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Posts posted by Alex2213

  1. Footmuffin's got a point. The trait system is an excellent difficulty manager. And if that doesn't cut it you can always try to take a look at the code and see if there's some numbers you could tweak by yourself, like axe knockback etc.

    I suppose. I just hope the developers consider increasing the threat of the zombies as people become more familiar with the game and begin finding it easy.

    For now I'll stick to sandbox. But you gotta see my point here and consider a change, It gets boring lasting for ever.


    If this was the Zomboid zombies all that would happen is the main character would just walk past it (slowing slightly) while easily getting away.


    If this was zomboid he would have seen them coming a mile away.

    Also i forgot that those people you referred to were in the third person meaning they would be foolish to get caught in the first place.



    Well not always, you enter a room in zomboid sometimes a zombie appears out of nowhere, if they would be dangerous then this would be a dangerous situation and add challenge to the game.

    Those characters in Romeros films that I mentioned sometimes may have been foolish, act foolish face the consequences.

    The difference here is, ACT FOOLISH in zomboid and there are no consequences...


    Lastly, I understand sandbox is there for things like this but the developers said they wanted "proper zombies" AKA Romero zombies to be the default... These are not proper zombies. I have a bunch of people agreeing with me on this thread.

    Did you even look at the video I linked? That's a 'proper' Romero Zombie that moves as slow as a turtle. No one has said, other than you now, that pz zombies aren't proper zombies. They've agreed on some of your points, not all.


    What happened in the video should not of happened.

    This is an opinion. Not a fact.


    But zombies should have some more weight to them, when you push them they do one out of two things, move backwards a couple of yards or just flop over on the floor. It should be much more challenging to keep a zombie off you.

    This too is your own opinion. Again not a fact.


    Thirdly, they shouldn't of took it out just because some people felt they were getting found to easily. Thats what it was right? If they covered the windows etc, zombies wouldn't be banging on there door.

    This is somewhat of a false deduction caused by not knowing all of the reasons behind the devs decision. You have no entitlement in saying, with your knowledge on the subject, what the devs should have or shouldn't have done.


    And the last part I already covered there. Also, you're starting to repeat yourself pretty badly. You've stated your opinion, there's no need to force it through by repetition.


    Let me restate what I mean by Romero zombies. I meant the zombies Romero used for the most throughout his movies. In Night, Day, Land, and possibly the one's after Land. (I'm not a fan of those so I don't remember) 

    The reason they should do this is to make the game more enjoyable. Simply more enjoyable. I don't enjoy surviving for ever. When NPCS are introduced I'm not going to enjoy getting killed by them over and over instead of zombies.


    For the video, let me restate. Its fact that the zombie was no threat. It is my opinion and I suspect the most common opinion that this is not a good thing.


    Its fact that a zombie would have more weight and better balance if it was going by any other zombie movie. At the moment no other zombie movie, except possibly the remake of Night has less threatening zombies than this game. Lets not forget that this is a game. Without a challenge to this, especially while the NPCS are not in, what is the point of playing?


    Lastly can you fill me in on the proper reason the developers took out the roaming zombies?


    Also in all Romero films a one on one encounter is still dangerous...


    Johnny vs graveyard zombie - 1 on 1 fight.

    Roger vs Zombie, they fell wrestled on the floor. Another 1 on 1 encounter with a zombie.

    Stephen vs Zombie, stopped to get gas, had a wrestling match with ONE zombie again.



    If this was the Zomboid zombies all that would happen is the main character would just walk past it (slowing slightly) while easily getting away.

  4. He slowed down? Oh boy! OK so if I did this for another three hours I might just be slow enough for the zombie to get me. (Rolls eyes)

    What happened in the video should not of happened. 


    For your second point fair enough. But zombies should have some more weight to them, when you push them they do one out of two things, move backwards a couple of yards or just flop over on the floor. It should be much more challenging to keep a zombie off you.


