Group Radius: 3
  12. IP: To all PZ Survivors, Redboid has just had a fresh wipe for the Spooky Season! One of the longest running servers with a dedicated admin team and ever-growing community. Our focus is to provide an experience you will not forget! Ranging from events, factions, PvE, PvP and a touch of role-play. Let us not forget the hordes of the undead that plague the lands! The possibilities are endless. What will the zombie apocalypse turn you into?! A leader of a glorious faction? A ruler of ruthless bandits? Or just your general survivor, trying to get by in this wretched world. Here you will be virtually challenged both mentally and physically, dealing with a constant onslaught of zombies amongst other desperate survivors and mother nature herself. Whom can you trust? Will your best friend betray you? Will someone trip you to save their life from the horde? Or would they sacrifice their own, so you can live another day? Which path will you take? Come Join us on Redboid to find out! We have a thriving community, along with friendly active Admins that are willing to answer any questions & help with any problems you may have. Our server is run in favor of you players to give you all different play experiences & opportunities. Come join us for the ‘Spooky Month’ of October for some Halloween Fun & Events! Maps: Vanilla - Midriver - Brandenburg - Ballincoolin - Stonehill Apartments - Camp Hill - Fort Redstone - Valley Station Military Checkpoint Mods: New Updated Hydrocraft ORGM Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars Nocturnal Zombies & Many more Server settings: 3 alternate characters per player 5x character XP gain Links: Reddit: reddit.com/r/redboid Discord: https://discord.gg/MSVhKKf Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9S2VFO6ij1kATWNCU3nPyg Please feel free to join our discord! Here you will have full access to all the server’s information and designated areas for questions, suggestions, announcements, direct contact with the admins and more. We shall look forward to seeing you there As always Have Fun & Be Safe! -The Redboid Admin Team
  13. Check out our Forums and Discord! At Reanimated Roleplay, presented by Infected Gaming We strive to provide a welcoming community and create a wholly organic Roleplay experience. Whatever you want to do, Knox County is your oyster! But beware, the apocalypse is not for the faint of heart, This is the story of how you died, remember? Check out our lore here, for information on what is going on and what is up and coming! Hope to see you soon! - The Infected Gaming Team
  14. Survivor Stories: The Project Zomboid Roleplay Experience We begin in June of 1996, the last of the regional governments have collapsed. The old world is dead and forgotten, destroyed by the work of Dr. Klepper. You wake up after staying in a house in Slocan Lake, British Columbia for the evening, trying to survive. Thoughts of the news reports you witnessed from around the world of the events that have transpired would be ingrained in your memory. You find an old radio, still crackling with static. Where do you go from here..? ---- Survivor Stories is a roleplay experience that is tailored to have the stories of each survivor eventually intertwine and gain meaning and development through staff-run events and the natural course of conflict and drama that would arise in a post-apocalyptic scenario. We aim to… Provide an experience that is both immersive and stays true to the core mechanics of Project Zomboid. and... Create a community where everyone can feel comfortable and create to their heart’s content! ---- We have a Discord server where you can apply and join in on the fun: https://discord.gg/ZBjSbah We also have an assortment of mods such as Hydrocraft, ORGM, and other quality of life mods to make your experience even more fun! Survivor Stories PZRP is always looking for more to join our community as we get together to build a dramatic narrative in the zombie apocalypse.
  15. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1834093446 Made for the Monghell Server, but should work for all games that use ORGM and Hydrocraft. Introduces two new items: Bullet Puller to disassemble ammunition, and a Hand Press to assemble ammunition. These should spawn at appropriate places in the map. Requires the Reloading skill, at various levels for various ammunition. Assembling ammunition requires the cases, gunpowder, a hand press, and bullet tips, or buckshot for shotgun ammunition. FMJ ammunition also requires a ball been hammer and a small copper sheet.
