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Game crashes after 30+ seconds of character control




I always told myself I wouldn't do this...  that I wouldn't be that guy...  'Tis a dark day indeed.  But I'll try to make it painless.


So, I bought PZ 3-ish months ago and it ran fine.  I had no issues whatsoever, even when I started using the new forum releases.  I took a break for about a month(ish) and upon trying to play again...  I can launch the game, create a character and whatnot, and get ingame to the point of controlling him for about half a minute before everything simply freezes.


I've been trying on Steam most recently, but have used both Desura and standalone downloads too.  I tried deleting the folder it's installed to and trying from scratch.  I have an AMD Radeon HD 6800, and checked the drivers minutes before typing this.  They're up to date, as is my version of Java.  I ensured that I am using 32-bit Java as well, and that all past versions of it are uninstalled, as I read something about that on the FAQ.


I'm fairly confident this isn't a hardware problem (unless PZ just doesn't like AMD Radeon, but I couldn't find mention of that anywhere), as it's all very new and certainly not low-end.  Is it possible that I'm having the issue described on the Tech FAQ as "After the “THIS IS HOW YOU DIED”-screen the game freezes or stops responding!", but that I get a bit further along than most people?


Any help would be appreciated.  If there's more information that'd be useful, I'll do what I can to provide it.  Thanks!

4 answers to this question

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Could you scrub the %username%\zomboid folder? Just enter this path in a folder's task bar, and it should take you to something like C:\users\EG\zomboid

You'll want to delete the save games folders (and back them up if you're precious to you). These are Survival, Last Stand, and Sandbox.


Right, sorry for the delayed response.  There's no error I can discern; the last thing in the cmd window is what normally appears when you load up a world.  And I'm on Windows 8.


That seems to have worked...  Been in for ten minutes now without issue.  I tried this once before and met with no success, but hey, who am I to question the will of Zomboid?  Thanks!


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