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PsychoEliteNZ (Adrian Jansen)Viceroy (Stephanus Siebrits Cilliers van Zyl)

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Survival Guide:



SurvivalGuide_AF = {    SurvivalGuide_entrie1title = "OORLEWINGS GIDS #1 - BEHEER JOUSELF!",    SurvivalGuide_entrie1txt = " <CENTRE> <SIZE:medium> ZOMBOID OORLEWINGS GIDS <LINE> <SIZE:large> #1 - BEHEER JOUSELF <LINE> <IMAGE:media/ui/spiffo/control_yourself.png> <LINE> <SIZE:medium> "Jy sal glad nie lank oorleef nie, tensy jy diep asem haal en bereit is om 'n paar basiese maatreëls te leer nie.",    SurvivalGuide_entrie1moreinfo = " <H1> BEWEGING <BR> <TEXT> Om rond te beweeg in Project Zomboid, gebruik asseblief die WASD sleutels.  <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/walkwasd.png> <LINE> " ..            " Hou die LSHIFT sleutel om te draf. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/shiftrun.png> <LINE> <TEXT> Jy kan ook die regter-muis-sleutel druk om na die wyser te beweeg: Dié vérder vanaf jou karakter, hoe vinniger beweeg hy/sy. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/walkright.png> <LINE>  <BR> <H1> "..            "BESTRYDING <BR> <TEXT> Om jouself te verdedig sal jy moet aanval! Houvas LCTRL om in 'n aggressiewe postuur te kom. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/combat1.png> <LINE> <TEXT>  Om jou slag reg te kry met jou wapen, hou LMB. Die mik-punt sal altyd na die muis toe wees. Die heel beste vegters sal gelyktydig kant toe treé met die WASD sleutels om die ideale posisie te verkry om skade te verrig."..            " <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/combat2.png> <LINE> <TEXT> Om te slaan wanneer gerees, los die LMB. Hou in gedagte dat slae mag opbou, dus is 'n vinnige en desperate aanslag nie noodwendig die beste nie. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/combat3.png> <LINE> <TEXT> <BR> LCTRL sluip ook. As jy min aandag wil trek vanaf die plaag-draers beveel ek dit aan..  <BR> <H1> INTERAKSIE <BR> "..            "<H2> MUISE KLIEKS <BR> <TEXT> Jy kan verskeie interaksies met voorwerpe hé deur om op hulle te links kliek. Dit sal, byvoorbeeld, deure oop maak of jou ouma se spens deursoek.. <BR> <CENTER> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/clickdoor.png> <LINE> <TEXT> "..            "<H2> KONTEKS SLEUTEL <BR> <TEXT> Jy kan ook "E" druk vir konteks-sensetiewe interaksies.  <BR> <CENTER> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/contextdoor.png> <LINE> Gebruik dit om vensters en deure oop te maak gedurig jou aggressiewe postuur as voorbeeld. <BR>  <TEXT> Om "E" vas te hou sal ook in 'n sekondére manier 'n interaksie voltooi – gewoonlik in desperaatheid. As jy wil deur 'n venster klim, is "E" jou vriend. <BR> <CENTER> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/contexthold.png> "..            " <LINE> <H2> KONTEKS SPYSKAART <BR> <TEXT> Meer gedetailleerde interaksie, soos handewerk en konstruksie, kan weens die konteks spyskaart (RMB) gevind word. <BR> <CENTER> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/contextmenu.png> <LINE> <TEXT> ",                SurvivalGuide_entrie2title = "OORLEWINGS GIDS #2 - MOET NIE HARDLOOP NIE!",    SurvivalGuide_entrie2txt = " <CENTRE> <SIZE:medium> ZOMBOID SURVIVAL GUIDE <LINE> <SIZE:large> #2 - MOET NIE HARDLOOP NIE! <LINE> <IMAGE:media/ui/spiffo/dontrun.png> <LINE> <SIZE:medium> Oorlewendes wat hardloop verhander vinnig in "oorlede"-ndes",    SurvivalGuide_entrie2moreinfo = " <H1> ZOMBIE SINTUIE <BR> <TEXT> Die Dood, in Oorlewing, reageer op sig en klank. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/running.png> <LINE> <TEXT> Hardloop maak geraas, dit trek aandag. <BR> Jy kan dalk vinniger hardloop as hulle... maar nie vir ewig nie! <BR> "..    " 'n Wyse oorlewende gebruik LCTRL (of LMB) om te sluip en bekruip. Dit help ook om rond te loer.<BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/sneak.png> <LINE> Project Zomboid is nie 'n gewildheids kompetisie nie, bly stil, bly onsigbaar. Zombies wil jou lewendig eet... nie soentjies gee nie...",    SurvivalGuide_entrie3title = "OORLEWINGS GIDS #3 - WEES PRESIES MENSE!",    SurvivalGuide_entrie3txt = " <CENTRE> <SIZE:medium> ZOMBOID OORLEWINGS GIDS <LINE> <SIZE:large> #3 - WEES PRESIES MENSE! <LINE> <IMAGE:media/ui/spiffo/be_precise.png> <LINE> <SIZE:medium> Wat jy bestry is al reeds dood... Om die skeudel te breuk will gedoen word! <LINE> <LINE> ONTHOU: BOU JY MAG VOOR JY SLAAN!",    SurvivalGuide_entrie3moreinfo = " <H1> BESTREIDINGS MEGANIKA <BR> <TEXT> Elke wapen is in staat om 'n sekere vlak se skade te virrig, Alhoewel, die skade is afhanglik van jou eie vaardighede of finesse, of tekort daaraan. <BR> <H2> PRESIES "..            " <BR> <TEXT> Die brein-verwoestende mag van jou slag word ook bepaal deur jou vlak van vaardigheid. Nog 'n faktor is hoe lank jy al 'gereed' is om die slag te lewer. Hou LMB vir 'n paar sekondes voor die slag om jou karakter gereed te stel: ddit sal jou laat fokus, mik, en met vol krag slaan!<BR> Een of twee voor-bereide slae is altyd beter as a dosyn klappe! Mik voor jy druk! <BR> <H2> AFSTAND <BR> <TEXT> Afstand is baie belangrik, elke wapen sal anders op tree. <BR> Alhoewel in algemeen wapens soos beile werk beste op maksimum lengte.  <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/combataxe1.png> <LINE> <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/combataxe2.png> <LINE> Wapens soos messe, en ander steek-wapens, is heel beste teen-aan die vyand en in geboue. En nee die botter mes is nie 'n goeie wapen nie! <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/combatknife.png> <LINE> "..            " <H2> GROND SLAE <BR> <TEXT> Die heel beste manier om vir oorlede Oom Jan weer oorlede Oom Jan te maak is om hom plat te slaan, en dan nog 'n paar houe tot sy kop ook plat is!. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/combatknockdown.png> <LINE> Slaan 'n lopende lyk hard genoeg, of stamp een om. Om te stamp gebeur automaties as die vyand te naby is of as jy ge ontwapen is. <BR> As die Zombie die grond vat sal jou volgende slae almal afwaarts wees, daar sal bloed wees. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/combatgroundattack.png> <LINE> ",    SurvivalGuide_entrie4title = "OORLEWINGS GIDS #4 - WAT? WAT?! WATER!!",    SurvivalGuide_entrie4txt = " <CENTRE> <SIZE:medium> ZOMBOID OORLEWINGS GIDS <LINE> <SIZE:large> #4 - WAT? WAT?! WATER!! <LINE> <IMAGE:media/ui/spiffo/drink_up.png> <LINE> <SIZE:medium> Skoon water is noodsaaklik vir jou aanhoudende oorlewing.",    SurvivalGuide_entrie4moreinfo = " <H1> WATER <BR> <TEXT> Die stadsraad sal nie vir ewig hou nie, water, soos elektrisiteit, sal nie vir lank hou nie. Gaar water op selfs al is dit nog nie 'n probleem nie. <BR> Jou karakter drink self van enige houer in jou inventaris. <BR> Om te drink of 'n bottel vol te maak, gebruik die konteks spyskaart op die waterbron. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/fillbottle.png> <LINE> ",    SurvivalGuide_entrie5title = "OORLEWINGS GIDS #5 - BOER MAAK 'N PLAN",    SurvivalGuide_entrie5txt = " <CENTRE> <SIZE:medium> ZOMBOID OORLEWINGS GIDS <LINE> <SIZE:large> #5 - BOER MAAK 'N PLAN <LINE> <IMAGE:media/ui/spiffo/be_crafty.png> <LINE> <SIZE:medium> Zombies krap en klop aan jou deur! As jy twyfel: barrikadeer!",    SurvivalGuide_entrie5moreinfo = " <H1> HANDWERK <BR> <TEXT> Om goedere te bou, regs kliek die item wat jy wil verbeter of meer bou. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/craftingrecipe.png> <LINE> Enige handwerkbare items wat jy kan maak van dié item, sowel as items wat jy saam dra, sal verskyn <BR> 'n Verskeidenheid kook, houtwerk, mediese en oorlewings resepte sal vir jou die voordeel gee. <BR> <H1> BARRICADING <BR> <TEXT> Jy kan deure en vensters barrikadeer deur om te regs kliek - maar onthou jy moet 'n hammer, planke en spykers saam dra. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/barricademenu.png>  <LINE> Meer planke is kan bygevoeg word vir verdere versterking. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/barricaded.png> <LINE> "..            " <H1> HOUTWERK <BR> <TEXT> Soos wat jy hulpbronne vergader en meer professioneel word met 'n hammer, kan jy uituindelik heele geboue bou, om só te maak; kry 'n hammer in you inventaris en regs kliek op die grond om te bou, jy sal in die konteks spyskaart opsies sien vir verskeie komponente sowel as wat jy benodig. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/carpentrymenu.png> <LINE> Maak jou keuse en gaan voort, jy sal 'n spook-beeld kry wat jy kan skyf in posisie in. As jy tevrede is met die posisie links kliek net om konstruksie te begin. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/placewall.png> <LINE> Die prosess is stadig. PZ is 'n realistiese speletjie, en as jy al ooit konstruksie laat doen het sal jy weet... <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/wallbuilt.png> <LINE> Jy kan die spook-beeld draai met "R". <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/flip.png> <LINE> ONTHOU: Hoe meer jy houtwerk hoe beter sal jy raak daarin. Op hoër vlakke kan jy meer nuttige goed ook bou.",    SurvivalGuide_entrie6title = "OORLEWINGS GIDS #6 - KRYP WEG!",    SurvivalGuide_entrie6txt = " <CENTRE> <SIZE:medium> ZOMBOID OORLEWINGS GIDS <LINE> <SIZE:large> #6 - KRYP WEG! <LINE> <IMAGE:media/ui/spiffo/peeping_toms.png> <LINE> <SIZE:medium> Hulle mag dalk reeds dood wees, maar hulle kan steeds sien. <LINE> <LINE> Geen gordyne? Maak 'n plan! ",    SurvivalGuide_entrie6moreinfo = " <H1> BEPERK HULLE SIG <BR> <TEXT> Een van die mees algemene foute wat oorlewendes maak -en dan ophou oorleef as gevolg daarvan- is om gordyne oop te los. Hulle kan jou nie eet as hulle jou nie kan sien nie.<BR> Om gordyne toe te maak, gebruik die regs-kliek spyskaart. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/curtains.png> <LINE> Geen gordyne? Baie planke? Kap daai venster toe! <BR> Geen gordyne? Geen planke? Maak 'n plan! Kry daardie laken uit Ouma se kas uit.",    SurvivalGuide_entrie7title = "OORLEWINGS GIDS #7 - KOOK EN GENIET!",    SurvivalGuide_entrie7txt = " <CENTRE> <SIZE:medium> ZOMBOID OORLEWINGS GIDS <LINE> <SIZE:large> #7 - KOOK EN GENIET! <LINE> <IMAGE:media/ui/spiffo/cook_it_up.png> <LINE> <SIZE:medium> Voedsel vergiftiging is kak, en as daar geen medisyne beskikbaar is nie, is dit nog kakker. Wees slim! <LINE> <LINE> Eet lekker.",    SurvivalGuide_entrie7moreinfo = " <H1> COOKING <BR> <TEXT> Biefstuk, hoender (blah blah julle weet mos.) moet gaar gemaak word om veilig te wees. <BR> Sowel as om beter voedings waarde te voorsien, is 'n warm dis altyd goed vir jou gemoed. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/cookingsoup.png> <LINE> <TEXT> Om kos gaar te maak, sit dit in 'n oond of mikrogolfoond (vuur ook natuurlik). <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/cookingoven.png> <LINE> Skakel dan die oond aan, hou jou kos dop dat dit nie brand nie, haal dit uit as dit lekker gaar is. Sit dan die oond af tensy jy ook wil gaar word hier in die nag. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/cookedsoup.png> <LINE> "..            " <H1> BOERDERY <BR> <TEXT> Om kos the groei, find eerstens 'n troffel en saad. Ploeg dan jou plot grond en plant daardie sade! Gooi nat en jy sal in 'n paar dae tot weke lekker eet. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/farming.png> <LINE> "..            " <H1> KOS SOEK <BR> <TEXT> Eetbare bessies groei ook in die wildernis van self. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/forrage.png> <LINE> <TEXT> " ..            " <H1> MOET NIE DOOD NIE! <BR> <TEXT> Jou ma het mos vir jou gesê domkop!",    SurvivalGuide_entrie8title = "OORLEWINGS GIDS #8 - KIES EN KEUR!",    SurvivalGuide_entrie8txt = " <CENTRE> <SIZE:medium> ZOMBOID OORLEWINGS GIDS<LINE> <SIZE:large> #8 - KIES EN KEUR <LINE> <IMAGE:media/ui/spiffo/packing.png> <LINE> <SIZE:medium> Om te leer hoe om vinnig en effektief jou inventaris the bestuur kan -en sal- jou lewe red en tyd spaar!",    SurvivalGuide_entrie8moreinfo = " <H1> KIES <BR> <TEXT> So hoe rommel, gryp en gebruik jy dinge? <BR> Die primêre manier is om eenvoudig die item te sleep met die muis end dan the los. Die Alternatiewe manier is om te regs-kliek en die konteks spyskaart te gebruik. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/invrbtnselect.png> <LINE> " ..            " Om LSHIFT in te hou sal meer as een seleksie terselfdetyd toelaat. <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/invshiftselect.png> <LINE> <TEXT> Of gaan MAL en trek 'n blok oor al die items met die muis! <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/invsquareselect.png> <LINE>  <BR> "..            " OF dubbelkliek die item vir vinnige oorplasing. OF, druk die konteks knop regs van die item! <BR> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/invctxbtn.png> <LINE> <TEXT>  O, nog iets, as jy vasberaad is om ALLES te steel, druk die 'Loot all' knop!. <LINE> "..            " <H1> VAT MY SAK! <BR> <TEXT> Sakke is belangrik. Jy weet waarvoor! Stoor daardie eiers iewers veilig! <BR> Om een toe te rus en items direk daarin te stort: Regs-kliek en sit hom in you primêre hand, sekondêre hand of (As dit 'n rugsak is) op jou rug. "..            " <BR> In jou inventaris sal jy nou die sak sien - reg vir daai brood en eiers wat jy soos 'n doos rond dra al vir drie dae! Uiters belangrik, sakke verlaag massa en laat jou toe om meer te dra. <BR> <CENTER> <IMAGECENTRE:media/ui/tutimages/invbag.png> <LINE> "..            " <H1> KEN JOU KNOP(PE)  <BR> <TEXT> In die opsies spyskaart is dit moontlik om elke sleutel-binding te hersien of verander. Hier is 'n paar wat jou lewe sal red in 'n nood! "..            " <BR> 1 : Gryp jou heel beste nabygeveg wapen (moer stok). " ..            " <BR> 2 : Gryp jou lekkerste vuurwapen. (Onthou, 'r' herlaai!)  " ..            " <BR> 3 : Gryp jou beste mes of steek wapen vir plekke met min swaai spasie. " ..            " <BR> F : Gryp jou flits en sit hom aan. ",}