    Thirdly, they shouldn't of took it out just because some people felt they were getting found to easily. Thats what it was right? If they covered the windows etc, zombies wouldn't be banging on there door.


    Lastly, I understand sandbox is there for things like this but the developers said they wanted "proper zombies" AKA Romero zombies to be the default... These are not proper zombies. I have a bunch of people agreeing with me on this thread.

  5. They're just ineffectual when singular. It's not exactly hard to find, and get screwed over, by a pair of them if you're not careful. Even two zombies can "grab" and slow you to the point you're in danger if you don't try to break away.

    Zombies in PZ stand still when there is no stimulus to drive their actions.

    Would I like zombies to be harder in some "realistic" fashion? Certainly, but how do you do that in the context of the game without making them either human or super-human? Even then, there's the current generation of the sandbox to accomplish this, if you really want it.

    They shouldn't be that ineffectual. I've proved all my points above. 

    As for two zombies? You can take care of them with no problem, just give one a little nudge so it falls on the floor and do the same to the other. Should that happen? No. Zombies shouldn't be weightless and have the balance of a man with one leg.


    As for the zombies standing still waiting for something to drive their actions, I've never seen a zombie do this in ANYTHING. One or two zombies doing this is ok but a whole map of zombies not moving unless something catches their attention? Thats not right at all. Zombies are supposed to roam aimlessly.


    Increasing the zombies difficulty won't be making them super human and the game too hard. It would be making the game interesting and getting the zombies the developers wanted to achieve. Why should I have to edit my game in sandbox to get proper zombies? I like playing on survival because thats how the game was intended to be played. 

  6. The way I've always seen zombies, and especially in Zomboid is: They're dumb. They're stupid. They can't lay traps, they can't ambush you. What they are, is a constant in the world. Sure, you might have killed hundreds of zombies before, but all it takes is for you to get complacent. A slip, ignoring a zombie for a few seconds, or generally becoming complacent/overconfident... You get bit. And you're fucked.


    This applies doubly so once you get multiple survivors and group interactions occurring. It's not the Zombies that bring down the fortified camp, it's the infighting. the arguing. The guy who forgot to look the gate after collecting firewood. The scorned lover looking for revenge.


    In short, it's human stupidity and complacency that gives Zombies their lethal edge. That and hordes. Big ones.


    Also, as for the idea of 'water filled zombie spits/puke contaminated water on you', this would imply the Zombie pathogen (virus/nanites/pixiedust/etc) can survive, free floating, in water. Which in turn means that rain, ground, and river water could infect you if it got contaminated. Which wouldn't really lead to fun gameplay.

    I get that, but zombies are still supposed to be dangerous. You're shouldn't be able to kill hundreds of zombies easily. But in this game you do. Like you said zombies are not smart and they don't lay traps or ambush you, but you can bet your ass that if you tried to fight a  group of them with a bat all odds would be against you. But in this game there not. Its not that there not smart enough, its that they're not dangerous enough when they go after you.


    Also them standing still is something that should be improved. Its really odd.

  7. I know the game is a work in progress, its not about the fact that there is no animation its about the fact that you can basically ignore the zombies as long as you don't stand still. Once again I know a single zombie is not supposed to be a big threat but right now there no threat at all. You shouldn't be able to do what I done in that video! I walked right past the thing like it wasn't even there. If it grabs you, you should have to at the very least run the break its grip, not just walk on not giving a damn. The only way you can get harmed by a single zombie is if you want to... Hell I can pretty much say the same thing about a horde excusing the one or two off cases when they get you.


    Also the only people who find this hard are the newcomers. Like I said before as long as you hit one, instantly run in the opposite direction and do it again your guaranteed safety, it probably won't take the newcomers long to figure this out. You can't even notice the fatigue when your using an axe because its so easy to kill zombies with one or two shots. 


    That last point will probably be added in at some point, but thats the least gamebreaking one.

    How am I supposed to have a cool story or ending when its so easy to deal with the biggest threat in the game at the moment? In every movie when a base starts getting broken into thats pretty much it for most character, but in the game you can kill every zombie.


