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Everything posted by Svarog

  1. Svarog

    Project CarZ

    I really do love the textures on those wrecked cars. Mash is a doing a really awesome job.
  2. Thing like this has been happening to me ever since I went back to using my integrated Intel HD card, I get weird slow-mo at max zoom out and It's not just typical low FPS stuff, it's more like running a console game in an emulator at FPS it's internal logic wasn't designed to run at. It is very playable if I keep it zoomed in enough for it to ran at 28-30 FPS, which for me isn't that bad but driving is kinda difficult without being able to fully zoom out.
  3. It is visible but It could be a tad darker IMO.
  4. Back to having only one Version of NecroForge, it should work just fine no matter what version of the game you have loaded. Which is one of those things I should have gotten done in the first place but didn't for some reason. NecroForge 2.4d [12.08.2017] Compatibility - Compatible with Vehicle and Non-Vehicle Builds of the Game Debug Info - Now displays the number of zombies the are currently loaded in around the player Misc Code Changes - Aimed at general cleanup & optimization If you install NF manually, you can remove NecroForgeVehicle from your mods folder, you won't be needing it, it's obsolete as of now.
  5. Burned Cars spawn above the ground and when bumped the slowly fall onto the ground like a leaf. Other than that, everything seems to be in order. Edit: Just Happened to me when I exited a car while it was moving. Going in and out again fixed it though and then I couldn't reliably reproduce it.
  6. You guys probably know this by now but I thought i'd mention it anyway. This particular update came with 600MB of .wav and .ogg sound effects in the media/sounds folder and I think they weren't supposed to be there. http://steamcommunity.com/app/108600/discussions/0/1470841715949869654/
  7. Found another issue, this time with having room defs outside. Ties into what I posted on the last page (The post with the video) Also, another case of the new code for hiding porches making things look weird.
  8. Screenshots: Confirming my theory on what Patrick reported And another showing the house I showed before but without peeping through the window, seems that some roof tiles are just glitchy. Also, note how the pillar connecting Southern and Eastern walls is invisible, this happens with every such pillar, they become invisible before the walls do and it looks off. Edit: There's this too
  9. Looks like he's standing on the ground floor but the fences that are one floor above don't disappear along with the rest of objects on higher floors. Possibly because if I recall correctly, those fences are "outside" the building as far as the grid square they're placed on is concerned. I think technically they're not connected to the floor on upper level Instead they're on a separate tile which doesn't have any floor for the game to register and make invisible with everything on it. I hope this makes sense... It did in my head and then I read it and I'm not sure anymore. Edit: The Fences on the north part of the second floor do disappear and that is what got me thinking about the "Fence not becoming invisible due to not having floor on the same tile" Edit 2: Screenshot, highlight shows every object on the tile. In his base the fences on Z=1 that don't disappear exist on tiles that have no floor.
  10. The first one ties into what I posted above, it's pretty much exactly that. The second one I can confirm, sometimes objects in corners are not visible if they're surrounded by other objects or at least they're visibly a lot darker. I assume that's because technically the player's view of the tile is blocked from all sides by objects on adjacent objects.
  11. I tried to change the room definition in that area in-game via lua so it's all identified as outside but it never stuck or made an effect really so probably yeah.
  12. @Batsphinx What Patrick H is describing is actually fairly easy to reproduce with every single building in the game. Just destroy it and what will be left is a bunch of visibility issues because of the way the game handles whether or not a "room" is visible. In most buildings you can enter the kitchen and every other room blacks out if you're not looking at it. Having an entire building, all of it's walls destroyed and looking at it from outside is problematic. The video should show what I mean, I have the debug stuff on the left so you can see how the room def changes and what effect it has on visibility of surrounding world.
  13. Screenshot should be self explanatory. Edit: Above is related to below, I don't need to be looking in to get this effect, just standing under the canopy results in this.
  14. Svarog

