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The Indie Stone
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Everything posted by lemmy101

  1. We updated the beta version btw, hopefully gets rid of stuck near windows and other crashes. Please let us know if you think it's stable enough for people to know about on Steam, as we want to get something stable and good up there before making a big Mondoid deal about Steam keys being available. I know there's the weird lighted start bug but we can sort that out after Mondoid. Crashes and other game breakers need axing asap though in case the Mondoid brings a flood of people back / new to the game.
  2. This is correct, it's just something new players are likely to do anyway.
  3. Right click game in Steam, go into Properties, click BETAS tab and select the beta branch in the drop down. Warning, as with all non-official releases, backing up saves in C:\Users\<Username\Zomboid is recommended. Fixes to rain barrel loading. Those saves should now load fine.Reduction (hopefully elimination) of crashes, but no guarantees.Various fixes / opimizationsOh erm. A new control scheme / combat system. As an experiment there is no option for it currently, though we'll add the original back in. We want to find out if this system is more instantly intuitive, since a lot of people have trouble with combat starting the game. Therefore aren't going to tell you how to do it to simulate being new. If you hate it, please don't worry, you will have the original option back. What's more important though is we find a control scheme that the majority love that doesn't require an in-depth tutorial to figure out Fixed getting stuck at windows.
  4. any version will go through a beta phase via that beta branch and these forums, before it gets made official Steam or Desura versions. Though until Steam version is proven stable we won't submit it to Desura.
  5. One big element of getting the game on the Steam servers is it'll make updating the equivalent of the forum builds for free, frequently and only requiring 10-100k or so uploads and downloads, much easier and quicker. This will make the process of getting the game ready over the next weeks a ton easier and make the turn around of fixes much higher. Once we get a stable build on Steam, we'll update on Desura, and then the process will be a beta release, that is followed by simultaneous submission to Desura and release on main Steam branch. Sorry, but Steam is on all three platforms so for the massive benefit to the release of test builds we hope everyone understands if we insist upon using Steam for this.
  6. Try restarting Steam, it should be there then if you run the game.
  7. try running it? it should start updating then if it has not already?
  8. Beta version released on Steam. Follow instructions in OP to test.
  9. lemmy101


    Steam codes, anyone? Yes, Steam codes are now available to anyone who has purchased the game. To make it clear, we are NOT on Early Access, and are just giving those who already own the game an option to get on Steam now. We're posting this just here for now, to get any serious kinks out the system before we shout too much about it. Important things to read first 1) The version that's on Steam is effectively build 17, since the only build possible to use was one with Steam integration we couldn't upload the last Desura build, or forum test 16. However, there may well be some bugs still in this build that need sorting out, and some of Romain's stuff like translations is not present in this branch of the game. So please don't consider this an official release. This is about getting people on Steam who want to be, primarily, so we're not cramming it all in last-minute and risking any delays. That said, a few issues aside, will give you a chance to play with the new stuff in the build! 2) There is currently no 'install script' for auto installing java and whatnot on the three platforms. This will come within the next day or two. If you can already run the game, then you should be golden. 64bit OS users who used to run the game in 64bit may need to get Java 32bit (x86) JVM installed if they do not. This will obviously be automated soon We could have waited on distributing keys until build 17 came out proper, however its in everyone's best interests we get people's transition to Steam sorted gradually but ASAP, well in preparation for going on Early Access proper. As such, please excuse any features advertised for build 17 not present, or any issues in this immediate release. It will be auto updated routinely over the next few days to patch out any remaining issues. 3) At this time the only way to obtain a key is through Project Zomboid on a Desura account. The ever awesome Desura have offered to help us distribute keys to everyone, even those who did not purchase the game on Desura. To do this ourselves would likely have absorbed a whole chunk of our time that could be spent working on getting the game ready, so this is wonderful of them. We would very much appreciate anyone who hasn't bought the game through Desura to look through the games when they convert, and consider sticking around the community, because there are many gems in there including many ungreenlit games that deserve more attention. And as evidenced for doing this, Desura themselves deserve endless support! Converting to Desura for Google Checkout / Paypal purchasers To convert to Desura, input your Project Zomboid username and password (game log-in details emailed to you when you bought from Google Checkout, NOT your forum user/pass) into this form: http://www.desura.com/games/project-zomboid/activate Finding your Steam key When logged onto Desura's website, go to this page: http://www.desura.com/collection Click on the 'Keys' link, and you'll find the Steam redeemable code listed there. "Activate a Product on Steam..." in the Steam game menu. Alternatively, go here: http://www.desura.com/games/project-zomboid/keys Simple as that.
  10. yeppers. Really, that's the genesis of the meta-game.
  11. Yeah and this is a personal mod project so frankly you're being a bit nasty coming on and poking holes in it on the pretense of 'oh thank god this SHIT isn't in vanilla' if you did that to another modder you'd be looking at a potential ban hammer, so cool it. For what it's worth the game that you apparently love was co-designed by myself, so perhaps I know what I'm doing and I've considered these things myself (in fact had the same concerns about Dead State) and have plans to avoid the issue.
  12. Well the real motivation would be for 2 player vs mode. But yeah it would be like, less zombies, but tougher, probably. And more focus on NPC combat.
  13. lemmy101