Translation Notes:

Contains some swearing. Nothing too bad though.








UI_AF = {
    -- Main screen (lua) :
    UI_mainscreen_laststand = "KLAARSTAAN",
    UI_mainscreen_option = "OPSIES",
    UI_mainscreen_debug = "ONTFOUT",
    UI_mainscreen_demoBtn = "JY IS BESMET!",
    UI_mainscreen_sandbox = "SANDPIT",
    UI_mainscreen_survival = "OORLEWING",
    UI_mainscreen_mods = "MODS",
    UI_mainscreen_exit = "UITGANG",
    -- Option screen (lua)
    UI_optionscreen_gameoption = "SPEL OPSIES",
    UI_optionscreen_display = "VERTOON",
    UI_optionscreen_fullscreen = "Volskerm",
    UI_optionscreen_videomemory = "Video Geheue (vereis weer te begin) ",
    UI_optionscreen_multicore = "Multi-kern(vereis weer te begin) ",
    UI_optionscreen_shaders = "Shaders ",
    UI_optionscreen_shadersunsupported = "Word nie geondersteun deur die hardeware nie",
    UI_optionscreen_resolution = "Resolusie ",
    UI_optionscreen_language = "Taal (vereis weer te begin) ",
    UI_optionscreen_keybinding = "Sleutel-bindings",
    UI_optionscreen_reloading = "Herlaai",
    UI_optionscreen_easy = "Maklik",
    UI_optionscreen_normal = "Normaal",
    UI_optionscreen_hardcore = "Moeilik",
    -- Map selecter (lua)
    UI_mapselecter_title = "KIES DIE KAART VIR 'N NUWE WÊRELD",
    UI_mapselecter_savename = "Red Naam: ",
    -- World screen (lua)
    UI_worldscreen_title = "KIES GERED WÊRELD",
    UI_worldscreen_deletesave = "Is jy seker jy wil die reddingspunt verwyder?",
    -- login screen (lua)
    UI_loginscreen_desurakey = "Desura Sleutel:",
    UI_loginscreen_username = "Gebruikers Naam:",
    UI_loginscreen_purchasemethod = "Koop Metode: ",
    UI_loginscreen_desura = "Desura",
    UI_loginscreen_google = "Google Checkout/PayPal",
    UI_loginscreen_password = "Wagwoord: ",
    UI_loginscreen_login = "MELD-AAN",
    UI_loginscreen_loginfailed = "AAN-MELDING HET MISLUK",
    UI_loginscreen_loginsuccess = "SUKSESVOL AANGEMELD",
    -- characters creation (lua)
    UI_characreation_title = "PASMAAK KARAKTER",
    UI_characreation_title2 = "Kies beroep en persoonlikheids eienskappe",
    UI_characreation_forename = "Voornaam",
    UI_characreation_surname = "van",
    UI_characreation_gender = "Geslag",
    UI_characreation_body = "liggaam",
    UI_characreation_bodytype = "liggaamstipe",
    UI_characreation_hair = "Hare",
    UI_characreation_hairtype = "Hare Tipe",
    UI_characreation_color = "Kleur",
    UI_characreation_beard = "Baard",
    UI_characreation_beardtype = "baard tipe",
    UI_characreation_addtrait = "Voeg Persoonlikheids eienskap by >",
    UI_characreation_removetrait = "< verwyder Persoonlikheids eienskap",
    UI_characreation_pointToSpend = "Punte om te bestee",
    UI_characreation_occupation = "Beroep",
    UI_characreation_availabletraits = "Beskikbare Persoonlikheids eienskappe",
    UI_characreation_choosentraits = "Gekiesde Persoonlikheids eienskappe",
    UI_characreation_description = "Beskrywing",
    UI_characreation_cost = "Prys",
    -- professions and Traits
    UI_prof_securityguard = "Sekuriteits Wag",
    UI_prof_constructionworker = "Konstruksie Werker",
    UI_prof_parkranger = "Parkeraad",
    UI_prof_policeoff = "Polisie Beampte",
    UI_prof_fireoff = "Brandweer Beampte",
    UI_prof_unemployed = "Werklose",
    UI_trait_axeman = "Byl Man",
    UI_trait_axemandesc = "Dubbel spoed te breek deur die deure met die byl.\nVinniger byl swaai.",
    UI_trait_handy = "Handig",
    UI_trait_handydesc = "Vinniger konstruksie en versterking.",
    UI_trait_thickskinned = "Dikvellig",
    UI_trait_thickskinneddesc = "Minder kans vair skrape of byt wonde om die vel te breek.",
    UI_trait_patient = "Geduldig",
    UI_trait_patientdesc = "Jy raak nie sommer kwaad nie.",
    UI_trait_shorttemper = "Kort Humeur",
    UI_trait_shorttemperdesc = "Alles pis jou af!.",
    UI_trait_brooding = "Broeis",
    UI_trait_broodingdesc = "Herstel stadiger uit slegte buie.",
    UI_trait_brave = "Dapper",
    UI_trait_bravedesc = "Minder geneig om paniekerig te raak.",
    UI_trait_cowardly = "Lafhartige",
    UI_trait_cowardlydesc = "Jy raak sommer vinnig kak bang.",
    UI_trait_clumsy = "Lomp",
    UI_trait_clumsydesc = "Jy maak meer geraas wanneer beweeg..",
    UI_trait_graceful = "Grasieuse",
    UI_trait_gracefuldesc = "Jy maak minder geraas wanneer beweeg.",
    UI_trait_hypochon = "Hipokondries",
    UI_trait_hypochondesc = "Jy kan infeksie simptome ontwikkel sonder dat jy besmet is.",
    UI_trait_shortsigh = "Kortsigtige",
    UI_trait_shortsighdesc = "Jy sien definitief nie die Alibama aan kom nie...",
    UI_trait_hardhear = "Hardhorend",
    UI_trait_hardheardesc = "Jy hoor maar 'n bietjie sleg...",
    UI_trait_keenhearing = "Goeie gehoor",
    UI_trait_keenhearingdesc = "Groter persepsie radius.",
    UI_trait_eagleeyed = "Valkoë",
    UI_trait_eagleeyeddesc = "Sigbaarheid vervaag vinnig.\nGroter sigbaarheid boog.",
    UI_trait_heartyappetite = "Vreeslike eetlus",
    UI_trait_heartyappetitedesc = "Moet meer gereeld eet.",
    UI_trait_lighteater = "Ligte eter",
    UI_trait_lighteaterdesc = "Moet minder gereeld eet.",
    UI_trait_athletic = "Atleties",
    UI_trait_athleticdesc = "Vinniger hardloop spoed.\nKan hardloop vir langer sonder om moeg te word",
    UI_trait_overweight = "Oorgewig",
    UI_trait_overweightdesc = "Stadiger hardloop spoed. \nRaak vinnig moeg.",
    UI_trait_strong = "Sterk",
    UI_trait_strongdesc = "Ekstra terug stamp van handwapens.\nKan meer dra..",
    UI_trait_stout = "stewige",
    UI_trait_stoutdesc = "Ekstra terug stamp van handwapens.\nKan meer dra.",
    UI_trait_weak = "Swak",
    UI_trait_weakdesc = "Minder terug stamp van handwapens.\nKan minder dra.",
    UI_trait_feeble = "Struikelende",
    UI_trait_feebledesc = "Minder terug stamp van handwapens.\nKan minder dra.",
    UI_trait_resilient = "Veerkragtig",
    UI_trait_resilientdesc = "Minder geneig is om siek te word.\nWord stadiger 'n zombie.",
    UI_trait_pronetoillness = "Vatbaar vir siekte",
    UI_trait_pronetoillnessdesc = "Meer geneig tot siekte.\nVinniger tempo van zombie word.",
    UI_trait_lightdrink = "Ligte Drinker",
    UI_trait_lightdrinkdesc = "Vinniger Dronk.",
    UI_trait_harddrink = "Geharde Drinker",
    UI_trait_harddrinkdesc = "Jy drink bier soos water!.",
    UI_trait_agoraphobic = "Agoraphobies",
    UI_trait_agoraphobicdesc = "Jy word paniekerig in groot oop areas.",
    UI_trait_claustro = "Claustrofobie",
    UI_trait_claustrodesc = "Jy word paniekerig in toe areas.",
    UI_trait_marksman = "Skutter",
    UI_trait_marksmandesc = "Beter vuurwapen akkuraatheid.\nVinniger herlaai.",
    UI_trait_nightowl = "Nag Uil",
    UI_trait_nightowldesc = "Verg min slaap\nEkstra waaksaamheid, selfs wanneer aan die slaap.",
    UI_trait_giftgab = "Gladdebek",
    UI_trait_giftgabdesc = "Ekstra charisma.\nBeter kans van NPCs ompraat.",
    UI_trait_outdoorsman = "Avontuurlustig.",
    UI_trait_outdoorsmandesc = "Slegte weer affekteur jou geweldig minder.\nEkstra oriëntering vermoë.",
    -- various
= "TERUG",
    UI_btn_save = "BESPAAR",
    UI_btn_next = "VOLGENDE",
    UI_btn_play = "SPEEL",
    UI_btn_delete = "SKRAAP",
    UI_btn_new = "NUWE",
    UI_Yes = "Ja",
    UI_No = "Nee",
    -- Last stand selecter (lua)
    UI_laststand_title = "KIES KLAARSTAAN UITDAAGING",
    UI_characreation_random = "WILLEKEURIGE",


