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Everything posted by Okamikurainya

  1. Added Donkey and Llamas, since there are dedicated donkey and llama farms in and around Louisville. Added a section for Zoo Animals, the ones I think would be added if the devs chose to do so, since none of these are that different from some of the others I have listed, they could simply share animations and everything.
  2. Mixing in some slightly updated versions of Bob Heckling's buildings from the challenge map to round things out.
  3. Anyone up for donating some Middle Eastern style buildings? oka_me_tiledefinitions.tiles
  4. Okay... if world = "map world" then didn't work... But... Having the sandbox variable changes built into the map's spawnpoints.lua has the effect I'm searching for because the lua is only loaded for that map anyhow, so yay!
  5. Updated again, a little oversight I only just noticed was fixed, so another new version! Any suggestions, requests, bug reports and such welcome! Sorry for the double post!
  6. New version! You can now get flat textures from isometric floor tiles. Just save the 128x256 floor tile as the input and select the reverse type. There: And back again:
  7. Okamikurainya


    Sky's the limit with mods, which is great, but why do you personally feel it wouldn't suit vanilla? It seems like a pretty standard stealth option that fits in quite nicely with the background lore and opens the door for potential Quislingesque NPCs or PC RP gameplay straight out of World War Z to me.
  8. Okamikurainya


    That's great! Another thing I've been wondering about is the ability to do a sort of Zed Mimic action. Not camo from zombies, they'd recognize your tasty meat regardless, but as a way to maybe have another player overlook you, since you're doing the typical idle zombie sway, until they get close?
  9. 1044: Transfer bumps when a wheel enters a different type of tile, not including other road tiles, similar to how the car bumps and rocks when going over a corpse. Blend tiles should be ignored, focusing on the tile it is overlaying rather. This would come in four intensities... Weak: Moving from one type of tile onto almost any other tile. A slight bump and noise, but nothing dangerous. Medium: Moving from any tile into a pothole tile. This could knock you slightly off course but easily manageable. Heavy: Going over curbs or the parking barrier things. Very heavy: Going over a corpse, same as it is now. 1045: Chance to loudly cough at high exertion levels depending on your player's fitness. "Smoker" trait and high thirst boosts the likelihood by a significant factor. 1046: "Depressed" negative trait which causes slow but steadily rising sadness levels throughout the day. Sadness should have an overall negative effect on everything you do, from item transfer speeds to how fast you run to how fast you read to how much XP you get... Everything is affected. From a gameplay point of view, this makes the most sense. AFAIK it just does nothing now? Severely Depressed moodle should come with the chance of eating a bullet if you have a gun equipped or deep cuts to the wrists if you have a blade equipped. Blunt weapons would actually be safest in this scenario... In my head I see this as the character will just begin the process without the player having told them to do anything, though it can be interrupted by the player in the same way you'd interrupt any action, you could sprint, move or whatever and the character will give up on the specific attempt. Just don't leave your severely depressed character unattended else THAT will be how you die. The player choosing to off their character is a logical choice, the character choosing to do so is an emotional one, if that makes sense? On the opposite end of the spectrum you could have the "Easily Amused" positive trait which makes it far harder for you to become bored or unhappy. 1047: Boredom moodle should increase player appetite. 1048: Being able to choose an age between 18 and 50 at character creation. No effect, just if you're gonna show the character age at all, you may as well give the player control over it. 1049: Chance of a zombie opening an unlocked door in Survival. It's not that they can think, but if they're bashing and scratching at a door, there's a good chance they'd open it accidentally by hooking their hand in the handle. Maybe this wouldn't happen with certain doors? Some doors have attributes as it is now, like the black security doors being always locked at first, so a door opening on damage chance attribute shouldn't be too far out of the way. 1050: Zeds should migrate in the direction of thunder and in general should be more active during rain and heavy wind.
  10. Okamikurainya


    Question: With the animations, has there been any discussion on emotes, expressive actions, waving and such?
  11. Okamikurainya


