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New job : The scientist


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Hey guys !


I have an idea which is not very difficult to integrate and would be very interesting for the game.


The idea is to add a new job: The scientist


The scientist is able to produce cures.


I know that the idea of the cure has already been rejected, but I found a way to make it possible without simplifying the game ... but by giving a real new challenge !


How the scientist work ?


The scientist can create the cure at level 10

To reach level 10, he must work everyday, for a very long time (let's say around 300 working days).

So it is a character who is not autonomous on survival.

His job is to do various analyzes on zombies.

His group (multiplayer) must therefore protect and serve him for a looong time.

Feed it, protect it, but above all: bring back zombies for scientific research, and bring back scientific material (for example syringes and test tubes).


We must therefore add to the game:


- 2 or 3 scientific objects

- The scientific job

- The possibility of restraining a zombie (when it is on the ground, with a rope for example)
Operating tables (or cages) to restrain the zombie during scientific research


Why is this very interesting and why would it give a new challenge ?


Because bringing back zombies every day to level up the scientist is hard.

Let's say you have to bring back 1 zombie per day per scientist level.

So at level 7, it is necessary to bring back 7 zombies per day to the scientist.


The most difficult of the challenge is to bring back the scientific material.
Because we must also consume 1 set of scientific material per day and per level of the scientist

We will have exhausted the stock of scientific equipment of the city when the scientist will be for example level 5.

It will be necessary to travel to other cities to find new scientific material.

Which mean to travel to other cities from the 5th ~ 6th month ... and it can be necessary to search all the cities !

It will be a very interesting challenge, which will require a very organized multiplayer group. (at least 5 ~ 10 persons, all dedicated to serve the scientist.)

All the jobs and gameplay of the game are highlighted. Construction, production of resources, raids outside, etc ...

The other very interesting point is that it is crucial to protect the scientist from any risk.

He is the most important character ... if he dies, it is impossible to continue scientific research and everything is over


Thank's all !


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9 minutes ago, Mandras said:

I know that the idea of the cure has already been rejected, but I found a way to make it possible without simplifying the game ... but by giving a real new challenge !

It's not rejected due to simplifying the game, really, but far more this is just the game that we prefer to make. No cure, no hope, death is the only end is kind of the staple of Zomboid at this point, so it'd be defeating the point of the main draw of the game. A cure or anything working towards a cure is a very hard no for the vanilla game.


There are plenty mods that add cures though, and you can suggest these ideas to them and someone might be willing to mod it.

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Isn't there mods on the workshop for this sort of thing?


If your dead set on a cure there is a plethora of mods that make a cure possible one would have to suit you.


Personally I feel that something like that should be downloaded if you have had the deck stacked against you, for example the molerat disease in vault 81 in Fallout 4, it is so stacked that if your follower gets hit you get the disease, it is nigh impossible to avoid, this is something I would deem worthy of a cure mod

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It's a neat idea for a mod, but i don't like the concept very much, we're talking about a virologist profession, and not ANY scientist, and this virologist is supposed to defeat a ever mutating virus over a long period of time by capturing and examening more and more zombies the further he progresses with his research, meanwhile his buddies feed him because he's incepable of survival. Not only that you would go mad before you make any progress alone you would also get bored af and also turn this survival PZ game into some colony survival simulation farming and looting. It would make this game look more like the game "The war of mine".

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