    I haven't heard what the devs think of this. Also a question for the developers, when will you start working on the gore effect for when your character gets eaten? Like when they drop on you to continue eating you when your dead and possibly dismemberment etc.    ;-)


    Here is a video to prove the point that when you move past a zombie while you're in its reach it doesn't grab you, it usually just bites the air.


    This should not happen! The zombies are way to easy to handle. You can pretty much eliminate a horde with an axe!

    Will this be fixed?

    Your character is slowing down, particularly once his back is turned to the zombie. You just break away. You can see this in the sudden little spurt of speed your character has. Go get another zombie or two to stand beside him and instead of walking past, you'll simply be grabbed and attacked.

    As to being able to take out a horde with an axe . . . if you're patient and careful, why shouldn't you be able to? They're nothing but meat bags, and we meat bags are rather weak when it comes to blows to the head from an axe.


    First of all, you should not be able to walk past a zombie at arms reach without showing any kind of defense at all. It doesn't matter if you character slows down a tiny bit, if you get out unharmed something is wrong. I've never seen a zombie that simply bites the air when someone walks by. Likewise I have never seen a zombie with a grip so weak, that when it grabs you all you have to do is continue walking casually. If your not pushing the zombie off it should do damage! 


    Secondly, the game doesn't even give you any intensity when taking out a horde with an axe. As long as you hit one, instantly run in the opposite direction and do it again your guaranteed safety.


    You can't honestly tell me the zombies are dangerous. If you say there not meant to be, your simply wrong.

    I even showed a friend this game that has never played it before, has about two hours in it now and when I was writing the original post I asked him if he agrees and he said yes... 


    EDIT: Also, a ordinary man could not swing an axe 60 times in one day while sprinting around and not has serious fatigue for the next couple of days. At the moment there is no reason why you should run from a horde.


    Does no one else pretty much last forever now in survival. And Lamenuit the developers always said they were not going to add special zombies but maybe zombies with armor etc, which is the right way to go.

    I just believe something about them that I can not pinpoint is completely wrong making them to easy to handle. When your fighting a zombie one on one it feels like you're fighting a piece of paper. You need to remember although a zombie is not extremely strong it still has the body weight as a human. So pushing a zombie three yards away from you with a heavy axe is not right.


    I think my point 3 is something important as well.

    They also don't usually surround you very well, as long as your walking backwards they line up pretty nicely.

    Four point 4, I noticed a bit of a slowdown in my walk, but as long as I keep walking I end up undamaged....    

    Yes, I saw that Dev did not want to make special zombies. But that is not made ​​in really talking about special zombies. But simply dead person special way. A dead policeman in riot uniform anti, his zombie will necessarily tougher.

    A dead man in a cold room will not create a special zombie, is the reaction of the cold will cause the zombie that will rise will be special. And therefore, it will be hard to kill zombie.

    A man who died by falling into water, do not make him a special zombie, but the body's reaction with water will ensure that his body is filled with water. Of this fact! Zombie ensuing will also be filled with water. So when we hit it could spit out the contaminated water, which has a chance to make the player more ill.

    We are not talking zombie like Left 4 Dead, which can launch their guts, which looks like hulk or doing super jump!

    No, we mainly talking about people who die and because of their particular dead, zombies will come just a (cooler filled with water etc.,) physical feature because people have died from living in a particular way .


    I see, this could help. But the ordinary zombie should be much more dangerous right now. 

  10. Here is a video to prove the point that when you move past a zombie while you're in its reach it doesn't grab you, it usually just bites the air.


    This should not happen! The zombies are way to easy to handle. You can pretty much eliminate a horde with an axe!

    Will this be fixed?

  11. Does no one else pretty much last forever now in survival. And Lamenuit the developers always said they were not going to add special zombies but maybe zombies with armor etc, which is the right way to go.