Translation Notes:








Tooltip_AF = {
    -- Item tooltip
    Tooltip_food_Uncooked = "Rou",
    Tooltip_food_Rotten = "Vrot",
    Tooltip_food_Fresh = "Vars",
    Tooltip_food_Cooked = "Gaar",
    Tooltip_food_Burnt = "Gebrande",
    Tooltip_food_Hunger = "Honger",
    Tooltip_food_Thirst = "Dors",
    Tooltip_food_Fatigue = "Moegheid",
    Tooltip_food_Endurance = "Uithouvermoë",
    Tooltip_food_Stress = "Stress",
    Tooltip_food_Boredom = "Verveling",
    Tooltip_food_Unhappiness = "Ongelukkigheid",
    Tooltip_food_Dangerous_uncooked = "Gevaarlik rou!",
    Tooltip_tissue_tooltip = "Rus toe om hoes en nies te demp",
    Tooltip_item_Weight = "Gewig",
    Tooltip_item_Temperature = "Temperatuur",
    Tooltip_item_Fatigue = "Uithouvermoë",
    Tooltip_weapon_Condition = "Kondisie",
    Tooltip_weapon_Unusable_at_max_exertion = "Onbruikbaar moeg.",
    Tooltip_container_Capacity = "Kapasiteit",
    Tooltip_container_Weight_Reduction = "Gewig Verligting",
    Tooltip_literature_Boredom_Reduction = "Verveling Verligting",
    Tooltip_literature_Stress_Reduction = "Stress Verligting",
    Tooltip_literature_Number_of_Pages = "Nommer van Bladsye",
    -- Crafting tooltip
    Tooltip_craft_barElementDesc = "'n Kroeg komponent, steek weg daai drank! ",
    Tooltip_craft_woodenStakeDesc = "'n Paal, vir doring draad.",
    Tooltip_craft_Needs = "Benodig",
    Tooltip_craft_barbedFenceDesc = "'n Doring draad heining, versper beweging en kan krap wonde veroorsaak ",
    Tooltip_craft_woodenFenceDesc = "'n Hout heining ",
    Tooltip_craft_sandBagDesc = "'n Sandsak muur. ",
    Tooltip_craft_woodenWallDesc = "'n Eenvoudige hout muur, kan geversterk, gepleister en geverf word.",
    Tooltip_craft_woodenPillarDesc = "'n Eenvoudige hout pilaar",
    Tooltip_craft_woodenFrameDesc = "'n Eenvoudige hout venster raam, kan geversterk, gepleister en geverf word.",
    Tooltip_craft_woodenFloorDesc = "'n Eenvoudige hout vloer ",
    Tooltip_craft_woodenCrateDesc = "'n Hout krat, kan items berg",
    Tooltip_craft_smallTableDesc = "'n Klein tafel.",
    Tooltip_craft_largeTableDesc = "'n Groot tafel.",
    Tooltip_craft_tableDrawerDesc = "'n Tafel met 'n laai vir dinge stoor.",
    Tooltip_craft_woodenChairDesc = "'n Hout stoel.",
    Tooltip_craft_rainBarrelDesc = "'n Drom om water meer te vang.",
    Tooltip_craft_stairsDesc = "Trappe",
    Tooltip_craft_woodenDoorDesc = "'n Eenvoudige hout deur, moet in 'n deur raam gebou word.",
    Tooltip_craft_doorFrameDesc = "'n Deur raam, noodsaaklik vir deur konstruksie, kan gepleister word.",



Translation Notes:





Context Menu:



