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Posts posted by Raptrix

  1. Fridge cools stuff down. The freezer freezes things. Difference? I see none. I don't agree with this idea.

    From a spoilage organism point of view...it's a big difference.

    A fridge holds perishables at 3-8 degrees which slows microbe growth slightly giving products a few extra days. Slow freezing of products in a freezer grants months of life but nearly halting microbial growth (doesn't kill 'em).


    If the fridges in game were more realistic, then there would be a difference....but as the fridges act like freezers...i say we introduce pop-tarts and toasters..

  2. I may have joined the forum for this one thread...

    I think we need to take a scientific approach on the potentially critical and ethically difficult discussion.


    Waffles are the iron shod work horses of the Nom Nom World delivering both savory and sweet dreams to all those who pervade there tasty forms...: Fact


    Pancakes are the summertime flousy you may have had a brief spell with that you look back fondly on but know it never could have lasted.


    I think that really puts an unbiased scientific view on things...

  3. Just as a random thought...what is the possibility of being able to both build basic furniture and carry/move/haul/drag other furniture from other houses such as cookers/fridges etc?

    I know realistically it will be ringing the dinner bell of an over encumbered, tired and noisy buffet table.. but still...Im sure if i found that 'perfect' dining table..i would risk the undead for it  :wub:


    leading to flatulence nausea and very low energy.


    It'd also be nice if we could get some antibiotics in the game to battle this problem.

    Haha, I can already see it... Trying to sneak past a horde, when *toot* :D Heads turn the noise...



    Having worked with cryptosporidium (and its unfortunate sufferers) at uni...i can say with certainty that the *toot* would be more a kin to "uh...oh gawd...what the ...*BLEEUUUGGGHHH BLEEEUGGHHHH" *toot* *splurge splash crash erupt*.......*zombies pick up smell and walk away*

    remember kids...never drink from a none spring source....


    i mean that you have twice the amount of time before food rots when its in the freezer rather than in the fridge and 2-3 days before it become room temp because one time i lost power in my house and food stayed frozen for a while even w/o power

    Currently food in fridges in the game doesn't spoil as long as there is power, so there is no need for freezers to increase their shelf life. When the power goes out, the food in fridges starts to rot. In reality a well-insulated freezer (that remains unopened) might take a few days to thaw out, but that would be a very small difference in gameplay. It's hardly worth introducing a separate Kitten container just for that.


    I think that in the future developments, we should look into both fridges and freezer (added) as reworks. The perishables becoming everlasting if the power is on makes food hoarding a bit too easy early game.

    If the future game developments allow proper power production building (generators etc and propane scavenging) the different between a fridge and freezer would be marked.


    On a side note and not meaning to high jack the thread (its related)...what do people think about moving furniture..? say you found a freezer in a none safe house location....?

  6. I think you should add ponds pools and rivers to allow you to drink when water runs out the only problem that these all have a chance to make you sick, also you should be able but them in bottles and boil the infected water the pond/river water to lower/remove the chance of the sickness while pool water which would be closer to houses and your base will still be dangerous by the chlorine in the pools.

    I like the thought here of making water more accessible but also more risky.

    Possibly introduction water purifying tablets on random drops like around the log cabins etc?



    Applying for the Militia


    Name - Michael 'Tinks' Tinkler

    Age - 24

    Gender - Male 

    Role - Scientist/Field Agent

    Background - THEN:Born and raised in central London, Michael development an urban survival instinct from an early age dodging gang violence and the general drug scene. Despite it all, he qualified with grades allowing him entry to Nottingham University where he studied microbiology specializing in viral/bacterial medical pathology. He was quickly taken on board by the WHO (world health organisation' and established himself as an able field agent trained in hotzone work. 

    NOW: Michael's latest assignment was seen as a joke by many, but being one of the younger agents, he had the short straw of investigating rumors of a new pathogenic outbreak of what people were calling the 'walking rabies'. He ended up with a backwater town with little to do until people started going missing. He realised that the most effective way to get a feel for the town, its population and current situation was to apply to the local militia... ran by a local guy by the name of Jethro...


    I think our characters will be great friends. :D Oh and I approve of your 'walking rabies' theory Mr Tinks ;)


    I liked the idea of a mutant rabies strain but...Will most likely turn out that patient zero ate a dodgy egg mayonnaise sandwich i bet!(we all know this is the food of the devil!)

