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Everything posted by Pezi

  1. Oh geez, wrong section. Could a mod please move this to suggestions!?
  2. I was getting ready (in-game) to go out and get some supplies when I stopped and thought "Why do I need a pistol AND a melee weapon, shouldn't I be able to hit them with my gun?" So yeah, looking at the code and everything it would probably be difficult to make it so the gun would switch to a "melee-mode" once a zombie came within a certain distance of you. What I'm wondering is if it's possible to make it so that once you run out of ammo you are able to pistol/shotgun whip zombies. At the moment I'm thinking no, so this is a suggestion for the future. To anyone who says that pistol/shotgun whipping would destroy the gun I'm sorry, I wouldn't know; I've only ever seen a gun in 2-D.
  3. If this somehow makes it way into the game, may I suggest an ambidextrous trait? By default the primary equip slot would put a weapon into your dominant hand, and the secondary equip into the (for lack of a better term) inferior hand. Any weapon in the secondary slot would have a drop in performance*. Having the ambidextrous trait allows items which are equipped in the secondary slot to act as if they were equipped in the primary. *The drop in performance would only show if one were holding something like a gun & and a melee weapon. The reason being is that if one were holding two knifes and using them in combat, I do not believe not being ambidextrous would impact one's ability to fight.
  4. I know this is probably common sense, but I think it would be smart to include that this poll is for version only. If I'm wrong then whoops, what version is this poll for..? haha
  5. (Agh I was talking about the mythbusters here only to see willow512 has already brought it up 2 minutes wasted) Dual melee weapons I could see working well only for things like knifes, forks, frying pans (maybe). I don't like having two baseball bats or two axes as an option. These types of weapons are more useful when held using two hands (I don't think I can recall any baseball players who bat with one hand). Voting yes, assuming things like dual pistols have lower accuracy and dual bats... don't make their way into the game.
  6. I didn't notice that I was being "romantic" at the time, had no idea my title was related to that; I thought it was all because of my avatar! I like the title either way.
  7. If you don't know what I'm talking about you can find it here pz-mods.net, by aricane. I installed it and eveything (put the files where they should go), I'm just wondering how to actually swap my weapons in game. ...There aren't any instructions... Running version v_2.9.9.10 of PZ
  8. *Wheezing* Banned for almost giving me a heart attack... *Pant* *Pant*
  9. Lol, member titles are given out randomly by... nasKo? EnigmaGrey? Rathlord? I can't remember atm but it's one of the forum moderators. He gives them out when he's bored, or if you're lucky when you ask, as you are doing right now.
  10. This game is based on the game in this manga chapter : Liar Game For those of you who do not wish to read the chapter, I will explain. The game is called Minority Rule. At the beginning of a round a random yes or no question will be asked. Whoever wishes to play will either vote yes or no. At the end of a round the group with the least amount of votes moves on to the next round. As you can see, the point of the game is not to answer truthfully, but to convince others to vote for the answer you have not chosen. Only rule, no switching your vote midway through the game. If a moderator or the like would wish to "lead" this game please do, as I'm not sure I would be active enough to do this every day, or however long a round will last. Whoever is up to the challenge please make a new topic dubbed Minority Rule: Game. *Obviously this game only works if one can hide the results of a poll. If this isn't possible then I'm sorry to whoever reads this, wishing to play.
  11. Banned for being FRUSTRATING! I love my ban powers...
  12. Haha, I redownloaded and it still came out as a "file", but then I tried adding the .zip extension and it extracted fine. Thank you very much Kinyoshi! Not sure why that happened. I'm using firefox, and it has never happened to me before. (I've downloaded a previous version of this mod without any trouble)
  13. Um, maybe it's just me, but my download isn't working. Or at least, I'm not downloading a .zip. What I download is a 25.8 kb file named "Sleeping" the type of file is literally just "file". Can someone confirm/fix this for me?
  14. Until then I recommend using the mods found on the forums! I'm a fan of the fletchery mod myself. And if you can't find something you want try posting your suggestions in this thread: http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/312-craftable-weapons-mod/ I can't guarantee he'll make what you want, but it's worth a try! PS, I'm guessing the reason they aren't adding tons and tons of weapons is because the devs want to focus on debugging, improving "flawed" systems and implementing new features: NPCs, Meta-Game. (It's an Alpha) After they've done things like that it'll be easy for them to put these weapons that you have in mind. (Don't quote me on this)
  15. Just wondering, since rain barrels are being implemented to collect rain, why can't we simply put a cooking pot, or a bucket, water can, etc outside, and have that collect rain? I'm guessing that you're using rain barrels at first to test for bugs, then implementing my suggestion in the update after
  16. Banned for possibly having arachnophobia!
  17. lol Yeah, sorry, maybe that was a bit too hard. The answer was: | To denounce | the evils of | truth and love | | To extend | our reach to | the stars above |
  18. Hint 2: It is the motto of a certain trio... The 3rd member being a cat-like creature.
  19. Hint 1: This is usually regarded as a certain motto, and is recited in almost every episode.
  20. I leave you with this, and I go to sleep... Ryming couplet, from a show that has been on foreverrrr, and is still making new episodes. |Un ceeootnd | hit flees vo | dhuvr ont late | ! |nx deeottn | cut earrh oo | sea heats trovb | !
  21. Spelled Cowabunga wrong, but whatever! Correct!
  22. OHHH "Bite My Shiny Metal" ... yea Judging from the hints I'm going to assume I'm correct... So new scramble! 2 Catch Phrases because they are kind of short. Both originate from the same thing though, so don't worry! |wrulte oeprt| ! |uwndcaogu dbea| !
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