ContextMenu_AF = {
ContextMenu_Destroy = "Vernietig ",
ContextMenu_Grab = "Gryp ",
ContextMenu_Sleep = "Slaap",
ContextMenu_Fill = "Vul ",
ContextMenu_Drink = "Drink",
ContextMenu_Turn_Off = "Sit af",
ContextMenu_Turn_On = "Sit aan",
ContextMenu_Climb_through = "Klim deur",
ContextMenu_Add_sheet_rope = "Kap laken tou vas.",
ContextMenu_Barricade = "Blokkeer",
ContextMenu_Unbarricade = "Ontblokkeer",
ContextMenu_Add_sheet = "Hang laken",
ContextMenu_Open_window = " Maak venster oop",
ContextMenu_Close_window = "Sluit venster",
ContextMenu_Smash_window = "Breek venster",
ContextMenu_Open_curtains = "Maak gordyn oop",
ContextMenu_Close_curtains = "Maak gordyn toe",
ContextMenu_Remove_curtains = "Neem af gordyn",
ContextMenu_Open_door = "Maak deur oop",
ContextMenu_Close_door = "Maak deur toe",
ContextMenu_Orders = "Bevele",
ContextMenu_Follow_me = "Volg my",
ContextMenu_Team_up = "Lyfwag",
ContextMenu_Team_up = "Bly",
ContextMenu_Team_up = "Saam span",
ContextMenu_Walk_to = "Loop na",
ContextMenu_Grab_one = "Gryp een",
ContextMenu_Grab_half = "Gryp helfde",
ContextMenu_Grab_all = "Gryp alles",
ContextMenu_Grab = "Gryp",
ContextMenu_Put_in_Container = "Sit in houer",
ContextMenu_Equip_on_your_Back = "Rus toe op jou rug.",
ContextMenu_Eat = "Eet",
ContextMenu_Equip_Primary = "Neem in primêre hand",
ContextMenu_Equip_Secondary = "Neem in sekondêre hand",
ContextMenu_Reload = "Herlaai",
ContextMenu_Pour_into = "Gooi in",
ContextMenu_Pour_on_Ground = "Gooi op de grond uit",
ContextMenu_Take_pills = "Drink pille",
ContextMenu_Read = "Lees",
ContextMenu_Wear = "Dra",
ContextMenu_Unequip = "Ontrus",
ContextMenu_Apply_Bandage = "Gebruik verbande",
ContextMenu_Dry_myself = "Droog myself af",
ContextMenu_Drop = "Laat val",
ContextMenu_Full = "Vol",
ContextMenu_Dig = "Grawe",
ContextMenu_Fertilize = "Bemes",
ContextMenu_Sow_Seed = "Saai die saad",
ContextMenu_Info = "Inligting",
ContextMenu_Remove = "Verwyder",
ContextMenu_Water = "Water",
ContextMenu_Treat_Problem = "Behandel Probleem",
ContextMenu_Seeds = "Sade",
ContextMenu_Harvest = "Oes",
ContextMenu_Keep = "Hou ",
-- Crafting menu
ContextMenu_Door = "Deur",
    ContextMenu_Stairs = "Trappe",
    ContextMenu_Floor = "Vloer",
    ContextMenu_Bar = "Kroeg",
    ContextMenu_Furniture = "Meubels",
    ContextMenu_Fence = "Heining",
    ContextMenu_Wooden_Stake = "Hout paal",
    ContextMenu_Barbed_Fence = "Doringdraad Heining",
    ContextMenu_Wooden_Fence = "Hout Heining",
    ContextMenu_Sang_Bag_Wall = "Sandsak Muur",
    ContextMenu_Wooden_Wall = "Hout Muur",
    ContextMenu_Wooden_Pillar = "Hout pilaar",
    ContextMenu_Windows_Frame = "Venster raam",
    ContextMenu_Wooden_Floor = "Hout Vloer",
    ContextMenu_Wooden_Crate = "Hout krat",
    ContextMenu_Table = "Tafel",
    ContextMenu_Small_Table = "Klein Tafel",
    ContextMenu_Large_Table = "Groot Tafel",
    ContextMenu_Table_with_Drawer = "Tafel Met Laaie",
    ContextMenu_Wooden_Chair = "Hout Stoel",
    ContextMenu_Rain_Collector_Barrel = "Reën Versaameling drom",
    ContextMenu_Dark_Wooden_Stairs = "Donker Hout Trappe",
    ContextMenu_Brown_Wooden_Stairs = "Bruin Hout Trappe",
    ContextMenu_Light_Brown_Wooden_Stairs = "Lig Bruin Hout Trappe",
    ContextMenu_Wooden_Door = "Hout Deur",
    ContextMenu_Door_Frame = "Deur Raam",
    ContextMenu_Dismantle = "Breek",
    ContextMenu_Build = "Bou",
    ContextMenu_Bar_Element = "Kroeg Element",
    ContextMenu_Bar_Corner = "Kroeg Hoek",
    ContextMenu_Plaster = "Pleister",
    ContextMenu_Paint = "Verf",
    ContextMenu_Blue = "Blou",
    ContextMenu_Brown = "Bruin",
    ContextMenu_Cyan = "Siaan",
    ContextMenu_Green = "Groen",
    ContextMenu_Grey = "Grys",
    ContextMenu_Light_Blue = "Lig Blou",
    ContextMenu_Light_Brown = "Lig Bruin",
    ContextMenu_Orange = "Oranje",
    ContextMenu_Pink = "Pienk",
    ContextMenu_Turquoise = "Turkoois",
    ContextMenu_White = "Wit",
    ContextMenu_Yellow = "Geel",
    -- Camping menu
ContextMenu_Build_a_fire = "Maak 'n Vuur",
    ContextMenu_Add_petrol = "Voeg petrol by",
    ContextMenu_Light_fire = "Steek vuur aan",
    ContextMenu_Put_up_tent = "Slaan tent op",
    ContextMenu_Take_down_tent = "Pak tent op",
    ContextMenu_Put_out_fire = "Maak die vuur dood.",
    ContextMenu_Sleep_in_tent = "Slaap In Tent",
    ContextMenu_Light_fire_with_kindling = "Steek vuur aan stokkies en gras ",


Translation Notes:

We have NO word for kindling. I replaced it with... sticks and grass. XD







Farming_AF = {
-- vegetables name (type of seed)
Farming_Carrots = "Wortels",
Farming_Broccoli = "Winter blom kool",
Farming_Radishes = "Radyse",
Farming_Strawberry_plant = "Aarbei plant",
Farming_Tomato_Vine = "Tamatie rank",
Farming_Potatoes = "Aartappels",
Farming_Cabbages = "Kool",
-- growing phase
Farming_Seedling = "Saailinge",
Farming_Young = "Jong",
Farming_Ready_for_Harvest = "Gereed om te oes",
Farming_In_bloom = "In Bloei",
Farming_Seed-bearing = "Saad Draende",
Farming_Receding = "Wykende",
Farming_Rotten = "Vrot",
Farming_Destroyed = "Vernietigde",
-- farming info text
-- title
Farming_Plant_Information = "Plant Inligting",
Farming_Current_growing_phase = "Huidige groeifase",
Farming_Next_growing_phase = "Volgende groeifase",
Farming_Last_time_watered = "Laaste keer natgegooi",
Farming_Fertilized = "Bevrug",
Farming_Health = "Gesondheid",
Farming_Disease = "Siekte",
Farming_Water_levels = "Water Vlakke",
-- water
Farming_Well_watered = "Goed Natgegooi",
Farming_Fine = "Goed",
Farming_Thirsty = "Dors",
Farming_Dry = "Droog",
Farming_Parched = "Dorre",
-- growing phase
Farming_Seedling = "Saailinge",
Farming_Fully_grown = "Volgroeide",
Farming_Ready_to_harvest = "Gereed om te oes",
-- disease
Farming_Mildew = "Skimmel",
Farming_Pest_Flies = "Vrugtevlieë",
Farming_Devil_Water_Fungi = "Water Swamme",
-- hours
Farming_Hours = "Ure",
-- health
Farming_Flourishing = "Floreerend",
Farming_Verdant = "Baie gesonde",
Farming_Healthy = "Gesonde",
Farming_Sickly = "Sieklike",
Farming_Stunted = "Vertraagde",