  16. Redboid [PVP / PVE] [Hydrocraft] [ORGM] IP: To all PZ Survivors, Redboid has just had a fresh wipe for the Summer Season! One of the longest running servers with a dedicated admin team and ever-growing community. Our focus is to provide an experience you will not forget! Ranging from events, factions, PvE, PvP and a touch of role-play. Let us not forget the hordes of the undead that plague the lands! The possibilities are endless. What will the zombie apocalypse turn you into?! A leader of a glorious faction? A ruler of ruthless bandits? Or just your general survivor, trying to get by in this wretched world. Here you will be virtually challenged both mentally and physically, dealing with a constant onslaught of zombies amongst other desperate survivors and mother nature herself. Whom can you trust? Will your best friend betray you? Will someone trip you to save their life from the horde? Or would they sacrifice their own, so you can live another day? Which path will you take? Come Join us on Redboid to find out! We have a thriving community, along with friendly active Admins that are willing to answer any questions & help with any problems you may have. Our server is run in favor of you players to give you all different play experiences & opportunities. Maps: Vanilla - Midriver - Brandenburg - Ballincoolin - Stonehill Apartments - Camp Hill - Fort Redstone Mods: New Updated Hydrocraft ORGM Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars Nocturnal Zombies & Many more Server settings: 3 alternate characters per player 5x character XP gain Links: Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Redboid/ Discord: https://discord.gg/2abTaWY Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9S2VFO6ij1kATWNCU3nPyg Please feel free to join our discord! Here you will have full access to all the server’s information and designated areas for questions, suggestions, announcements, direct contact with the admins and more. We shall look forward to seeing you there As always Have Fun & Be Safe! -The Redboid Admin Team
  17. IP: To all PZ Survivors, Redboid has just started a fresh new Spring Season! One of the longest running servers with a dedicated admin team and ever-growing community. Our focus is to provide an experience you will not forget! Ranging from events, factions, PvE, PvP and a touch of role-play. Let us not forget the hordes of the undead that plague the lands! The possibilities are endless. What will the zombie apocalypse turn you into?! A leader of a glorious faction? A ruler of ruthless bandits? Or just your general survivor, trying to get by in this wretched world. Here you will be virtually challenged both mentally and physically, dealing with a constant onslaught of zombies among other desperate survivors and mother nature herself. Whom can you trust? Will your best friend betray you? Will someone trip you to save their life from the horde? Or would they sacrifice their own, so you can live another day? Which path will you take? Come Join us on Redboid to find out! We have a thriving community, along with friendly active Admins that are willing to answer any questions & help with any problems you may have. Our server is run in favor of you players to give you all different play experiences & opportunities. Maps: Vanilla - Slocan Lake - Hashima Island (PVP Arena) Mods: Hydrocraft ORGM Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars! Nocturnal Zombies & Many more Server settings: 3 alternate characters per player 5x character XP gain Links: Reddit: reddit.com/r/redboid Discord: https://discord.gg/MSVhKKf Please feel free to join our discord! Here you will have full access to all the server’s information and designated areas for questions, suggestions, announcements, direct contact with the admins and more. We shall look forward to seeing you there As always Have Fun & Be Safe! -The Redboid Admin Team
  18. Redboid [PVP] [PVE] [Hydrocraft] [24/7] IP: To all PZ Survivors, Redboid has just started a fresh season for the new year! Come join us on one of the longest running servers to date! We have a thriving community, along with friendly active Admins that are willing to answer any questions & help with any problems that you may have. Our server is run in favor of you players to give you all different play experiences with various mod/map additions, regular events & much more. Maps: Vanilla - Slocan Lake - Hashima Island (PVP/BR Area) Mods: Hydrocraft ORGM Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars! Nocturnal Zombies & Many more Server settings: 3 alternate characters per player 5x character XP gain 4 extra trait points Links: Reddit reddit.com/r/redboid Discord: https://discord.gg/MSVhKKf Please feel free to join our discord! Here you will have full access to all the server’s information and designated areas for questions, suggestions, announcements, direct contact with the admins and more. We shall look forward to seeing you there As always Have Fun & Be Safe! -The Redboid Admin Team
