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Aenye Deithven

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Everything posted by Aenye Deithven

  1. Here's the original artwork (well, as original as the interwebs get). Other than that, there are several image versions available of the last one upon "chainsaw katana" @ googleimages.
  2. Currently, we have map tools available to anyone interested and some maps in the works, so some nice exploring should be coming our way... That's to say I share your sentiment, nevertheless, it may be impossible or extremely arduous at the very least, to construct such a map generator. Procedurally generated stuff tends to be simple (vide Timber and Stone, Minecraft, etc.), so coding in the constraints for generating houses (or at least houses that don't look like something out of Picasso's nightmare) could be ...tricky.
  3. As a philosopher once said "Disinfection is necessary and should be applied both externally and internally". Ok, not fighting the "All Russians drink heavily" stereotype here...
  4. How about ...chanisaw katanas ? Yah, I know it is an old one, but had to bring it up for the party... (Edit: now PG13 compliant)
  5. Well, my current apartment's in Piter, so no need for gearing up in any way, but I still do have some stuff: Ruger 101 (more of a purse carry, just in case) = Pistol x 1 Assortment of cutlery and pans, pots = Frying pan x 3; Kitchen knife x 10; Cooking pot x 1; Bowl x 4 Some tools and metal rods after the previous owner = Sledgehammer / Hammer x 1; Crowbar x 5-10, Screwdriver x 3 ...well, there's also a bottle of Stolichnaya
  6. Well, there is no need to have "special infected", actually. Just a little graphical diversity - let's ditch a limb or two, maybe half a skull even. The zombies are supposed to reanimate, so it would be naught but proper to have a baseball-bat-killed zombie to have some visual "features". Hell, even a random fork-in-the-eye walker would add to the mood nicely with a bit of dark humour.
  7. Every information provider has their agenda, even if they do not realise it (vide some internet "independent" sources). Sure, taking a plethora of snippets into account, one can attempt a painstaking comparison between them and extract some marginally biased version of the story, which may even be true ...at some point. In my humblest opinion, the actual facts tend to get discarded quite early on and the "truth" becomes whatever the majority thinks happened. The minority of doubters will of course remaiin. Depending on how minor is the minority, it may be labelled (sometimes deservingly so) as lunatics or may be considered a viable alternative explanation. To exemplify let's take the moon landing and the last (to date) Balkan war. The former is obvious - the lander hit the moon, period. The latter case is not so straightforward, as sources keep arguing, even when it comes to such (seemingly) basic questions as "who fought who ?". Even a simple matter becomes murky once we cake on conflicting propaganda, information control, false flag operatons, etc. and factor in the "we're the good guys" thinking of each and every nation. We all know the "Billy hit Betty ?" (or whatever names get inserted) example,..
  8. First of all, welcome to the party ! Second, you might want to try the PZ Support subforum: http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/forum/18-pz-support/ The build has been released yesterday, so some rather vigorous bug hunting and squashing is going on, so the solution to your problem is either there or incoming. PS: This thread also gets used for new version bug reports, so you might want to read the last few pages as well.
  9. Mwahahaha, now everything has become clear. Truth be told, the demo and old builds have always worked perfectly - the new ones tend to get 'jiggy', Thanks for the clarification (thread redundant ?).
  10. Actually, Georgia invaded Russia (the Georgian president at the time was attempting a blitzkrieg), which backfired, giving our government causus belli to occupy a part of Georgia (Osetia and Abchasia). As for Putin, if he were a madman, we would be currently sifting through the ashes left after World War Three. No, the guy is perfectly sane and quite adept at scheming. He's efficient and gets whatever he wants pretty much all of the time. I would say, that the West continues to underestimate him, the consequences of which are becoming more and more severe... @mikaelkerensky: Good question and one to which I would gladly know the answer. With a large amount of people still grieving for the USSR, I doubt that any major changes will come anytime soon.
  11. Might sound cynical, but I wouldn't put it past our government to have had these photos prepared long before the events. I would say that the Iron Curtain has never been raised from my country, well, maybe ever so slightly, thanks to the internet. Even so, the government does have extremely strong information control - virtually anything can (and usually will) be covered up without a trace. On the other hand, some events are blown way out of proportion by the propaganda. To exemplify, after the tragic crash of the Polish presidential plane, a movement appeared, claiming that it was Russia who shot down / bombed / etc. the plane. Last month, a member of that political movement made an ...odd statement about how the crash site should be secured by the Polish military. That got virtually no media coverage in Poland, but we had a week-long news blitz on how bad our western neighbours are... Most people know it's rubbish, but if something is repeated constantly, eventually it will have some impact.
  12. Yay ! Now, just have to wait for Build 25 to make its way to Desura...
  13. Hi guys, With the successive builds being brought forth every so often, I find that some builds work perfectly with either of my rigs, while some (case being the current Desura build) don't work at all. In most cases (at least I believe so, upon having read the forum), problems originate from outdated drivers etc. To alleviate the above issues, a tiny tool could be used to test/scan for necessary software / services / drivers / etc. and tell us whether we are good to go or need to do some upgrading. Furthermore a "dump config to text file" option could be implemented, so as to provide more details (that of course if the console does not provide all the needed information already), helping out with identifying the origin of any upcoming bugs.
  14. Just to clarify, Хрущев (Khrushchev) gave Crimea to Ukraine in 1954.
  15. I believe digging is planned into the game developmrnt, though unsure where I read that. It would certainly be wonderful to be able to dig pits and maybe even tunnels (wooden shoring, anyone ? Hell, even concrete shoring could be made easily.), nevertheless, the real question is: Does the current version of the game allow it ?