Translation Notes:









Recipe_AF = {
Recipe_Make_Campfire_Kit = "Maak Kampvuur Stel",
Recipe_GetSteelAndFlint = "Kry Staal En Flint",
Recipe_Make_Kindling = "Maak aansteek goed",
Recipe_Drill_Plank = "Boor Plank",
Recipe_Make_Wooden_Stick = "Maak Hout Stok",
Recipe_Make_Tent_Kit = "Maak Tent Stel",
Recipe_Make_Mildew_Cure = "Maak Skimmel Genees",
Recipe_Make_Flies_Cure = "Maak Vlieg Genees",
Recipe_Open_Carrot_Seed_Packet = "Oop Wortel Saad Pakkie",
Recipe_Open_Broccoli_Seed_Packet = "Oop Winterblomkool Saad Pakkie",
Recipe_Open_Radish_Seed_Packet = "Oop Radys Saad pakkie",
Recipe_Open_Strewberry_Seed_Packet = "Oop Aarbei Saad Pakkie",
Recipe_Open_Tomato_Seed_Packet = "Oop Tamatie Saad Pakkie",
Recipe_Open_Potato_Seed_Packet = "Oop Aartappel Saad Pakkie",
Recipe_Open_Cabbage_Seed_Packet = "Oop Kool Saad Pakkie",
Recipe_Craft_Spiked_Bat = "Handwerk Puntig Vlêrmuis",
Recipe_Sawn-off = "Afgesaagde",
Recipe_Craft_Spiked_Plank = "Handwerk puntig Plank",
Recipe_Empty_Whisky_Bottle = "Leeg Whiskey Bottel",
Recipe_Rip_bandages = "Skeur Verbande",
Recipe_Saw_Logs = "saag Stompe",
Recipe_Make_Pot_of_Soup = "Maak Kastrol sop",
Recipe_Slice_Watermelon = "sny waatlemoen",
Recipe_Smash_Watermelon = "verpletter waatlemoen",
Recipe_Open_Canned_Beans = "Oop geblikte boontjies",
Recipe_Open_Dog_Food = "Oop Hond Kos",
Recipe_Make_Beans_Bowl = "Maak boontjies bak",
Recipe_Make_Hot_Drink = "Maak Warm Drink",
Recipe_Open_Canned_Tuna = "Oop tonijn conserven",
Recipe_Make_Bowl_of_Soup = "Maak bak sop",
Recipe_Make_Ramen = "Maak Ramen",
Recipe_Light_Candle = "Lig Kers",
Recipe_Make_Cheese_Sandwich = "Maak Kaastoebroodjie",
Recipe_Make_Grilled_Cheese_Sandwich = "Maak Geroosterde Kaastoebroodjie",
Recipe_Make_Broccoli_Chicken_Casserole = "Maak Winterblomkool Hoenderkasserol",
Recipe_Make_Boring_Soup = "Maak Vervelige Sop",
Recipe_Make_Simple_Soup = "Maak 'n Eenvoudige Sop",
Recipe_Make_Tasty_Soup = "Maak smaaklike Sop",
Recipe_Make_Bowl_of_Soup = "Maak Bak Sop",
Recipe_Remove_Battery = "Verwyder Batterijstraat",
Recipe_Insert_Battery = "Invoeg Batterijstraat",
Recipe_Write_Journal = "Skryf Journal",
Recipe_Write_Doodle = "Skryf Krabbel",
Recipe_Make_Plaster_Bucket = "Maak Pleister Emmer",
Recipe_Craft_Drawer = "Handwerk Lade",
Recipe_Craft_Sheet_Rope = "Handwerk Laken Tou",


Translation Notes:







    -- All the UI text used in game
-- InventoryPane
    IGUI_invpanel_Type = "Tipe",
    IGUI_invpanel_Category = "Kategorie",
    IGUI_invpanel_Pack = "Pak",
    IGUI_invpanel_unpack = "Uitpak",
    IGUI_invpanel_drop_all = "Drop Al",
    IGUI_invpanel_drop_one = "Drop Een",
    IGUI_invpanel_Nutrition = "Voeding",
    IGUI_invpanel_Remaining = "Oorblywende",
    IGUI_invpanel_Condition = "Voorwaarde",
    -- InventoryPage
    IGUI_invpage_Loot_all = "Plunder Alle",
    -- Character Screen
    IGUI_char_Age = "Ouderdom",
    IGUI_char_Sex = "Seks",
    IGUI_char_Traits = "Eienskappe",
    IGUI_char_Favourite_Weapon = "Gunsteling Wapen",
    IGUI_char_Zombies_Killed = "Zombies Lewe Gebring",
    IGUI_char_Survivor_Killed = "Survivors lewe gebring",
    IGUI_char_Survived_For = "Oorleef Vir",
    IGUI_char_Male = "manlike",
    IGUI_char_Female = "Vroulike",
    -- Health panel
= "Gekrap",
    IGUI_health_Wounded = "Gewond",
    IGUI_health_Bitten = "Gebyt",
    IGUI_health_Bleeding = "Bloeding",
    IGUI_health_Bandaged = "Verbinde",
    -- Skills
    IGUI_skills_Multiplier = "Vermenig Vuldiger",
    IGUI_XP_Next_skill_point = "Volgende Vaardigheid Punt",
    IGUI_XP_xp = " xp",
    IGUI_XP_Skill_point_available = "Volgende Vaardigheid Beskikbaar",
    IGUI_XP_Locked = "Gesluit",
    IGUI_XP_UnLocked = "Ontsluit",
    IGUI_XP_level = " Vlak ",
    IGUI_XP_Skills = "Vaardighede",
    IGUI_XP_Health = "Gesondheid",
    IGUI_XP_Info = "Inligting",
    -- Perks
    IGUI_perks_Combat = "Bestry",
    IGUI_perks_Blunt = "Stomp",
    IGUI_perks_Blade = "Lem",
    IGUI_perks_Aiming = "Oog",
    IGUI_perks_Reloading = "Herlaai",
    IGUI_perks_Crafting = "Die Knutselen",
    IGUI_perks_Carpentry = "Timmer",
    IGUI_perks_Cooking = "Af Kook",
    IGUI_perks_Farming = "Boerdery",
    IGUI_perks_Agility = "Behendigheid",
    IGUI_perks_Sprinting = "Naelloop",
    IGUI_perks_Lightfooted = "Lig Voete",
    IGUI_perks_Nimble = "Ratse",
    IGUI_perks_Sneaking = "Sluip",


Translation Notes:






PM me any translations done and I'll add them.

Edited by Viceroy
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Everything so far that i got done.