    What keys CAN you use on Mac?
  14. ah I wouldn't say that. There's a big anti-steam contingent, look at Skyrim and how much Nexus is used despite Skyrim being on Workshop. Plus your guides are brilliant, you also have full support of the indie stone. With the sharp increase in exposure of the game going on Steam, I think even with Workshop your site will have significantly higher traffic.
  15. it caused save bugs so was removed. Will be back at some stage.
  16. Thing is Aricane, at some point in the non-too-distant future, we're going to be on Steam Workshop, which takes care of a lot of this stuff and requires some consistency in its uploads anyway. At this point I should think the structure of uploaded mods will become more regimented generally anyway. If people want their stuff on the Workshop, they will need to obey THE LAW of files. Also I should point out, that we have modinfo.txt in the mod's directory now, which needs to be in EVERY mod, so once this is the case, it should be more trivial to work out the directory structure in your site code.
  17. All hail nasKo. (plus some other stuff you might be interested in.)
  18. The else will happen if *either* of the parts of the and aren't true, so it will always do the else when any key on the keyboard except 38 is pressed (not key == 38) Like saying... if the room is hot AND the window is closed THEN open window else stick head out window end The else here will just as likely result in a bad head when you bash it against the closed window when the room you're in is cold anyway. You assume the 'else' applies to the window being closed, and thus 'else' meaning its open and thus to cool down you need to stick your head out. But it's not. The condition is if the room is hot AND window is closed. So the else will happen if the room is cold, OR if the window is open. Me thinks you mean to do this: if key == 38 then if inv:contains("bbag.Bottomlessbag") then inv:Remove("bbag.BottomlessBag"); else inv:AddItem("bbag.BottomlessBag"); endend(another thought that occurs to me is that having a key bind that destroys the bag with all your loot in it as soon as its pressed (intentionally or no) seems a dangerous thing to do )
  19. I guess it´s only ascii atm, since as far as i remember lua doesn´t really have unicode support. well I don't know if it does or does not (I'd assume so) but this isn't technically lua anyway, it's kahlua which is a java implementation that just behaves like lua, and thus it stores text as java strings which support unicode / multibyte
  20. wait no - the whole thing is far from two lines of code I just mean the system I'm writing for NPC combat can be repurposed for a core turn-based engine with two lines of code
  21. setCollidable(false) I'm fairly sure with a bit of craftiness everything would be there to add vehicles to the game via lua modding. Perhaps they would be a bit flaky and not as good as we could do them.
  22. An extra set of directions IS what we are considering for vehicles, actually.
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