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Everything posted by Thuztor

  1. I've tested my map with own textures and room definitions and so on. It works very well, after breaking into a hotel with an alarm system - the game crashed. I'm not quite sure, if this is the reason, but it makes sense, because it happens nearly contemporaneous. Here is the console.txt output as download: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/69737873/console.txt And the error part embedded in this spoiler:
  2. Hiho! In April this year, I've drawn some textures for the skill books, but their were never used. Here is a list of all textures from lvl1 to lvl5: If you like this item textures, you can use these to replace existing ones. download: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/69737873/PZ/resources/skillbook_textures.7z
  3. I really like the new shader! Is it maybe possible to change closed up rooms (no windows), so that they are complete dark? Here is a screen of how it looks now in the pre-evening:
  4. As Suomiboi said, if you add for example your own building on a vanilla cell, every vanilla building on this cells will be gone. Also if you change just one cell and convert the whole vanilla map. Search for empty cells to fill, if you want the vanilla buildings on your map. After placing it or them on one or some cells, you only need to convert this edited cells, so the vanilla cells/buildings will be persist.
  5. For sure! But I have not as much free time as during my study time. I'm reworking my tilesets at the moment.
  6. Thanks! Good thing you did it. I have no time for it, at the moment.
  7. I made this texture sometime last year. Those who are interested, can make a mod with it. You can download the tilesheet here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/69737873/PZ/Mods/tz_farming_compost_01.png
  8. You need the vegetation map, if you want to use your landscape map in the editor.
  9. Wohu! I'll test it, if I have some time.
  10. Sorry for that. I had so much going on, that I had completely forgotten the Tournament. Unfortunately, I can't invest my little free time for chess anymore. Maybe another time, if I'm out of the modern slave work (temporary employment).
  11. Probably I have now not enough time for a nice chess tournament. New Job with 2 hours overtime and some more important projects in my freetime, if I'm not too washed-out, sorry.
  12. Meiner Meinung nach ist DisplayNameKnotted_Wooden_Plank = "Verästeltes Brett", sowohl falsch im Englischen, als auch im Deutschen. Damals, als RJ und ich die Gegenstände für das Campen benannt haben, waren wir uns bei diesem Brett nicht einig. Es ist das Brett für den "Feuerbohrer" (ihr wisst nicht wovon ich rede? schaut auf der vorherigen Seite nach meinem Beitrag mit Link). Man bohrt eine Vertiefung in ein Brett, was heißt, dass es ein "Durchbohrtes Brett" ist.
  13. For that, someone should spank your butt.
  14. Yeah, the idea is cool and I have another idea, as I read it. What about filling a plastic bag with food, tie it, so it is waterproof and throw the bag with a rope on it in the lake or river. The advantage: Cool your food in summer. It is probably not as good as a fridge, but when the power is off, it's maybe a good idea.
  15. Zu "Bandagen abreißen" -> "Reiße Bandagen ab" Zu "In Schachtel legen" -> "Lege in Schachtel"
  16. Ich würde Öffnen groß schreiben, da es am Anfang des "Satzes" steht. Zudem sieht es besser aus, wie ich finde. Und man könnte aus folgenden Beschreibungen das machen: "(Gegenstand) herstellen" - "Stelle (Gegenstand) her" [oder vielleicht "Konstruiere (Gegenstand)"] "(Gegenstand) entleeren" - "Entleere (Gegenstand)" "(Gegenstand) entnehmen" - "Entnehme (Gegenstand)" usw. So fände ich es besser und übersichtlicher.
  17. Dem Großteil deiner Verbesserungsvorschläge kann ich persönlich zustimmen. Ich würde jedoch das "Tätigkeitswort" (Verb) wenn möglich nach vorne setzen, denn genau das will der Spieler machen und braucht nicht erst ans Ende des Satzes ankommen, um zu wissen, dass es ums Öffnen geht. Und ich würde Recipe_Make_Kindling = "Zünder herstellen", in Recipe_Make_Kindling = "Stelle Feuerbohrer her", ändern. siehe zum Feuerbohren diese Beschreibung: http://www.ijon.de/sonst/feuerg.html (und genau das ist es auch, was im Spiel dargestellt werden soll)
  18. Chocolate with at least 80% cocoa content is the best!
  19. to 1) Probably you have used Antialiasing as you painted your colors. Thereby you will draw unnecessary colors, which you can't distinguish from the right colors. to 2) http://youtu.be/rWJrOJyBK7g?t=4m30s Hope it helps.
  20. My idea is, that you can find "Melee" books for all combat skills with melee weapons, but the books are not as effectiv as a farming book for example, because a Melee book is not specified to a single weapon and it's more difficult to get good infos for your training from it. Same for guns and "sport" skills.
  21. Open the .tbx files (buildings) in the BuildingEd. Start the program in TileZed under the menu point -> Tools.
  22. Maybe the link to the tileset folder is probably wrong. You can change the link in TileZed -> Tools -> Tilesets
  23. The problem of Hrolgar is solved with PMs. I've explained it in the video "Simple Start". Open Edit -> Preferences -> 2. Check-box in "Interface" (Display map thumbnail images) to ON (but you can edit your cell also without this option)
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