  19. After almost 3 years now, Mind's World is back! I'd assume most of you have no idea what I'm talking about, some might still be around from back then. So maybe a little background info (just skip a couple paragraphs if you don't care) : Back in 2015 we ran a server called Mind's World PVE and had a pretty good run for a couple months. We were the #1 (in # of players) server for a couple of those months and most people seemed to enjoy it quite a lot (you can still find the original reddit thread on /r/pzservers). These were different times, though. We had no safehouse system back then, and griefing was a real issue. We couldn't ban steamids, only server accounts (characters) and IPs. I had custom scripts setup to backup certain areas of the world, and I would go around restoring people's bases, sometimes multiple times a day. I also had scripts that automatically monitored world destruction in certain areas and would ban dozens of people every day. Even then, it was almost a full-time job, but it kept people happy and the server running smooth. I also had quite a lot of fun doing it. Unfortunately, after some real-life stuff came up (new job in new city, had to move there in a rush) I wasn't able to invest as much time managing the server as I previously did. After being unable to find help with moderating the server (I did have a couple moderators I could count on, but after trying to show them how I was managing the server, their technical knowledge/linux knowledge/commitment proved insufficient) and griefers had destroyed most people's bases and towns in a matter of days (I'm telling you, it was crazy what we had to deal with back then) I decided to shut down the server with almost no prior warning. I didn't want "Mind's World" to become associated with "a dying server with no admins and a total mess" after the great run we had. So first, I'd like to apologize to anyone that used to play back then for the quick turn of events, it all happened so fast. Sorry for all that backstory, It felt like I owed an apology to anyone who had previously invested days, if not weeks of work into a server that shut down unexpectedly (if any of you are still around). I feel better now, thank you. Now ... I was a bit bored last weekend and after reading about all the new stuff in PZ (vehicles are awesome!) I decided to reinstall it and give it another go. It sucked me right back in, just like it did 3+ years ago. What an awesome game. I also heard they broke a new concurrent players record back in June with an amazing 130% increase in average players? Congrats! Great to hear that this game is still going strong after all those years. If I'm being honest, I was expecting to come back to an almost-dying game. So I logged back in, tried a couple different servers (more of an MP than SP player myself) and came to pretty much the same conclusion I did 3 years ago : a lack of well-run public servers. Most servers I joined just looked dead and barren. All the cars were long gone, couldn't find one for myself. In some cases I couldn't even find basic loot to get started. Now there are a couple of exceptions and I don't mean any disrespect to anyone running a public server, believe me I know it's not easy. The Good Old Dayz servers still run pretty good, I remember them from back in 2014-2015 when I played. They're still some of the best servers around IMHO, props to them for keeping them running since 2014. Unfortunately they are in the EU and the lag has been quite bad for me on them (being in North America) and fighting hordes can be a real PITA. I also wish they had a couple more mods, to keep the game interesting for the veterans like me who have already seen the end-game multiple times. So I figured we could use another NA public server and I've decided to bring back Mind's World. I've dusted off my old custom respawn/restore/etc scripts, and to my amazement, they still work pretty good! I've been updating them this week to deal with the new stuff (vehicule respawns, etc.) Server name : PVE NA East | Mind's World 2 IP : Hostname : pz.mind.gg Lightly modded to keep the experience interesting, but nothing crazy. I did add ORGM and ORGM Silencers, because I think they really add to the gunplay, but have no intention of including Hydrocraft at the moment. It's just too much. I'm going for a more selective list of quality-of-life / small improvements mods, maybe some custom ones in there eventually. I'm still testing some mods that I might add in the next couple days, but I want to keep the experience somewhat close to vanilla, at least for now. Some ideas I'm strongly considering at the moment : Map extensions, More/Improved bags, Body Armor. More vehicles. We've got a few regulars already that show up every day (mostly evenings EST) and it seems we're off to a decent start. Now I'm not looking to repeat the mistakes I made years ago and so I'll obviously be needing some help soon with moderation, if all goes well and the population keeps increasing. The new safehouse system helps a lot, but still. Please don't join and ask about being a moderator/admin right away. Play with us for a bit, help the new players, and when you naturally become a trusted member of the community, I'll extend you an offer soon enough. At the moment, my mind is pretty set on running a Public (non-whitelisted) PVE-only dedicated server as I think this is where this game really shines. I'm open to launching other PVP/Whitelisted servers, eventually, if enough people would like that. But my understanding is that there are already some good whitelisted servers (havn't tried any myself, yet). The hardware can more than handle a couple more servers, so that's a possibility. This public PVE server is not going away anytime soon though (unless EVERYONE prefers PVP/Whitelisted and the server ends up empty). Server specs : Xeon E5-1270v6 64GB DDR4-2400MHz ECC Intel Enterprise NVMe Drives 1gbps link Join us on discord @ http://discord.mind.gg Good luck and have fun!