ContextMenu_AF = {    ContextMenu_Destroy = "Vernietig ",    ContextMenu_Grab = "Gryp ",    ContextMenu_Sleep = "Slaap",    ContextMenu_Fill = "Vul ",    ContextMenu_Drink = "Drink",    ContextMenu_Turn_Off = "Sit af",    ContextMenu_Turn_On = "Sit aan",    ContextMenu_Climb_through = "Klimb deur",    ContextMenu_Add_sheet_rope = "Byvoeg laken tou",    ContextMenu_Barricade = "Blokkeer",    ContextMenu_Unbarricade = "Deblokkeer",    ContextMenu_Add_sheet = "Byvoeg laken",    ContextMenu_Open_window = " Maak Oop venster",    ContextMenu_Close_window = "Sluit venster",    ContextMenu_Smash_window = "Breek venster",    ContextMenu_Open_curtains = "Maak oop gordyn",    ContextMenu_Close_curtains = "Maak toe gordyn",    ContextMenu_Remove_curtains = "Neem af gordyn",    ContextMenu_Open_door = "Sluit deur",    ContextMenu_Close_door = "Maak oop deur",    ContextMenu_Orders = "Bevele",    ContextMenu_Follow_me = "Volg my",    ContextMenu_Team_up = "Lyfwag",    ContextMenu_Team_up = "Bly",    ContextMenu_Team_up = "Saam span",    ContextMenu_Walk_to = "Loop na",    ContextMenu_Grab_one = "Gruip een",    ContextMenu_Grab_half = "Gruip half",    ContextMenu_Grab_all = "Gruip all",    ContextMenu_Grab = "Gruip helfte van",    ContextMenu_Put_in_Container = "Sit in houer",    ContextMenu_Equip_on_your_Back = "Toerus Op Jou Rug",    ContextMenu_Eat = "Eet",    ContextMenu_Equip_Primary = "Toerus Primêre",    ContextMenu_Equip_Secondary = "Toerus Sekondêre",    ContextMenu_Reload = "Herlaai",    ContextMenu_Pour_into = "Gooi",    ContextMenu_Pour_on_Ground = "Gooi Op Die Grond",    ContextMenu_Take_pills = "Vat pille",    ContextMenu_Read = "lees",    ContextMenu_Wear = "Drar",    ContextMenu_Unequip = "Unequip",    ContextMenu_Apply_Bandage = "Gebruik verbande",    ContextMenu_Dry_myself = "Droog myself",    ContextMenu_Drop = "Drop",    ContextMenu_Full = "Vol",    ContextMenu_Dig = "Grawe",    ContextMenu_Fertilize = "Bemes",    ContextMenu_Sow_Seed = "Saai nie saad",    ContextMenu_Info = "Inligting",    ContextMenu_Remove = "Verwyder",    ContextMenu_Water = "Water",    ContextMenu_Treat_Problem = "Behandel Probleem",    ContextMenu_Seeds = "sade",    ContextMenu_Harvest = "Oestyd",    ContextMenu_Keep = "Hou ",    -- Crafting menu	ContextMenu_Door = "Deur",	ContextMenu_Stairs = "Trappe",	ContextMenu_Floor = "Vloer",	ContextMenu_Bar = "Staaf",	ContextMenu_Furniture = "Meubels",	ContextMenu_Fence = "Heining",	ContextMenu_Wooden_Stake = "Hout Stok",	ContextMenu_Barbed_Fence = "Doringdraad Heining",	ContextMenu_Wooden_Fence = "Hout Heining",	ContextMenu_Sang_Bag_Wall = "Sand Sak Muur",	ContextMenu_Wooden_Wall = "Hout Muur",	ContextMenu_Wooden_Pillar = "Hout pilaar",	ContextMenu_Windows_Frame = "Venster raam",	ContextMenu_Wooden_Floor = "Hout Vloer",	ContextMenu_Wooden_Crate = "Hout krat",	ContextMenu_Table = "Tafel",	ContextMenu_Small_Table = "Klein Tafel",	ContextMenu_Large_Table = "Groot Tafel",	ContextMenu_Table_with_Drawer = "Tafel Met Lade",	ContextMenu_Wooden_Chair = "Hout Stoel",	ContextMenu_Rain_Collector_Barrel = "reën Versamelaar Vat",	ContextMenu_Dark_Wooden_Stairs = "Donker Hout Trappe",	ContextMenu_Brown_Wooden_Stairs = "Bruin Hout Trappe",	ContextMenu_Light_Brown_Wooden_Stairs = "Lug Bruin Hout Trappe",	ContextMenu_Wooden_Door = "Hout Deur",	ContextMenu_Door_Frame = "Deur Raam",	ContextMenu_Dismantle = "Ontmantel",	ContextMenu_Build = "Bou",	ContextMenu_Bar_Element = "Staaf Element",	ContextMenu_Bar_Corner = "Staaf Hoek",	ContextMenu_Plaster = "Pleister",	ContextMenu_Paint = "Verf",	ContextMenu_Blue = "Blou",	ContextMenu_Brown = "Bruin",	ContextMenu_Cyan = "Siaan",	ContextMenu_Green = "Groen",	ContextMenu_Grey = "Grys",	ContextMenu_Light_Blue = "Lug Blou",	ContextMenu_Light_Brown = "Lug Bruin",	ContextMenu_Orange = "Oranje",	ContextMenu_Pink = "Pienk",	ContextMenu_Turquoise = "Turkoois",	ContextMenu_White = "Wit",	ContextMenu_Yellow = "Geel",	-- Camping menu	ContextMenu_Build_a_fire = "Bou 'n Vuur",	ContextMenu_Add_petrol = "Voeg Petrol",	ContextMenu_Light_fire = "Lug Vuur",	ContextMenu_Put_up_tent = "Sit Tent",	ContextMenu_Take_down_tent = "Af Te Haal Tent",	ContextMenu_Put_out_fire = "Sit Uit Vuur",	ContextMenu_Sleep_in_tent = "Slaap In Tent",	ContextMenu_Light_fire_with_kindling = "Ligte Vuur Met Die Aansteek Van",}
Farming_AF = {  -- vegetables name (type of seed)  Farming_Carrots = "Wortels",  Farming_Broccoli = "Winter blom kool",  Farming_Radishes = "Radyse",  Farming_Strawberry_plant = "Aarbei plant",  Farming_Tomato_Vine = "Tamatie wingerdstok",  Farming_Potatoes = "Aartappels",  Farming_Cabbages = "Kool",  -- growing phase  Farming_Seedling = "Saailinge",  Farming_Young = "Jong",  Farming_Ready_for_Harvest = "Gereed Om Geoes",  Farming_In_bloom = "In Bloei",  Farming_Seed-bearing = "Saad Draende",  Farming_Receding = "Wykende",  Farming_Rotten = "Vrot",  Farming_Destroyed = "Vernietig",  -- farming info text  -- title  Farming_Plant_Information = "Plant Inligting",  Farming_Current_growing_phase = "Huidige Groeifase",  Farming_Next_growing_phase = "volgende Groeifase",  Farming_Last_time_watered = "Laaste Keer Natgegooi",  Farming_Fertilized = "Bevrug",  Farming_Health = "Gesondheid",  Farming_Disease = "Siekte",  Farming_Water_levels = "Water Vlakke",  -- water  Farming_Well_watered = "Goed Natgegooi",  Farming_Fine = "Fyn",  Farming_Thirsty = "Dors",  Farming_Dry = "Droog",  Farming_Parched = "dorre",  -- growing phase  Farming_Seedling = "Saailinge",  Farming_Fully_grown = "Volgroeide",  Farming_Ready_to_harvest = "Gereed Om Te Oes",  -- disease  Farming_Mildew = "Skimmel",  Farming_Pest_Flies = "Plaag Vliegt",  Farming_Devil_Water_Fungi = "Duiwel Se Water Swamme",  -- hours  Farming_Hours = "Ure",  -- health  Farming_Flourishing = "Floreer",  Farming_Verdant = "Natuurlike Groen",  Farming_Healthy = "Gesonde",  Farming_Sickly = "Sieklike",  Farming_Stunted = "Vertraagde",}
