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7 days to die. Good or bad concept?


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I often hear this game and I just read the recent article on rockpapershotgun.

So what do you think of the game?

I think it will probably be a the same group of people who liked minecraft because of it's building. It seems like the gameplay will feature two parts during day you scavenge and build, at night you got a kind of horde mode because strangly all zombies know where your home is at.

The crafting system includes everything from building a makeshift blunt weapon to a rocket launcher.

The only thing which is realistic and could easily be implemented and should be implemented is dynamic quest generation.

Like you find a note on the floor that which tells the family living there drove to their grandmother in West Point and the father should catch up to them there. Now I would like them to be like normal survivors, so when you find this note you and maybe make your way to this adress can either be there, they could have traveled away or they have starved to death or being munched on.

The game looks to be fun and it probably will be a not to serious game where you can do all lot and play minecraft zombies survival.

Now, what's your opinion?

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I think its an overdone concept. The quest system sounds neat I suppose. It honestly looks like a giant clusterfuck of what is popular to get the attention of minecraft kiddies with an apocalyptic twist. The game in its current state looks like complete ass and even if they get the funding I don't think we'll see improvement in the aesthetics department. The whole "THE ENVIRONMENT IS VOXEL BASED" mixed with realistic models is off putting.


I don't know, I guess I'm sounding a little too critical about a game still in alpha but it's promising A LOT and after what I went through with Notch and his bullshit I'm a little bitter towards these types of games. 

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Seems a bit like they put everything they could find, from every game they could find, to try and please everyone and propably end up pleasing no one (or maybe thousands, I'm usually bad at these things)... Looks very intriguing at a glance but has no atmosphere or soul. This is like easy listening music: satisfying but lacking of true content. I've never actually seen a trailer that just lists the things you can do until now. It seems like a facade which they don't want you to see behind. Or even: you know the stores that take the stuff you want to buy to the back room and come back with a box.


Now ofcourse I haven't played it but the image it gives me is a shitty one to be frank.


"It wouldn't be a roleplaying game without xp and skill tree" What?!?! Now when it comes to it I'm usually more of a grand strategy kind of person, but even I know this argument is just bad.


Concluding: This is like the reports I used to do at school. ;) Copy paste different sentences from different sources and use the Microsoft Word synonyms dictionary so that the teacher won't catch you. There's a lot of work into it, but it's really not that original now is it?


or just bad marketing...

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Concluding: This is like the reports I used to do at school. ;) Copy paste different sentences from different sources and use the Microsoft Word synonyms dictionary so that the teacher won't catch you. There's a lot of work into it, but it's really not that original now is it?

That's not really what you should learn in class... :-|

But I am a nerd and don"t really have to learn for most side subjects. :P

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