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[41.53] Unable to lose weight from 90kg


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Playing a sandbox, un-modded game, started in 41.53.

I have the traits Obese and overweight when I started.

I have been losing weight and when I hit 90kg I have been unable to lose weight further.  I no long need to eat as I cannot lose weight.

Attached is a screen shot showing my weight at 91 with a very hungry moodle.    (I gained 1 kg as an experiment to see if I could gain and then begin to lose weight again. to no avail)


Also attached is the save game



weight loss bug.jpg


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I had a long and boring but kinda scientific explanation for this here's the better one. (since proteins don't do anything in-game i won't mention them)
You have an apple - 100 calories - (tiny amounts of fat + tiny amounts of carbonhydrates)
You have an ice cream - 2500 or more calories - (lots of carbonhydrates + lots of fat)
You ate an apple and it satisfied your hunger for 1 - 2 h
You ate an ice cream and it satisfied your hunger for 2 - 3 h
but here's the catch you got 2400 + calories more then you did from an apple and it only satisfied your hunger for an hour.
Now all of that excesive amount of calories that you took will make you gain a layer of fat, and eating high calories foods for breakfast then starving yourself over the day is the case for you. Nature's way is not a bug, you expirience this every day in real life and by doing excercise of any kind can help you with this calorie problem, ofcourse the best solution for you is to eat fruits and vegetables, try making a fruits or vegetable salad and only eat 1/4 of it (15 is enough to remove the first hunger moodle) if you do this, and continue killing zombies i will guarantee that you will lose 1kg every 2-4 in-game days, but you have to do exacly as i said, you know what will happn if you stuff down excesive amounts of salad right?

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@Astatine,  thanks for the clear explanation of the system.    

I loaded the mod 'Minimal display bars' and discovered that I have a large number of calories.   Most probably from eating lots of Candy.   >1500


Thank you so much for the explanation - case closed!



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