    Rise of the Baboon

    That Spiffo suit makes me remember some really old mondoids talking about how there is going to be a rare event that the player might run into taking place at Spiffo's restaurant... I bet $20 the suit is related. Edit: Found it! [Yes I did read all of them at some point] https://projectzomboid.com/blog/2012/12/scripting-the-apocalypse-with-will-and-ringod/
  15. Sorry for another update so soon but I needed to "fix" a "bug" where nothing worked when some people Enabled Vehicle Test Specific version of NecroForge on Build 37/38 version of the Game. Most functions (Spawning, Brushes, Debug Stuff) will now work with wrong version Enabled. I did a few Brushes to mess around with though. NecroForge 2.4c [06.08.2017] New Brushes [Single player Only] Toggle Corpse Remove - Removes Corpses on highlighted Square Toggle Corpse Reanimate - Resurrects a Corpse on highlighted Square as a Zombie Toggle Zombie Remove - Removes Zombies on highlighted square Toggle Electricity - Only works after Power Grid goes off - Will toggle Electricity on highlighted tile so if there is a light/stove/fridge/microwave on it, it'll work. - Tile with Electricity is Highlighted in Green, without in Red Better Brush Highlighting - Highlighted stuff should stick out more Misc Changes - Brushes/Functions that don't work in Multi Player cannot be Activated in Multiplayer - Brushes get their own Category and there are new Category Button Graphics - Most stuff works with wrong version of NecroForge enabled on wrong version of the game :]
  16. Undying Zombies - Every zombie you kill has a 50% chance to be resurrected after some time and annoying you some more. Same zombie can get resurrected however many times he wants to if he's lucky enough. More a proof of concept than a real mod that I made when goofing around with lua but it does work. If someone wants to take it and do something else with it be my guest. Download Link - MediaFire Steam Workshop
  17. If someone wants me to try and add something to NF do let me know. Other than one thing I'm out of ideas here.
  18. Got home, decided to test. Started a game In Survival and Sandbox, first thing I tuned into is WLBM news on TV, then did it again on two more fresh saves, immediately tuned into KnoxTalk radio got the exact same thing on all four attempts. Edit: IMO, If something glitches out somewhere it's probably a sync issues with some specific 'channel' and not with the whole thing.
  19. Can't check atm but maybe default sandbox preset starts a day (or few hrs) later than other main modes. If broadcasts are dependent on current in-game date it could be thay? I can't imagine many people change the default date. I saw someone complain about some being wrong with broadcasts and in-game date some time ago. Can't recall if it was this or something else.
  20. I was messing around and I bumped a bunch of burned cars. Result in the video. Those things are incredibly wonky in general. Notes on vehicle physics, 1 - At high speeds Hitting 2+ zombies at the nearly the same time tends to cause the vehicle to act exactly the same as if it hit a wall. Dead stop. 2 - Running over z bunch of zombies slowly so they fall and then trying to crush their skulls by running them over can cause the car to fly up as if a huge piston came from under the ground and pushed it up. It's as if "Z" collision boxes of each zombie that was on the ground stacked. Misc: SmallCar is waaaay too slow, it has the acceleration rate of two dudes pushing a car up a hill.
  21. Well I tried to reproduce for an hour or so with various vehicles and various sandbox presets, can't reproduce it now either. The slowdown while turning is still there but the error doesn't pop-up. If I ever see it again I'll let you guys know. Did find that some burned cars have wonky collision boxes, burned sports car's roof can be collided with from 3 meters away when it is on it's side.
  22. Small Update NecroForge 2.4b [03.08.2017] New Brushes Toggle Brush Destroy A - Will destroy everything on selected tile except for floor on ground level. [Highlight Shows what will be affected] Toggle Brush Destroy B - Will destroy everything except for floors, walls, windows and doors. [Highlight Shows what will be affected] More Moveables - Bunch of Signs and Shop banners, around 40 of them. Debug Info Additions - Now displays what Zone the player is in (Eg. DeepForest, TownZone etc.) - Displays Target Zombie Density of the Current Zone (Not Current Zombie Population) Updated on MediaFire and Steam Workshop links in the OP.
  23. I'll test it in mp and co op with my buddy in a few hrs if anything wonky comes up ill let you know.
  24. I don't and I intentionally tried to break it so ot would reappear. The noise should be heard by player from as far away as the zombies can hear it and that's really the only tweak i think it needs atm. It would help to know how far out of town I need to park the thing.
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