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  1. Don´t know if this is the best place for this thread, if not then please move it (maybe to PZ Multiplayer). As a server-admin I have a few gripes with the current logs. I don´t know how performance-taking it would be but a more detailled logging would be awesome. Some things I would like to see: notes written + user who wrote itspawnposition when joining (to prevent multi-saves per user)starting fire + positionThat´s all I can think of right now.
  2. Hi everyone! I just bought the game this summer sale, and so far I'm loving it, having a lot of fun! Since I bought the game with some friends, we wanted to get a private server running just for us which we could save and manage as we please. However, I haven't been able to get a private server running, no one can connect. I've read the forum and haven't been able to find a solution. So far here is the list of things my friends and I have tried: Portforward both TCP and UDP ports 16261 to 16270 to the same as entry port.Add Project Zombid exe file to the firewall exceptions.Disable the firewall altogether.Connect to my ip, both local (just me) and external.Install hamachi, start server and use hamachi IPv4.Unfortunately, every one of our tries we get the Connection failed error. I get no error message on the server.bat command prompt, the last thing I get is: server is listening on port 16261. We've tried choosing ports 16261, 16262, etc. when connecting and nothing works. I've changed nothing in the server configuration, everything is default, and all I did was run ProjectZomboidServer.bat. The only other error I get is translator: failed to parse Recipes for language=EN and translator: failed to parse Items for language=EN. I'm running the game in portuguese, could that be a problem? Please we really need some help, we love the game and really want to play on our own server. If there's anything we've missed or something we're doing wrong could someone let us know. I tried providing all the information I could, if there's something I should have included please let me know, or if the text is not clear, excuse me as english is not my first language. I can try to write it better if needed! Anyway, thanks everyone for the help in advance and thank you for the great game!
  3. Greetings stranger, After watching many videos on youtube I decided to pick up PZ, together with a friend. We were surprised by the fact we couldn't sleep, and hence boredom was a huge problem (after all, too dangerous to whack zombols outside in the dark for 2 newbies. ) My suggestion is a system to incorporate sleeping into multiplayer games: Vote to sleep. (For those who know their minecraft mods, I borrowed this from 'morpheus'.) One can sleep in a bed as normal, but instead of instantly falling asleep, they just lay down. This fires a global chat message to the server with something like: "Mr. Admin wishes this night was over (x/y, z%)" where x is the amount of players 'wishing the night was over', y is the players connected, and z being a % display of x and y... for example: (1/2, 50%). Not sure if mods can have server configuration settings, if not 50% (inclusive! so 1/2 2/4 etc should pass the night) should be fair game, otherwise having 50% as default and changable by server owners would be awesome. Thanks for your time reading. Signed, Tyrope
  4. Okay, since I haven't seen anyone post a suggestion like this here I'm posting mine. First off, I know multiplayer modding in PZ is not yet quite fully functional because of its possibilty in cheating the game and the server... Anyways, I've just started abit of learning modding PZ and I've been thinking.. I noticed that the main problem in PZ multiplayer modding is its protection right? you can't call all of the function from the client's side and it only reads from the serverside, but what if its possible to do it.. similarly the way MineCraft's Forge modloader works (no idea copyright intended, lol) the client must same mods as the server for it to be able to join, the server modloader checks the joining client's mod files and verifys them, also checks the codes and stuff inside a mod folder?? The server checks a joining client for any active mods it has, if the server doesn't have that mod or doesn't match a mod, it deactivates the mods from the joining client...or possibly the server download its files to the client replacing and files or maybe just kicking the client if it has unmatched or extra files from the client's detected mods. also, before joining a server it show all the mods being used currently. thats all I can suggestion as of now, please if anyone is gonna post a reply, please just use creative or construction replies and critism about my idea/suggestion... PS: Sorry if I had any bad spellings or if my English is bad, my language is not purely English.
  5. Hello there everyone, long time lurker first time poster and first and foremost I enjoy this game a lot, its amazing. Now, my friend and I have the steam version and he iss having an issue. We're in the same world but he can not see me and I can see him. I am running IWillBackupSaveBranch and my own VPS server through Hamachi since I only play with my him. I did not have godmode or invisible set on either. I am not logged in directly under admin as I've read you're automatically invisible to players, but I have granted my second regular user with admin rights and I can still see him but he can not see me. I also haven't configured any files, everything is default, I have him added through the server with a user and his own password. Is there any way to fix this? Thank you.
  6. OK so you cant sleep on MP, but if there was a minecraft style sleep system where every player needs to be in bed before you can sleep i think this would be a good addition. I know that this wouldnt really work on a big server but for small groups like me and my friends this would be helpful when we need to loot and travel far. let me know your take on this
  7. Hello peoples! I've searched through numerous topics and only really found one that said about this, but it wasn't focused on this primarily. My idea is fairly simple really, well the idea anyway. It's just a quick button press to get behind a wall your character is close to. Why is it important? Well, for one shootouts tend to happen a good amount of time in PZ's MP, at least from my experience a trade goes south pretty quickly. There's been times when I barely got out of there because I was armed. Which eradicated trust, but one time I got shot and I had to run around the entire building, I saw him at a place where I could have taken cover if that were possible. Would have been useless since I had no ammo. So I ran into a hotel room and bashed his brain in with a crowbar. It could have turned out differently. There was also two of them at the place, one with a gun which was obviously not the plan so at that point I would have loved to take cover and use local chat to ask why there were two of them there. There is so much use for this in-game but it's probably a difficult task in an isometric game, right? It could be useful in SP also to peek around the corner and used for shootouts as well. Shootouts are another entirely different topic but they could attract a really massive horde because of the amount of noise being created. Basically if I'd been shot from someone who was trading with me and I made it to a wall or any object like a wooden bench, fountain, inside a house I could use chairs, duck underneath the windows. We could press, for example "q" or right click and "take cover" which would be a "sprint to" command so people could have a chance to bandage and/or peek out and take a shot to keep the other person at bay.
  8. Sinma

    Level in MP

    Hello, i have a question about level on MP, how i can assign points from level up, without sleeping(that i assume isnt possible in MP). I need this to for example craft better things, or there is a other way to assign those points? Sorry for my english.
  9. So for the old and forgetable people like me, it would be nice, if in futere times a chatlog will be added. But I'm not thinking about a global chatlog how it's in the most current games. If anyone remembering at Ultima Online, there was a chatlog, that only log nearby spoken (or far away screamed) words. This would be perfect for rp-servers.
  10. I’ve been looking on the Dec Adventures Multiplayer videos and that got me thinking. They are using Voice chat but why not implement a in game voice chat which have the same effect of the Q button IF you talk to loud. If people have played ArmA 3 addons or some Battlefield 2 mods people might be familiar with the 3D sound system that TeamSpeak make it possible to have. I think some kind of VOIP should be implemented that have a direct effect on the environment adding some strategic use of you voice to the game instead of the normal Q button. Either way you change the level of voice or the system recognize the volume of your voice. Toughs?
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