  20. Welcome to Redboid! One of the longest running servers with a dedicated admin team and ever-growing community. Our focus is to provide an experience you will not forget! Ranging from events, factions, PvE, PvP and a touch of role-play. Let us not forget the hordes of the undead that plague the lands! The possibilities are endless. What will the zombie apocalypse turn you into?! A leader of a glorious faction? A ruler of ruthless bandits? Or just your general survivor, trying to get by in this wretched world Here you will be challenged both mentally and physically, dealing with a constant onslaught of zombies amongst other desperate survivors and mother nature herself. Whom can you trust? Will your best friend betray you? Will someone trip you to save their life from the horde? Or would they sacrifice their own, so you can live another day? As Project Zomboid has just unleashed its newest update that now includes weather functions we have slightly tweaked the server’s settings, map layout and mods amongst other things to compensate for this new gameplay addition. We listen to all feedback and suggestions, changing the server based on them, providing a different and fun experience for all who want to join in. Basic Information: [PVP/PVE] [Dedicated PvE Area] [24/7] IP: Maps: Vanilla, Over the River Mods: Beard-Pak Blind Trait Mod Corpse Study Desperate Crafting Food Expiration Date and Bar Garbage Disposal Hair Style Item Tweaker API King's New Recipes MewArmy Organized Item Names Missing weapon models More Build More Hair Colours Nocturnal Zombies ORGM Rename Weapon Server Props Upgraded Hiking Bags Wedge's Hydrocraft Tweaks Wedge's Item Name Fixes Wilhelm's Wilderness Improvements Zombie Loot Extended Server settings: 3 alternate characters per player 3x character XP gain Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Redboid Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/2abTaWY Joining the Server: If you are a new player you can join our server through the Join servers menu, named “[PVP/PVE] [ORGM] [Hydrocraft] [Fresh since 30th Oct] Redboid". If you cannot find it, the IP address is: You can then choose your desired Account Name and Account Password (Please refrain from choosing offensive names as you will be asked to change it) Clicking “Save” will add the server to your favorite tabs, to ensure a quicker join and prevent forgetting your credentials. You can have up to 3 alternate characters, but you are not required to if you so wish. Please make sure to write down each username/password combination upon account creation. Remember: Losing a password means losing a character, ask for admin assistance if that happens. If you have an error saying “Player does not appear to have been created on this server”, you might need to delete your character save file located in My Computer/C:/Users/(account name)/Zomboid/Saves/Multiplayer/
  21. IP: Port:26515 Server description: Brand new project zomboid server 24hours online,perfect conection,no drops,no lag,hard role play mode with whitelist,send the applicantion in the discord server. Discord: https://discord.gg/b83uREg Steam version: 39.67.5
  22. Redboid [PVP/PVE] [Dedicated SafeZone] [24/7] [Hydrocraft] IP: To all PZ Survivors! Come join us on one of the longest running servers to date! We have just reset out server with a new map and new possibilities! We have a thriving community, along with friendly active Admins that are willing to answer any questions/problems that you may have. Maps: Vanilla, Over The River Mods: Hydrocraft, ORGM, ORGM Extreme, MoreBuild, CorpseStudy, RenameWeapon, BookCollection, Beard-Pak, POS, MoreHairColours, Hairstyle, Desperate Crafting, Immersive Overlays, Blind Trait, Kings New Recipes, Food Expiration, Wilderness Improvements Server settings: 3 alternate characters per player 3x character XP gain Links: Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Redboid/ Discord: https://discord.gg/MSVhKKf Please feel free to join our discord! Here you will have full access to the servers’ information and designated areas for questions, suggestions, direct contact with the admins and more. We shall look forward to seeing you there As always Have Fun & Be Safe! -The Redboid Admin Team
  23. Server has been shut down.
  24. While the zombies may be a tad slower, global chat is turned off. We rely on radio comms to communicate with those who arent steam friends. With mods like Hydrocraft, OGRM, OGRM Suppressors, Zombie Loot, and several more, we are surviving the best we can but it seems that we have people who play regularly in different timezones, so we are seeking more interaction. Roleplay is not forced but you cant help but feel immersed when you're in a tight spot on a supply run and you're using the radio to find any nearby help or safehouses. IP: Port: 16261
  25. I've been playing for quite a while now with both ORGM's Gun Mod, Hydrocraft, and a few other mods. I started to dig around in the base game's lua files, because I want to add a new point to which gun parts can be placed onto. Specifically, I want to create a new place that parts can be added (like how there is the canon point, scope point, and the sling point) so I can use more than just 3 attachments. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm running PZ on a Mac if that makes any difference.
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