  16. As far as I did read, only stable builds end up getting to Desura - is there any chance for this build to become the next Desura update ? No ETA is no ETA, I understand, but maybe I can hope for a subjective opinion... PS:I would say "Great work, guys !", but that one goes without saying, so let me keep it simple with "Keep it up !"
  17. To that question there is no easy answer, as many people wiev history differently. Although it may be hard to believe to some, the "older generation" still considers the fall of the USSR the greatest tragedy in Russia's history, as we lost a third of "our" country (that's the effect of years of propaganda and pretty much the reason why some actually wiev the government's actions in a positive light). Fortunately, that sentiment is becoming scarce rather fast, but only because it was replaced by another, namely Yugoslavia. Whereas, we did have our propaganda both in Russia and in the US, EU people got a de facto press blackout on the subject. As a result, it is not very clear who did what, where and how. Most sides, however, do agree that the NATO peacekeeping operation did involve bombing... Now, add the fact, that Serbia has been considered a "little (and quite liked, actually) brother" in Russia and we have propaganda going "NATO destroyed Serbia and will be coming for us soon !". That one intensified even further with the independence of Kosovo - presented in the media as "NATO rips out the heart of Serbia". So, basically, even some of the ordinary people in Russia fear NATO. Hearing that some other country is going to protect Russia can spark a lot of paranoia, particularly in light of what I've written above. Furthermore, it could be understood as an accusation that our national defence system won't protect us - even more paranoia. Add the media and headlines like "Is NATO going to attack us ?" start appearing... Plus nuclear subs mean that Britain can pretty much hit anywhere with it's nukes. We don't need to site missile bases. Well, that one is relative - the larger the distance travelled by the missile, the higher the detection / interception chance. I assume that it is the reason for everyone being so nervous when talking about "unstable" countries getting their own nukes - a home-made, short-ranged missile, bearing a nuclear warhead may actually be unstoppable. This last bit is just my speculation - please do correct me if necessary. Yup, pretty much the story in a nutshell.
  18. Well, most likely they expected our "beloved" Советский Союз to last forever, so giving away Crimea was like giving yourself a gift. That didn't work out as planned though.,, That's the media for you - nothing is important apart from amassing the largest share of the viewers. There was once a photo of an African kid dying of thirst, which sparked a lot of controversy over how the reporter should have given water to the kid, instead of taking the picture first. In my humblest opinion, that sums up the media's approach perfectly. While it is a nice gesture on their part, I would say NATO has the talent for situational humour, what with the crisis being related to Ukraine's south... Or, did I miss anything and Lithuania became involved somehow (apart from the EU outrage and sanctions, of course) ? Another problem is, that if the West is somehow convinced to accept the "saving the indigneous Russian population" excuse, no war will be necessary (not to demean Ukraine's military potential, but a strike by the entirety of the Black Sea fleet could be sufficient to take and hold until reinforcements arrive, evolving into another prolonged civil war scenario). All of them are. Some (if not most of them) just have bad leaders.
  19. Russian here as well (actually about 3/4ths). I wouldn't consider myself a fangirl of Russia as well, nevertheless, this is my country and I love it dearly. That said, I neither agree with or approve our government's foreign policy. With the case of Snowden, our leader(s) did manage to earn a tremendous amount of good PR and seem to have liked it, hence, the whole game to get the Crimean parliament to ask Russia for annexation - if our people are in distress, sweeping in to "save them from the Ukrainian fascists" seems justifiable. Now, it is only a question if the West buys this story (with some material motivation, no doubt) or not. The latter will result in another Georgia, while the former is not something I would like to think about. Of course, everything originates from and boils down to the strategic naval base in Sebastopol... PS: Another thing is that as a gesture of goodwill when Ukraine disarmed its nuclear arsenal, we gave them Crimea as a gift, so trying to take it back now is ...not very elegant. PPS: Cdr. Keen, have we met before ? I am quite sure we did - if so, great to meet you here as well.
  20. Actually, one does not conflict the other. That is, if the drawbacks of bare-handed digging outweigh the benefits. Maybe something like the following ? Digging with your bare hands is possible (building sand castles as a child, anyone ?), nevertheless bruises, cuts and stuff lodged between the nail and flesh is inevitable. So what ? Consider digging into the ground after having a zombie horde tread on it, leaving behind an arm or two. Blood/saliva transmission of zombieism + hands in the soil = better to get a trovel... Now, instead of dumbing down the game, you get to choose whether to take a risk or no. The only problem is, are you likely to encounter conditions in which you just have to dig right now ?
  21. I would have to agree with Dryke - if you can get a fire going, distillation becomes a question of finding water and a container. Ingame, WP's river accounts for the first, while virtually any house should yield an adequate container. In real life, on the other hand, a river may not be at hand, so one can turn to the alembic method, using organic matter rich in water (green parts of plants for instance) as the resource to be processed. Come winter, snow would visit the alembic and a proper distillation could take place... Alternatively, combustion itself may be a good source of water, even if necessitating a more crafty approach (smoke hood + condenser*). With the combustion of every 180g of cellulose yielding (stoichometrically) 108g of water, one can have a rather nice source of virtually pure (well, apart from the dissolved carbon dioxide) water set up, provided the flames are well-stoked. *The technicalites of that one may feature an old trash can, a chisel, some bricks, a length of copper pipe and a bucket. BTW: Anything can be container for boiling / distillation thanks to the laws of physics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_NdyVJNcpk PS: Am I the only one to think that a horde is going to show up soon after 1:10 ?
  22. My dear Sir, I do most earnestly appreciate your eagerness in contributing to the quest for realism ingame, however, I must say that such an idea is not osmething that would be considered ...elegant. After all, what good would surviving a zombie apocalypse be, should one not uphold proper etiquette ? Now, do repeat after me - the pinky goes away when the axe enters the fray...
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