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Everything posted by GoodOldLeon

  1. Neither build 37.14 nor vehicles 30.3 are detecting my steam workshop mods. edit: I re subscribed to one of the mods as a test and suddenly they're all back now, so if anyone was having the same issue, just do that.
  2. My char I run on my server has Cowardly, Agoraphobic and Claustrophobic, so I'm in constant extreme panic, and I can say a few things: boredom doesn't go away, it still behaves pretty much the same. The window thing doesn't happen, or at least I was lucky enough to not ever experience it in hundreds of hours. The knockdown reduce must be minimal, cause I'm a knife user and I'm constantly knocking zeds back pretty consistently, so If it does happen, is not big enough to make a difference, same with damage (I've used most weapons while in extreme panic and I've not noticed an efficiency difference in terms of damage). The other things do happen like stated: you can't sleep, cowardly increases depending on number of zeds that are somewhat close to you, visibility suffers quite a bit at max compared to no panic at all, reload time does increase quite a bit, and the heart sound last as long as your panic and increases the sound level depending on how panicked you are. About panic going away faster I can't really say, since I always played with chars either in constant panic or almost no panic at all. Don't know if It's relevant to the discussion, but any state of panic (no matter how extreme) can be temporarily nullified by getting drunk or taking beta blockers, but the more in panic you were the less the effect lasts. Also keep in mind this is all mp, maybe in sp behaves differently. I stopped playing panicked chars in sp after a bug with agoraphobic that has to be adressed (around build 36), so maybe some of this is outdated.
  3. V-sync on was giving me frequent stuttering, the game runs smoother with it off. Don't know if that's the case for everyone else though.
  4. Can zeds trip alarms now? I've been having random alarms go off (at different times) in west point. If not don't fix it, It's a nice feature
  5. I know almost nothing about cars, but I could say two things: older cars were definitely louder, and considering that there's no noise pollution (since currently you are the only living human being that remains) in such quiet you can hear things more clearly and possibly (correct me if I'm wrong) from farther away.
  6. I meant the Double sized textures option I think it would be safe to assume something about using 1x textures is making cars bigger, since I tried both and they look normal in 2x.
  7. Are you using 1x textures? I just tried it for my server and I got this same result.
  8. I tried to host a private server and the fps dips and stutters made it unplayable even when on foot. Are servers running a previous build?
  9. I'm having a weird issue. Sometimes to avoid hitting zombies with my vehicle I drive off the road and into it again, thing is that on occasion my car will crash into something invisible, getting damaged and making a full stop as if there was something there. In the world I'm playing there's a lot of erosion already, so I'm guessing maybe the game is treating the very early stages of roots as full trees? otherwise I can't tell what is happening and I can't reproduce it.
  10. Picking up furniture sometimes stops working. Placing sheet ropes too. Reloading the save fixes it.
  11. I think he means the rotate function for moveables, and not the core rotation (like when building for example). The first one doesn't work, I've moved some furniture and I can only place it in the direction I picked it up. The latter works just fine.
  12. Thanks guys, 28.1 works so much better It's like night and day. I'm back at max settings and barely any stuttering or fps drops. Sleep and quit freezes are gone too. However, I've noticed that when you switch from the driver seat to any of the other seats, the engine makes noise as if you were trying to start the car. It only does that from the driver seat, if you switch between any of the other seats it's fine.
  13. I'm guessing the latest patch broke the game for me, I cannot go to sleep or quit without the game freezing, only way to close it is by killing the process. When I can play, the fps tank and the stuttering makes the game almost unplayable, even at the lowest settings. None of these things happened last time I played (nov 18th).
  14. Battery connectors don't work. Crafting and putting batteries in works normally but they don't turn on.
  15. I forgot... It might also be the case that Nutritionist isn't a recipe in the same way Herbalist or cooking recipes are, and would need a not so straightforward method to be implemented, in wich case you'll need help from someone that has more knowledge than I do.
  16. Skills and traits also have their own IDs, sometimes they're as straightforward as just their names, and sometimes they aren't. You'd have to find what the ID for the nutritionist trait is, and then put it in the "TeachedRecipes = " line of the item. That should do it. I would tell you where to look, but It's been a long time since I last modded anything so I don't remember where things are anymore.
  17. When learning to mod, my recommendation would be that you check the game files and also a mod that does what you're trying to replicate (if applicable) for comparison, because mods often need some extra code in order to be functional in game, like in this particular case.
  18. Items in the distribution file need to have the module id before the item id, eg: table.insert(SuburbsDistributions["all"]["crate"].items, "MagItems.NutMag"); table.insert(SuburbsDistributions["all"]["crate"].items, 100);
  19. I use "often" on the chopper setting, "uniform" on the zed distribution and insane on the quantity. That keeps things pretty hectic for me. You'd have to go reaaaaaaaally far into the woods to be safe from that.
  20. La última vez que lo testeé todavía funcionaba (hace tres semanas apróx.), así que calculo que no deberías tener ningún problema.
  21. I do always use fast learner. And I'm an engineer in that particular save.
  22. Yeah, sorry, I should have explained further. You can actually max skills fast. In my server that I play with friends I maxed 5 skills in 3 months, and had between 2 and 5 in most of the rest. It's not hard to gain and learn once you get the gist of how things work. It just gets grindy and repetitive, but It is totally doable.
  23. Once you get used to it, It's not hard at all. This took me almost 4 months. I have 53 points allocated and 57 to go, and my settings are way tougher than survival. It can be done, and I agree with Enigma, it kinda ruins it. Furthermore, I think the amount of points we can already get is quite a lot for what he explained the devs want to go for.
  24. I've built a two story house on top of a pre existing house and the top floor covers a chunk of downstairs. It also shows the single wall I put to cover the stairs entrance for some reason. edit: sorry, It's the wall behind the one I mentioned. added a 3rd screenshot.
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