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Is MP ever coming?


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Seriously tho... There seems to be no end in sight. I got like 6 buddies to purchase this game at the beginning of this year telling them how when the new MP comes out it'll be even more fun then the MP we were playing now. Like 8-10 months later all my buddies have lost interest and basically the game is dead in our group.

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That's how early access usually works. It comes with the territory.


Jumping ahead in game development can be like trying to put a roof on a house before you've finished the foundation just because the people you're building it for are complaining about it. Not a good idea. 


If you can't wait until the next MP release, I think you can use version .40 to play MP, but I'm not sure of the specifics beyond that. But the game has changed quite a bit since then, and getting used to an old style of playing may not be the best idea unless you're all comfortable with sudden changes once the new MP drops.

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About six month ago, after discovering this masterpiece I didn't immediately try to sell it to my friends since 41+ MP wasn't out yet. I m pretty happy I didn't since they might have appreciated it less and lost interest rather quickly. But BOY am I eager to to see the "updating" of this game in my library. Already bought it a while back for my friends who wouldn't buy it and only waiting to introduce it to them :D. Moreover, with delays or without, I really appreciate each and every member of the team developing this game simply because of the fact, that you can see in the game that you love what you're doing, the way you do it. I do not expect a "perfect" game when 41MP will comes, simply because of the fact that it's an evolving artwork which will only be finished once its artists decide that it's finished.

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