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Everything posted by Terra_Incendia

  1. As I ready my pipe as a flood of emotions surge threw me, I remember the fun we had, but then I remember she took my dog in the divorce. I swing, taking her out with one hit, using the blanket to avoid contact, I carry her out to the street and drop her out of site. Returning I continue my sweep, ultimately I choose a room on the 3rd floor, its high enough that I can see out off and they can't see in. Today has been long, especially with sandra, I decide to go to bed early.
  2. This is the introductory chapter of my Story "Techs"
  3. [n] Random generated maps I thought this was a maybe, long time from now thing.
  4. Oh, I tend to over analyze, and scrutinize over everything, Just going over and over the same paragraph with a "I just know theirs something wrong" attitude Would you guys mind If I posted some of my story,(its far future rebuilding civilization after Ultimate War Apocalypse)
  5. I'm the same, I have this awesome story in my head, but when I try to write it down my mind goes blah.
  6. My current base is at the lumber-mill(the building with the office), I've barricaded the place up, when setting up I only had about 3 zombies. I've had gunshots and helicopters, and the most zombies I've had to deal with all at once was 6. One problem though is that I've had to set up a second one in the city to scavenge cause the lumber-mill is kinda far.
  7. I head to the neighborhood, a third of it is flat giving making it easer to spot dangers, "This was one hell of an apocalypse" I think to myself, "World war 3, zombies, That Giant... Thing on the west cost, and I survived" I say this to cheer my self up. After an hours detour through the neighborhood I arrive at the resort. It is untouched, and has become overgrown with plants. I enter the door, scout the area, it has been a while since I was here last, I find the garden has some food, I can grow more but It won't be enough to sustain me. The indoor swimming pool is half full still as well. I find myself relaxed, for the first time in mouths I seem safe. I'm looking through the bedrooms to find myself a good spot, when I see her...
  8. 100 duck-sized horses, more of a challenge you just found an elephant the size of a cat what do you do with it
  9. What about using medicinal herbs, like when you get the sniffles for staying out in the rain to long.
  10. I use the fire escape. "I think I see a place with a dresses on sale across the street"
  11. It was only a ten minute walk, since most of the building were flattened. Finding the skate board in the remains of the garage i set my backpack and my life-size cutout of Danica Patrick down. I rest for an hour and enjoy lunch from the somehow surviving fridge. Afterwords I begin pack up my supplies and head out for the resort again, it goes by much faster as their are a lot of down hill roads on the way. In fact I can now see the resort in the distance, Its still in one peace but in the windows I see...
  12. I had a parrot named buddy Why are you wearing a kilt
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