    I just believe something about them that I can not pinpoint is completely wrong making them to easy to handle. When your fighting a zombie one on one it feels like you're fighting a piece of paper. You need to remember although a zombie is not extremely strong it still has the body weight as a human. So pushing a zombie three yards away from you with a heavy axe is not right.


    I think my point 3 is something important as well.

    They also don't usually surround you very well, as long as your walking backwards they line up pretty nicely.

    Four point 4, I noticed a bit of a slowdown in my walk, but as long as I keep walking I end up undamaged....    

  12. 1) It's the group of zombies that's meant to be a threat rather than the individual. You can see this in shows like the Walking Dead, where dealing with a single zombie is trivial, it's the horde that is the main threat. Your example shows death by distraction, rather than by the overwhelming strength of a single zombie. A single shambling corpse just isn't much of an opponent.

    2) I, too, wish there were more solid hordes.


    3) Fair enough.

    4) I've not seen that outside of multiplayer. If you're close enough for a zombie to "bite," you're close enough for it to decrease your movement speed. This increases dramatically depending on the number of zombies within arms' reach.


    5) You'll find quite a few people that are afraid of beds, windows, and bathrooms that'll disagree. ;)

    For number one, the game takes influence from romero's stuff more than The Walking dead, in the original Night Of The Living dead Barbra's brother had an extremely hard time wrestling a zombie at the very start. They shouldn't be to tough but not as weak as they are now. 


    Number four I tested out right before i posted this on survival. I walked passed a single zombie in its range to grab me and it either bit the air or just turned without even trying to grab me.

  13. In this thread I will make some points of the changes/additions to the zombies in this game.


    First of all the zombies at the moment don't seem to be a threat. At all. I stopped playing survival all together because I just stopped dieing in it. Is it because I'm amazing at the game.... Maybe. Or maybe its because once you get the fundamental mechanics of the games combat system down taking out zombies becomes extremely easy. I know NPCS are going to be the main threat, but zombies are certainly supposed to be something you should worry about.The zombies are to easy to handle because of a few things;


    1. There extremely weak, you can give them a little shove and they fall on the floor. 

    Look at this scenes from Day Of The Dead. 

    When the zombie breaks free and grabs Pvt. Miller, Miller goes back because he can't push the zombie off which leads to a bite.

    Overall one zombie alone should be dangerous. A game that I think done well with this is No More Room In Hell. 

    2. Zombies are almost always spread out, no hordes. (I know they're adding this)

    3. Your character can go from standing still into a instant running motion. This makes it extremely easy to avoid any contact with zombies. You hit one, run back and turn around, then hit another and then repeat. 

    4. When moving past a zombie while you're in its reach it doesn't grab you, it usually just bites the air.

    5. They never catch you by surprise. I don't know how you'd fix this one, but most of the time in a movie or TV show there is always at least one character who gets bitten by a zombie before he knows the zombie is there. In the years I have been playing this it has never happened to me.


    Now I know the zombie migration system is being worked on so you can't just settle down in a house and have no threat to worry about. But without some of these things being addressed when a horde attacks your base most of the time it will be nothing but a minor inconvenience.

    I also don't think the migration system should be based off of realism or what we think would happen. I think the "sadistic AI director" should be a default. It should be this way to keep the game interesting. When people talk about their story, they should be saying stuff like "I got a base set up with these NPCS. A week or two past by and shit started to go crazy!" not "I got a base set up with NPCS. 6 month passed and I saw another zombie."


    I also believe the zombie behaviour is a little bit strange. The majority of the Romero zombies roamed aimlessly, they never stood still waiting for something to catch their attention. 


    The last thing I would like to mention is something that the developers said they'd put in, so I suppose its a friendly reminder...

    Gore! Most of the memorable deaths in a zombie movie or TV show has one thing in common, which is the character gets ripped apart by the zombies. Captain Rhodes when he got ripped in half, or most of the bikers deaths from Dawn Of The Dead. When my character goes out, I want him to go out in style... A very painful looking style. 


    Thanks for reading and I hope you take some of the things I've said into consideration.

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