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Keeping the food refrigerated/cooled outside the fridge.

Irken Empire

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Being able to transport AND preserve food at the same time would be just great, right now probably the closest thing to this would be to quickly take some frozen foods and rush them to a specific location that has a fridge/freezer under 2 in-game hours to avoid it from melting and spoiling, but this is not very effective so being able to use cooler boxes and cold packages to keep the food in cooled state or frozen state for longer periods with more cold packages would increase the effectivneness, these cold packages could be reusable, but could be also a 1 time use item and with every pack you get 12 - 24 hours of refrigerated effect on foods in coolers, since coolers don't have much space you'd be using this exclusively for food that can spoil. More cooler boxes and cold packages means more food to store and keep fresh, this would make both itmes useful, cold packs won't be just for smoke granades (if anyone even makes those) and coolers will get a purpose, both of these will actually have a significant role in the early game for those who want to stack up on fresh food before the power goes out as you'll have the opportunity to keep the looted fresh goods preserved in your van while you're transporting them back from Louisville to your base in Muldraught for example.

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