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Readable magains, usable crossword and word search puzzles...


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If this has already been suggested, please forgive me for posting about it again, but I think a new mechanic should be considered where you can not only actually see and read through the various magazines but also work the crossword and word search puzzles. For the puzzles, I think it'd add a new layer of experience if when you either successfully spell out the words or find the words, it contributes to your entertainment measure or boredom score. Taking it even further, it'd be great if by drawing on the magazines or puzzles could contribute to the same values, or filling in the words or circling the found words is possible with the game understanding whether what you circled or what you filled into the crossword is correct.


I just think the magazine layer in this game--including the puzzles--has potential for additional immersion. It reminds me of the old Sim City 2000 newspapers you could read. I also think it'd be awesome if the newspapers or magazines could be comprised of content that gets received in-game from The Indie Stone thereby providing the developers a means of injecting news directly into newspapers, magazines, puzzles, etc. all in-game. It'd add a layer of experience to make the player feel like he or she is in an actual "living" world where events that unfold are being experienced by others throughout what remains of the civilized world. (I.e. - macro-level, ongoing world evolution.) The injected content would need to be temporally-categorized because you wouldn't want to come across a newspaper that had entries about the last standing city in the state on day one of a new game play.


Just something to think about. I think it's worth adding to the docket of initiatives. Obviously low-priority, but I hope it's something you guys explore.

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Using your mouse and keyboard to fight zombies, shoot a firearm, build bases, or drive vehicles around the map weaving in and out of obstructions and zombie herds also depends on the player's skill. And since nothing would be forcing the player to use magazines, newspapers, etc. in this specific use-case way, its sole purpose is to simply incentivize better ways to use and enjoy these mediums. The character's ongoing development would never have to be dependent upon using these things in these ways--it'd only be an optional form of use that could add to the world's lore and information exposure (i.e. - reading a newspaper could yield information about store inventories, building locations, outbreak information, military planning and responses, etc. with the same being applicable for magazines centering on specific disciplines which would show the player how to do specific things with tools or materials, etc.).


If ways exist for the character to be developed in correlation to the player's skill, then you're not experiencing "a break of the game." If anything, you're just playing the game.

Edited by Wolf_22
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