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  1. I agree that the zeds are too easy to kill ! On the other hand, I played sandbox with zeds on sprinter speed only once and i immediately died after an alarm went off ! Zeds in the blink of an eye were out of nowhere right next to me and I had no chance to esacpe because no matter where I went I ran into new ones... My oldest survivor is about 4 months in and here I totally agree with OP because the game is so easy now that I do not even have a real reason to leave my property! I was only scratched once by a zed who was covered by a tree! I in general find the "scratch" idea a bit weird and would rather focus on the mentioned better grab mechanics which instead force you to get bitten! As if all zeds had zombie infection under their fingernails, right (e.g. Zeds in DayZ punch you instead of biting)??? An emphasis on other activities beside the zombie threat could help here ofc too to make to game more interesting again (TheSims style haha)! Like the ability to write a dairy (or report) ! Before your character goes to sleep he writes a report of everything he did the past day like what he ate, how many he killed, how many nails used, gardening etc... Later you archive it in your shelf for your own neat little library!! Anyway, I really hope my base gets attacked more frequently by roaming hordes with the next upcoming patches! And please, no special zombies EDiT: What I forgot to mention, there are sometimes faster and stronger zombies thrown into the mix !! I pretty much like this coz this makes them more unpredictable! For example, once I was cleaning a building and after I opened a door one of them immediately rushed at me !!! This was an awesome shocking experience and I only made it out alive due to my tactic to always! take a few steps away as soon as i open doors !! Good fun
  2. Great! Keep that PZ train rolling, man
  3. I think what you basically say is that the last thing you want are zombies spawning right next to you while you looking into the other direction? If that's all you want to say I totally agree with you coz this stupid spawn mechanic sucks hard in other games and PZ should make it better
  4. Ah okay, I'm sure they know how annoying zombie spawns in Day Z are (were?)
  5. About the respawn of zeds, from what I read in the post I imagine that the game automatically respawns zeds in areas in which the player hasn't been for a while. This sounds perfectly reasonable for a video game but as a gamer who adores realism I like to question how it would be in RL? Lets have a look at the map: http://pzmap.crash-override.net/?#0.6096403320947292,0.13716472050763415,0.9 I would consider respawing "new" zeds at the edges of the map to let them wander in massive hordes over roads and through woods towards the former civilized areas. From there the "meta game sounds" influence them further. Maybe make it even so that a chunk of zeds doesn't stop once they reach the first sign of civilization to wander even deeper into town center or towards the next town? Make it so that a horde occasionally splits up once the reach a town? Now, I obviously am not a game developer and do not know how the AI works, my motivation is that I instead of magical respawns would prefer a more realistic wander mechanic for hordes to bring new enemies into town! Maybe add a sandbox option for the amount and frequency of new hordes entering the map? I'm sure other people have even better ideas of how to implement this basic wish
  6. I'm here for 3 months now. Got the 2 houses and the workshop connected : http://pzmap.crash-override.net/?#0.6333431140749544,0.08876001467928352,148.360196124856
  7. Being depressed: "SUICIDE WARNING -- Depression carries a high risk of suicide. Anybody who expresses suicidal thoughts or intentions should be taken very seriously. Do not hesitate to call your local suicide hotline immediately. Call 800-SUICIDE (800-784-2433) or 800-273-TALK (800-273-8255) or the deaf hotline at 800-799-4889." http://www.webmd.com/depression/guide/depression-recognizing-signs-of-suicide That's not a very good idea, your just walking down the street, looting a building, out of sudden DEATH, cause of death: didn't stay happy enough. Seriously though, unhappiness shouldn't cause death, only moodles that actually damage the player should. I was under the impression that there were always several stages of certain moodles? I'm in no way suggesting that a character should immediately cut his veins as soon as the state unhappy or being depressed pops up. If there were 4 stages of depression the fourth should only cause killing yourself. It would give you a reason to go out and scavenge for items which cheer up your mood again! I don't see why a constant neglect of depression shouldn't end in suicide as long as several different stages of moodles indicate the intensity of the depression? But how would they even kill themselves, you're in control of him, only you decide that. Yes, technically you are correct! I would let the character die anyways under the mentioned circumstances for the sole purpose of giving you more stuff to do but that's just me
  8. Being depressed: "SUICIDE WARNING -- Depression carries a high risk of suicide. Anybody who expresses suicidal thoughts or intentions should be taken very seriously. Do not hesitate to call your local suicide hotline immediately. Call 800-SUICIDE (800-784-2433) or 800-273-TALK (800-273-8255) or the deaf hotline at 800-799-4889." http://www.webmd.com/depression/guide/depression-recognizing-signs-of-suicide That's not a very good idea, your just walking down the street, looting a building, out of sudden DEATH, cause of death: didn't stay happy enough. Seriously though, unhappiness shouldn't cause death, only moodles that actually damage the player should. I was under the impression that there were always several stages of certain moodles? I'm in no way suggesting that a character should immediately cut his veins as soon as the state unhappy or being depressed pops up. If there were 4 stages of depression the fourth should only cause killing yourself. It would give you a reason to go out and scavenge for items which cheer up your mood again! I don't see why a constant neglect of depression shouldn't end in suicide as long as several different stages of moodles indicate the intensity of the depression?
  9. hello, don't you think that producing tons of corpses everywhere should make you sick? You can see in war movies soldiers burning piles of corpses or at least putting them into mass graves to prevent outbreaks of diseases. Watching some youtubers constantly running through such messes really makes me think that such guys should get penalized for that? That only goes for older corpses and only in greater concentrations??
  10. Had a conversation with a buddy about survival games after I told him about state of decay and it's mechanics like building a base. He brought then PZ up which was apparently much more complex than SoD except for the fancier crytec graphics. PZ's strenght in my opinion is really its complexity and interpretation of gameplay which is in my opinion unique among nowadays state of the art gaming and rather comparable to late 90's pc games which is more awesome than some younger folks maybe think!!! Tbh, I believe most western game developers are too afraid of developing challenging games for about half a decade now in regards of difficulty and especially complexity which is exactly where PZ shines
  11. I want bandanas to protect my open mouth when I'm hacking zeddies in panic! I want winter clothes so that I do not get ill in winter I want a rainjacket so that I do not catch a cold that easy I want hoddies to proclaim that I'm the king of my hood I want neat camo wear to feed my rambo power fantasies
  12. Being depressed: "SUICIDE WARNING -- Depression carries a high risk of suicide. Anybody who expresses suicidal thoughts or intentions should be taken very seriously. Do not hesitate to call your local suicide hotline immediately. Call 800-SUICIDE (800-784-2433) or 800-273-TALK (800-273-8255) or the deaf hotline at 800-799-4889." http://www.webmd.com/depression/guide/depression-recognizing-signs-of-suicide
  13. Voice coms (and chat function?) only with a radio or walkie talkie! Because... the fun in PZ is to achieve things and the more you start with the easier you get bored... Group players will use TS, skype etc anyways....
  14. Maybe a moderator should delete this thread then? Looks like suggestion bundles aren't allowed thread name: [43] suggestions http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/192-commonly-suggested-suggestions-read-before-posting/) I'll make several topic related threads like one for crafting suggestions, one for late game suggestion thread etc?
  15. thx, m8! I read the summary on the steam forum and figured the one here is probably the same but I agree and will edit my suggestions thread according to what's already mentioned in your links : )
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