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Everything posted by migulao

  1. This should be in mod requests then.
  2. U,S and H Avenger, are you doing this on purpose? Still on Blushee - Wushee
  3. Avenger, seriously now, did you read the rules in the first page of this thread? because so far with every post in this thread you've broke the rules You repeated the ''e'' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Woman (gangster does not count because it breaks the rules, so we went back to brothel)
  4. I dont see the suggestion in here. If you are asking the devs to change something about zombie behaviour or strength, or something of that sort, they already expressed that they are going by the Max Brooks books lore, and World War Z I think. The only thing they are going to change is the zombie's speed to slow shambler, since they only sped them up to increase the dificulty while NPCs and other ways to die and / or steal your supplies are gone. If you want to modify zombie behaviour, play sandbox. If you want to modify them even further, alter teh game's code or request a mod in the mod's subsection.
  5. Do you mean infection for example, leaving wounds untreated, or actual zombiefication cure? Because one of those thinks is never, going. TO HAPPEN.
  6. Well, after reading that, one thing's for certain:
  7. I could tell you loved japan just from your profile picture
  8. Because my two options were french and spanish, and my first language is portuguese, so learning spanish would be borderline useless.
  9. Luckily for you, an even bigger part of europe speaks english! And you seem to know that very well.
  10. *blows whistle* You repeated the ''s'' and the ''n'', we are still on lungs. (apparently im the moderator of this thread now )
  11. Oh god. It's starting. Why are you so terrified, arent you a kittox? :3
  12. This thread as scarred me for life. Must, Study, FRENCH.
  13. Repeated the D, we are still on Pond
  14. I already did one, my brain can't handle two riddles in one day... For this, we need... *stares at screen and points finger* Youuuuuuuuuuu
  15. A human child, an adult, and an elder. just a human in general
  16. Please read the rules in the first page, we are STILL in drink.
  17. These last few words have been breaking the rules of this game.
  18. Enigma, you've killed more kerbals in this thread than danny2462 in all of youtube.
  19. I see there's only one way to end this... *plays spore and creates a pancake monster*
  20. This is some really good stuff, please continue this; you know I like it. I'm glad someone is enjoying it, I should be able to continue writing it tomorrow, I already fixed some spellling errors.
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