    I liked Raider's profile and i think the micro-doc and the Scottish nurse sounds like a zombie romance waiting to happen  :wub:  :D

  8. Hey,


    I have played a few run throws now and though there are some basic level illness tweaks, how interested would people be in a mod or some such that took this to a new level?


    Introducing certain conditions and requirements for medications. I have drunk out of toilets and eaten raw food stuffs that would normally require cooking without any truly detrimental effect.


    Could we have parasites, bacterial or viral infections?

    Maybe random vomiting if infected that can give you away by noise to localised zombines. Reduced carrying weight etc.


    Potentially have specific cures such as antibiotics for bacteria, antiviral compounds, stomzach calming drugs etc.


    I love survival simulators and think this would add a new strain to the experience.


    What do people think?



  9. My 10 pence worth...


    1: Wage Gap-

    I think it is a fairly widely recognised fact that pay grades for similar roles can differ not between gender but also within gender. The confident extrovert may achieve a higher salary for the same role as an introvert with fairly similar work output. Alot of the time, the woman's right to maternity leave can damage that wage catch up. The majority of women may wish to have a child at some point in their adult career (40 weeks pregnancy) with maternity of up to 11 weeks prior to due date (UK law). I myself as an employer am hesitant to imply women in their mid 20 ins long term relationships due to the fact that alot of my employees have done it (it is in my experience, not definite fact). I think in a nutshell, wage gaps are down to more then just gender but the male female divide is definitely a top end factor.


    2. Rape culture

    I think that we definitely still, in the modern world (even first world communities) have pockets of people with the mentality that woman are a the lesser of the species. In the UK, it was fairly common, especially in the north to view women as utilities by some. Domestic violence and sexual assault even in marraige was considered common practice. It was frowned on sometimes, but only as much as excessively drinking on a night out or owing someone money etc. I know the middle east is seen as terrible for the debasement of women but i think that the mentality of thinking of women as lesser isnt geographical, merely substantiated in severity by local law enforcement. In the UK, assault, rape and murder is illegal however certain points in foreign laws allow honor killings or marital rights enforcing that violation of women's rights is a legal and 'right' thing to do. Slowly, alot of these countries are starting to remove many of the (in my opinion barbaric' practices but not soon enough sadly.


    3. Abortian rights:

    Wow...now we are into seriously ethical balance territory. Sadly you didn't have a 'both' option as i believe these both apply. I believe that up to the legal point of abortion is is a woman's right, after that point it is human rights AND the woman's rights to consider. Having a close family member working for the BPAS (British pregnancy advice service) conducting late term abortions, you gain a keen understanding on some of the scnarios for late term abortions. 13 year olds raped by stepfathers and to scared to come forward early term....or council house delinquents that use it as a form of contraception... Its an ethical grey zone that is hard to define and when you through in religion...well...what a mess. 


    Overall, I think feminism is a questionable enterprise. My fiance of 5 years if a feminist by admission and strives for equality but also recognizes that many right wing feminists or 'extreme' feminists are not campaigning for equality but for the superiority of women and demasculination of men. I think that we need to understand that as a species we are equal and deserve the same legal rights but down to a chromosomal level we are not the same and need to come to terms that both genders are dominant in certain ways that compliment one another. I know some women don't like men that are stronger same as some men don't like woman who are emotionally expressive (stereotypes i know, but just examples) but to me, a balanced relationship is one that recognises and fixes each others weakness with the others strength.


    This is only my opinion and i am always open to counter debate so please, feel free to poke holes, question and chat!



  10. Applying for the Militia


    Name - Michael 'Tinks' Tinkler

    Age - 24

    Gender - Male 

    Role - Scientist/Field Agent

    Background - THEN:Born and raised in central London, Michael development an urban survival instinct from an early age dodging gang violence and the general drug scene. Despite it all, he qualified with grades allowing him entry to Nottingham University where he studied microbiology specializing in viral/bacterial medical pathology. He was quickly taken on board by the WHO (world health organisation' and established himself as an able field agent trained in hotzone work. 

    NOW: Michael's latest assignment was seen as a joke by many, but being one of the younger agents, he had the short straw of investigating rumors of a new pathogenic outbreak of what people were calling the 'walking rabies'. He ended up with a backwater town with little to do until people started going missing. He realised that the most effective way to get a feel for the town, its population and current situation was to apply to the local militia... ran by a local guy by the name of Jethro...

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