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I've tried long and hard, but I simply can't find anything nice to say, so excuse me for being blunt:


The game has a very low learning curve, mostly because there's nothing else to do than "press blue when a blue block appears" and the same for red. This also sums up the entire challenge of the game: Press the right colored button.


There's absolutely no challenge in playing the game (at least in not-endless mode, I couldn't be bothered with that after playing normal once). It's not difficult, it's not throwing unfair balance at you and most of all, I have seen zero satisfaction that can be gained from it.


The only thing this "game" seems to achieve is to display a very prominent "pay us money to increase an in-game counter" button, which absolutely sums up the games raison d'être.

As such, it's what I like to call "crapware", games that have even less of a point than Farmville. At least with that, you can show your so-called progress to so-called friends on a website that entirely too many people are using solely for showing off how stupid awesome they are.


Sorry for the rant and negative opinioon, but it's purely that: my opinion.




I don't see a point in this game.

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Thank you very much MrZombifiedGamer! =] That's what we were going for!


Also, thank you very much for your feedback, blindcoder!

We are still updating our game based on the feedback we receive, so it is very important.


The very low learning curve was intentional. From what we can see, when people can't figure out how to play an android game they just delete it or not play again, there are many options in the market.

The mechanic really IS just use one of the 6 moves at the correct timing. The bonus bar we added hopefully adds something extra, since you need to hit obstacles of the same color to fill it, and it's not always easy to dodge other-colored obstacles (might be safer to destroy them and empty the bar).


The focus of the game isn't in difficulty, that's true. It does gets more difficult later on on endless mode, and the other characters (which aren't out yet) are increasingly more difficult. But maybe we did make the first character too easy, especially without the others. We're working on installing metrics so we can identify how the game is played to adjust difficulty, among other things.

It's also worthwhile mentioning, though, that different people have more fun at different difficulties. There was one hardcore gamer who was bored very fast playing, and a couple of casual gamers who were frustated that holes and falling obstacles weren't covered in the tutorial in the beginning, but in general people who started playing just kept playing for a while with no bigger issues.

Also I thought I'd mention that people have fun in different ways. Some want something extremely difficult. Others want to break things.


We are working on adding the possibility to share your score on facebook, and leaderboards, as we've seen many people who like to go father than their friends. So, hey, maybe with that we can get to Farmville level xD


By "in-game counter" do you mean the upgrades? If so, there is no need to pay actual money for it, the virtual currency is enough. We are making an effort to make them more revelant, making the items available throught the game instead of just through the shop. But maybe we should think more about it. Hopefully metrics will tell us how people use (and if people use) the shop so we can adjust that too!


Anyway, thank you for your time and feedback =]




There are reasons for some of those things and it might be a matter of taste. Nonetheless the game is flawed and we are working on improving it, so feedbacks such as this are very valuable. We'll keep updating. Thank you very much!

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Graphically appealing, to get picky about the animation the running animation feels very stiff. otherwise colour schemes and particle effects are highly appealing.


Otherwise the game strikes me as something of a quick play game you might have on your phone while on the bus or just to kill a bit of time. Nice, quick & casual but still entertaining enough to encourage you to play again. The one thing I would like to see more of is content, and things to do. Atm the game looks very repetitive, using your red or blue hand to crack an opposing block is about the extend of the game play through my eyes. Don't get me wrong I would give it a good bash, but without something else to keep me coming back I'd probably give up playing it within a week.


In total I think it's got a good feel going for it, sorta got reminded of the old Sega virtua police/virtua fighter feel from the music and graphics. Very nostalgic :3

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