    An official katana... My body is ready. Everything is looking and sounding great! Can't wait, keep up the good work.
  12. Nah, not for me. I'm thinking something for a desert/arctic map mod, having a lua event that registers what map "world" is being played on and then adjusting the settings accordingly.
  13. Another new version is up. This time with blends and walls.
  14. Hey all! I was wondering, is it possible to force certain settings when loading a certain map in basic Survival mode? Such as weather, climate and such? What would you need to do?
  15. New version. Shoulda probably waited until this one before releasing in the first place, but I didn't actually think I'd go further anyhow, as the tool suited my needs fine as it was... Buuuut, it ain't about me, right? So now it looks and works a bit better. Functionally it's done now, but I'm wanting to add more to it if I ever get time... Things like reversing the process, walls and blend tiles, etc... But we'll see.
  16. ISOZOID I struggled immensely with trying to make floor tiles for Project Zomboid, no image editor seemed capable of doing what I needed without warping the texture and breaking the seamlessness of the tile... So I made a tool to cleanly map a 64x64 flat texture to an isometric Zomboid tile (2x variation). I'm not a great programmer and there isn't really much in the way of a GUI, so you'll have to forgive me in that regard. Instructions for use: Replace the respective input.png of floor, wall or reverse with the texture of your choice and run IsoZoid. IsoZoid will then show you how the conversion turned out. Hit Enter to export the tile to the Output folder, hit Escape to quit. Clicking "Refresh" will reload the texture file. Floor textures work best at 64x64. Wall textures work best at 64x193 Changelog: 0.6 Added "input_floor.png", "input_wall.png" and "input_reverse.png" for each respective type to use. 0.5 Fixed a minor export bug with exporting flat textures. 0.4 Fixed minor GUI issues Added a reverse mode for getting flat textures from floor tiles 0.3 Expanded GUI Added blends for floor tiles Added ability to make wall tiles IsoZoid no longer closes after export. IsoZoid will adapt the texture if the dimensions are incorrect rather than giving you a prompt 0.2 Spiffed up the GUI Tiles are now exported as transparent PNGs The tool recognizes invalid input tile measurements and will give you a prompt Download: IsoZoid 0.6.rar
  17. This is why I've said before: When the first signs started to happen, your character hunkered down and in the next three days, thinking rescue was imminent or the thing would tide over, you went through all your supplies. This makes sense narratively and from a gameplay standpoint.
  18. The Cottage of Doom!!! A somewhat more intimate Last Stand (Accumulator), being a 34x34 tile map based on the free to download indie game of the same name: To install, first you'll have to make sure to backup the original versions of the files in the rar file. Those being: Media\lua\client\LastStand\Challenge2.lua And the entirety of Media\Maps\Challengemaps\Challenge1 Then simply extract the rar file to your Project Zomboid install directory and overwrite all the things that pop up. For some reason it won't work as a "Mod". This is pretty much a proof of concept more than anything. Some known issues are random red error pop ups (they don't affect gameplay though) and a 1 tile thick wooden planks border appearing around the map (the game's engine does this and is seemingly unavoidable) Other than that, enjoy and let me know what y'all think! CottageOfDoom.rar
  19. Muzzle flashes will be such an amazingly immersive addition.
  20. Added Coydog to the Feral group. The Coydog would be similar to the Coyote, though the model may have floppy ears rather than pointed ones. It is more likely to aggro than a normal Coyote, being far less afraid of humans, and can't be tamed like a Dog. With all the Dogs that escaped into the wilds and new generations sprouting up free from the confines of human ownership, it would be inevitable that Coyotes and Dogs would start to interbreed more commonly. Eventually this may give rise to a whole new species, taking the best traits of both their ancestors and dominating the lands that the Coyote once ruled, but for now they'd be a curious and dangerous oddity.
  21. Starting to look more recognizable now. :3 Modified Knox Bank's interior and exterior to more closely resemble its' Muldraugh counterpart's stylings:
  22. Did it load fine with a fresh install minus the zombie file overwrite? Maybe try running in compatibility mode?
  23. Ah! It could be that the .BAT file hasn't been modified to point to your Java version. I'm not sure what your Java version is, but on my Win7, I opened up the "ProjectZomboid - High.bat" in a text editor and changed the path for the Java to my current Java's install directory. set path=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_221\bin;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_221\bin; "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_221\bin\java" -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Dsun.awt.noerasebackground=true -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -Dsun.java2d.opengl=false -Dsun.java2d.pmoffscreen=false -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Djava.security.policy=applet.policy -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+ScavengeBeforeFullGC -XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:Tier2CompileThreshold=30000 -XX:CompileThreshold=1500 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=3 -XX:+UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -Dorg.lwjgl.util.NoChecks=true -Djava.library.path=./ -cp lwjgl.jar;lwjgl_util.jar;minlog-1.2.jar;reflectasm-1.01.jar;asm-3.3.1.jar;./ zombie.FrameLoader PAUSE
  24. Are you sure your version is 02q? It won't work with any of the other versions.
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