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Crashing when launching - Tried multiple solutions



Hello, Today I was gifted Project Zomboid. I installed the game, then launched. It worked fine upon the initial launch, however when I went to change my game to full screen it crashed.


After it crashed, every time I tried to launch it, It would crash at 'loading characters texture pack' without ever getting to the main menu again.


A temporary solution that I found was to completely delete the 'Zomboid' folder inside of my '%username%/' directory. However this resets everything in my game. The game then crashes upon me attempting to change settings, mostly with the keybinds. 


After it crashes, once again it will not load anymore and crashes at 'loading characters texture pack'. 


Sometimes it'll say 'Project Zomboid has stopped responding'

OR it'll just immediately close.


I am not getting any error messages


Solutions that I have tried: Reinstalling the game, Verifying game files, Disabling the steam overlay, changing settings in 'options.ini', updating video card drivers, updating Java, reinstalling video drivers completely, reinstalling java, restarting PC, running game in admin, running the ProjectZomboid32.bat, setting compatibility to windows , deleting all project zomboid related files and folders, clean install


I truly hope that I worded this correctly to be understood. It is a very weird bug and I am really not sure on how to fix it. 


Please, if you have any suggestions leave them in the comments, I would greatly appreciate it.


Thank you

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14 answers to this question

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I'd be concerned primarily that your system is running out of RAM trying to load the texture packs; not enough RAM may be available to display the game at the correct resolution. But it sounds like quite a bit is going on here, so let's focus on that first:


Delete the Options.ini file then launch the game from Steam. If it fails,

In the Options.ini make the following changes (leave it windowed):




Then try launching the game.

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My apologies for the late response.


After using the methods that you recommended, It seems that my issues are no longer happening.


Thank you very much! I appreciate you taking the time to help me.


If I run into any unexpected issues I will make another post regarding the issue. 


Thanks again :D



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Hello, I'm running into issues again. I decided to just put it in a comment here rather than create a new post.


After doing as you said It had worked fine for a bit. Then today I tried to jump on and was getting crashes at 'loading characters texture pack'


I deleted the options.ini file and launched up again, set the options that you suggested, but when I set my push to talk key and go to relaunch, it constantly crashes.


It seems that if I modify any settings in game and try to relaunch it crashes


Maybe its an issue with not enough RAM. I am currently running 8GB, not entirely sure on the speeds though.



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It'd be very interesting to see what the error is, if it shows up:

Try this:

Go to the installation directory of the game by right clicking on Project Zomboid and selecting Properties in the Steam game library then press the Browse Local Files button shown here: http://i.imgur.com/PFy0kmJ.png

While you have these options open, disable the Steam overlay in the General tab.

Find the ProjectZomboid32.bat file (blue gears for an icon, not a red and black egg) and double click it. Once (if) the game crashes, take a screenshot of the console and upload it to imgur.com, linking it here. This will hopefully tell us what's wrong. =)


If you could grab the console.txt file from %UserProfile%\Zomboid and attach it to your reply, that could be helpful as well. This is usually in C:\users\WindowsAccountName\Zomboid

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Mind getting the console.txt, options.ini and whatever the most recent hs_err is again? Attaching to the post is fine.


Hate to say it though, you may have to avoid making any changes for now. Aside from the obvious (update drivers .etc) there's not much I can suggest when it's something new, like this.  Hopefully others will report the same problem so we can  narrow it down.

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That's neat. It's no longer crashing in lighting64 but in ntdll.dll, something I had thought only happened with servers. It does look like it's crashing after it's reading a button pressed.

Your keybindings are in Zomboid\Lua Mind grabbing the "keys" file?


May also want to try this option in Options.ini:



Sorry about the run around.

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