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Problematic frame: V [jvm.dll+0x3e524f]


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I'm getting this error when starting Project Zomboid. I've updated the display drivers and Windows 11.


# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x00007ff945f4524f, pid=22076, tid=10244
# JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment Zulu17.30+15-CA (17.0.1+12) (build 17.0.1+12-LTS)
# Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Zulu17.30+15-CA (17.0.1+12-LTS, mixed mode, sharing, tiered, compressed oops, compressed class ptrs, g1 gc, windows-amd64)
# Problematic frame:
# V  [jvm.dll+0x3e524f]



Edited by m_sean_g
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Can you check the Windows Reliability monitor for any ProjectZomboid application crashes there? If you do find any, can you share a screenshot of the Technical Details section so we can check the errors that show up there?



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I may have been trying to run the 32-bit version on these errors, but it happens with the 64-bit version as well. It just keeps happening.  The game ran perfectly for the first couple of weeks. Then it would only start on about 1 in 4 attempts. Several weeks ago after a Windows reboot the game worked flawlessly again. Now it works on about 1 in 10 attempts, this is after a reboot, driver updates and downloading a current Java version.

Edited by m_sean_g
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In that case, can you get the hs err pid file from the 64 bit crash? I would recommend against using the 32 bit version under any circumstances, you can consider it obsolete more or less.
Additionally, can you share your logs.zip file found in C:\Users\YourUserName\Zomboid? This is so I can compare all the logs about the error, since the screenshot just shows a generic Java issue.

Lastly, can you also show the details of the Hardware error in your screenshot? Since it shows it happened exactly when the crash happened.

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Here is the latest screen shots and hs_err_pid log file. Are you saying you want all the log files zipped? Something interesting: for 11 days the game worked without crashing, either on-load or in-game, prior to 2/22. It was crashing before 2/10, then  stopped. Now it's started crashing again.





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Thanks, the error would basically be graphics related, as if the graphics card was crashing. Just to confirm up to date drivers and a few other things, can you also share your logs.zip file found in C:\Users\YourUserName\Zomboid? Since that log contains a few extras that are not in the err pid, such as driver versions, RAM allocation and so on.

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You have an ultra-wide screen, correct? Just to check for any possible issues with it, can you try switching the game resolution to 1080 or 1440p as a test? I would also recommend switching the game to "Windowed" mode when doing that. Test if the game crashes with these options changed.

Additionally, there were a few mods enabled in the logs that tried loading textures, to make sure that those are not causing problems, I would recommend deleting the "mods" folder in the Zomboid folder, then replicate the problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

It stopped for a while but has started again. I wonder if some of the in-game crashes have to do with the monitor resolution. The in-game crashes seem to happen upon zooming out. I have tried playing on 2560 X 1440 but was getting crashes. I'll try it again now that removing that mod seemed to reduce the in-game crashing. Also, there is the audio error - "Singnal From Microphone: Error! Check record device frequency". I don't use any microphone on the computer the game is played on.

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Posted (edited)

After removing mods, I had a recent in-game crash, when zooming out, the resolution was at 2560 X 1440 in windowed mode. I've attached the hs_err log. It may have been a graphics card error. I've updated the drivers. Also I see this when launching the game via the alternate launch method in the CMD window:

ERROR: General     , 1710016910706> ImportedSkeleton.collectBoneFrames> Could not find bone index for node name: "Body"
ERROR: General     , 1710016910711> ImportedSkeleton.collectBoneFrames> Could not find bone index for node name: "Body"
ERROR: General     , 1710016910712> ImportedSkeleton.collectBoneFrames> Could not find bone index for node name: "Plane"
ERROR: General     , 1710016910721> ImportedSkeleton.collectBoneFrames> Could not find bone index for node name: "Body"
ERROR: General     , 1710016910728> ImportedSkeleton.collectBoneFrames> Could not find bone index for node name: "Body"
ERROR: General     , 1710016910729> ImportedSkeleton.collectBoneFrames> Could not find bone index for node name: "Body"
ERROR: General     , 1710016910731> ImportedSkeleton.collectBoneFrames> Could not find bone index for node name: "Body"
ERROR: General     , 1710016910737> ImportedSkeleton.collectBoneFrames> Could not find bone index for node name: "Body"
ERROR: General     , 1710016910743> ImportedSkeleton.collectBoneFrames> Could not find bone index for node name: "Body"
ERROR: General     , 1710016910744> ImportedSkeleton.collectBoneFrames> Could not find bone index for node name: "Body"
ERROR: General     , 1710016910748> ImportedSkeleton.collectBoneFrames> Could not find bone index for node name: "Body"
ERROR: General     , 1710016910752> ImportedSkeleton.collectBoneFrames> Could not find bone index for node name: "Body"
ERROR: General     , 1710016910759> ImportedSkeleton.collectBoneFrames> Could not find bone index for node name: "Body"
ERROR: General     , 1710016910760> ImportedSkeleton.collectBoneFrames> Could not find bone index for node name: "Body"
ERROR: General     , 1710016910763> ImportedSkeleton.collectBoneFrames> Could not find bone index for node name: "Body"
ERROR: General     , 1710016910768> ImportedSkeleton.collectBoneFrames> Could not find bone index for node name: "Body"
ERROR: General     , 1710016910777> ImportedSkeleton.collectBoneFrames> Could not find bone index for node name: "Body"
ERROR: General     , 1710016910778> ImportedSkeleton.collectBoneFrames> Could not find bone index for node name: "Body"
ERROR: General     , 1710016910782> ImportedSkeleton.collectBoneFrames> Could not find bone index for node name: "Body"
ERROR: General     , 1710016910785> ImportedSkeleton.collectBoneFrames> Could not find bone index for node name: "Body"
ERROR: General     , 1710016910794> ImportedSkeleton.collectBoneFrames> Could not find bone index for node name: "Body"


Edited by m_sean_g
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I have mainly seen this error happen due to mods, could you share the logs.zip file again? So I can check if any were enabled at the time of the error, or if any other errors happened before this one.

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Posted (edited)

The latest in-game crash, mods were disabled, and the crash happened upon fully zooming out.  3/10/2024 9:36 PM. This was a fresh game, started with no mods. Worked for about 6-7 hours without crashing. I have the sandbox setting set to 2 hr days. Was in the afternoon on 7/12 in-game. After loading back it, it was 7:40 AM on 7/12.


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The logs unfortunately still all show mods enabled on the main menu, you can check yourself by looking for "mod" in the console.txt files.
The previous err pid you sent is Nvidia related though "nvoglv64.dll" causing the crash. The only fix for that seems to be a driver reinstall as written here:


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They load at game start, unless you disable them and then restart the game.
You can also go to your Zomboid folder and delete the "mods" folder there as an alternative.

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Just note that the windows reliability report indicates hardware failure rather than a software issue -- and most of these crashes seem to involve textures.


If you're having crashes in other games or programs, something like bad ram, a bad pcie lane, or gpu seems likely. (Power and driver issues can cause similar errors -- it's hard to diagnose.) Even if not, there's not much else we can do beyond point this out. :/


Went through this recently with a 3080. Took me months to accept it was the card, not something else, cause it was sporadic and only affected one game at first. It happens.

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Could that account for game-launch failures as well? It can take four or more attempts to successfully start the game. I've had many a try at 10-12 attempts before the game starts. It usually goes something like this, after a couple of start failures. The default game launch selection is selected, it will fail. Then the alternate game launch is selected, it will fail twice automatically. Then the second attempt it will fail once more and finally work after that.

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