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    Praying away the infection.

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  1. If you keep back far enough and use a wood axe you can safely brain a lone crawling zombie after it's jumped a fence or window, but often or not they still manage to claw your arms/hands and send your character sprawling when doing the new crawling attack animation after going over the fence. I could understand getting a scratch or laceration to the feet area but the upper body doesn't make much sense. Going to maintain the 41.30 strategy, stand and deliver.
  2. Good news everyone, the generator info now gives the power consumption. Thank you to the developers. I did notice that popsicle freezers (the one outside of gas stations) don't seem to consume power. My Apocalypse character is quite pleased with this bug; less trips to the gas station.
  3. You most likely have the light hotkey on. It's "F" by default it's hard to notice during the day; go into a closet or other windowless room with a flashlight and check; I've had the same issue when doing some spring cleaning with sirens. The lighter is used as a light source as well with this hotkey.
  4. Thanks IndieStone for the quick fix coming!
  5. Upon closer inspection it seems in 41.30 that utilizing fences/windows for combat has been severely nerfed; i keep getting scratched (thick skinned) on various body parts by the ghost of a zombie I just one shotted; I am noticing a crawling behavior when the zeds jump fences; best it seems to stick to walking backwards and swinging in an open area till this is sorted out. What's strange is they are scratching my hands; several pairs of leather gloves died to bring you this information.
  6. Just updated a save file from 41.29 to 41.30; I have noticed with carpentry that if the materials are in my backpack I can create an infinite amount of door frames/ wall frames/ doors ect. without the material disappearing from my backpack; when I upgrade the wall frame it takes the appropriate amount out; I am playing with the Unique Z mod; I don't know if that would create this bug for the backpacks. It's an interesting exploit; go forth and frame the new world!
  7. This has been a bug as long as 41.29; to game it al little try putting a small table infront of the window and positioning your character/cursor so you only headshot the zeds as they crawl over it and onto the ground.
  8. That'd be a great animation, plus it would force the player to do some microing to fill said tubs/sinks before the water turns off, I'm, not sure how the LUA code works, but maybe make it possible where all water becomes tainted after sitting for a certain time? Either way, keep up the good work.
  9. I've been searching for the Betty Ford Cancer Clinic in West Point to solve this issue as well; the bald percentage definitely needs to be nerfed in vanilla.
  10. Love the idea for mass logging, the current system with ropes stops you from carrying more than 3x 4-log stacks effectively (with the military backpack).
  11. Perhaps an animation overlay could be implemented to create variation/texture in the snow, similar to how puddles work in game.
  12. The option for bicycles would be great for stealthy scouting, and as an efficient way to exercise Obese characters. Perhaps a failure rate when your character is suffering from Extreme Panic that could cause your character to crash/fall down off the bicycle to prevent players from abusing it to herd hordes?
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