IGUI_AF = {	-- All the UI text used in game	-- InventoryPane	IGUI_invpanel_Type = "Tipe",	IGUI_invpanel_Category = "Kategorie",	IGUI_invpanel_Pack = "Pak",	IGUI_invpanel_unpack = "Uitpak",	IGUI_invpanel_drop_all = "Drop Al",	IGUI_invpanel_drop_one = "Drop Een",	IGUI_invpanel_Nutrition = "Voeding",	IGUI_invpanel_Remaining = "Oorblywende",	IGUI_invpanel_Condition = "Voorwaarde",	-- InventoryPage	IGUI_invpage_Loot_all = "Plunder Alle",	-- Character Screen	IGUI_char_Age = "Ouderdom",	IGUI_char_Sex = "Seks",	IGUI_char_Traits = "Eienskappe",	IGUI_char_Favourite_Weapon = "Gunsteling Wapen",	IGUI_char_Zombies_Killed = "Zombies Lewe Gebring",	IGUI_char_Survivor_Killed = "Survivors lewe gebring",	IGUI_char_Survived_For = "Oorleef Vir",	IGUI_char_Male = "manlike",	IGUI_char_Female = "Vroulike",	-- Health panel	IGUI_health_Scratched = "Gekrap",	IGUI_health_Wounded = "Gewond",	IGUI_health_Bitten = "Gebyt",	IGUI_health_Bleeding = "Bloeding",	IGUI_health_Bandaged = "Verbinde",	-- Skills	IGUI_skills_Multiplier = "Vermenig Vuldiger",	IGUI_XP_Next_skill_point = "Volgende Vaardigheid Punt",	IGUI_XP_xp = " xp",	IGUI_XP_Skill_point_available = "Volgende Vaardigheid Beskikbaar",	IGUI_XP_Locked = "Gesluit",	IGUI_XP_UnLocked = "Ontsluit",	IGUI_XP_level = " Vlak ",	IGUI_XP_Skills = "Vaardighede",	IGUI_XP_Health = "Gesondheid",	IGUI_XP_Info = "Inligting",	-- Perks	IGUI_perks_Combat = "Bestry",	IGUI_perks_Blunt = "Stomp",	IGUI_perks_Blade = "Lem",	IGUI_perks_Aiming = "Oog",	IGUI_perks_Reloading = "Herlaai",	IGUI_perks_Crafting = "Die Knutselen",	IGUI_perks_Carpentry = "Timmer",	IGUI_perks_Cooking = "Af Kook",	IGUI_perks_Farming = "Boerdery",	IGUI_perks_Agility = "Behendigheid",	IGUI_perks_Sprinting = "Naelloop",	IGUI_perks_Lightfooted = "Lig Voete",	IGUI_perks_Nimble = "Ratse",	IGUI_perks_Sneaking = "Sluip",}
Recipe_AF = {  Recipe_Make_Campfire_Kit = "Maak Kampvuur Stel",  Recipe_GetSteelAndFlint = "Kry Staal En Flint",  Recipe_Make_Kindling = "Maak Aansteek",  Recipe_Drill_Plank = "Boor Plank",  Recipe_Make_Wooden_Stick = "Maak Hout Stok",  Recipe_Make_Tent_Kit = "Maak Tent Stel",  Recipe_Make_Mildew_Cure = "Maak Skimmel Genees",  Recipe_Make_Flies_Cure = "Maak Vlieg Genees",  Recipe_Open_Carrot_Seed_Packet = "Oop Wortel Saad Pakkie",  Recipe_Open_Broccoli_Seed_Packet = "Oop Winterblomkool Saad Pakkie",  Recipe_Open_Radish_Seed_Packet = "Oop Radys Saad pakkie",  Recipe_Open_Strewberry_Seed_Packet = "Oop Aarbei Saad Pakkie",  Recipe_Open_Tomato_Seed_Packet = "Oop Tamatie Saad Pakkie",  Recipe_Open_Potato_Seed_Packet = "Oop Aartappel Saad Pakkie",  Recipe_Open_Cabbage_Seed_Packet = "Oop Kool Saad Pakkie",  Recipe_Craft_Spiked_Bat = "Handwerk Puntig Vlêrmuis",  Recipe_Sawn-off = "Afgesaagde",  Recipe_Craft_Spiked_Plank = "Handwerk puntig Plank",  Recipe_Empty_Whisky_Bottle = "Leeg Whiskey Bottel",  Recipe_Rip_bandages = "Skeur Verbande",  Recipe_Saw_Logs = "saag Stompe",  Recipe_Make_Pot_of_Soup = "Maak Kastrol sop",  Recipe_Slice_Watermelon = "sny waatlemoen",  Recipe_Smash_Watermelon = "verpletter waatlemoen",  Recipe_Open_Canned_Beans = "Oop geblikte boontjies",  Recipe_Open_Dog_Food = "Oop Hond Kos",  Recipe_Make_Beans_Bowl = "Maak boontjies bak",  Recipe_Make_Hot_Drink = "Maak Warm Drink",  Recipe_Open_Canned_Tuna = "Oop tonijn conserven",  Recipe_Make_Bowl_of_Soup = "Maak bak sop",  Recipe_Make_Ramen = "Maak Ramen",  Recipe_Light_Candle = "Lig Kers",  Recipe_Make_Cheese_Sandwich = "Maak Kaastoebroodjie",  Recipe_Make_Grilled_Cheese_Sandwich = "Maak Geroosterde Kaastoebroodjie",  Recipe_Make_Broccoli_Chicken_Casserole = "Maak Winterblomkool Hoenderkasserol",  Recipe_Make_Boring_Soup = "Maak Vervelige Sop",  Recipe_Make_Simple_Soup = "Maak 'n Eenvoudige Sop",  Recipe_Make_Tasty_Soup = "Maak smaaklike Sop",  Recipe_Make_Bowl_of_Soup = "Maak Bak Sop",  Recipe_Remove_Battery = "Verwyder Batterijstraat",  Recipe_Insert_Battery = "Invoeg Batterijstraat",  Recipe_Write_Journal = "Skryf Journal",  Recipe_Write_Doodle = "Skryf Krabbel",  Recipe_Make_Plaster_Bucket = "Maak Pleister Emmer",  Recipe_Craft_Drawer = "Handwerk Lade",  Recipe_Craft_Sheet_Rope = "Handwerk Laken Tou",}

So if theres anything ive done wrong or think could be better translated please go ahead :)

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Cool, nice hearing from our European counterparts! You should start a translation too plekpot (place pot? lol) let us make this game accessible to everyone! :)

I'm afraid my English isn't good enough for that. :shock: I'm Flemish Dutch, which technically is the same as Netherlands Dutch (we have a language union), but in reality the Flemish and Dutch use different idioms, some general words and pronunciation. I don't think two different translations would be necessary though.


(type plekpot in the Dutch google translate and use the text to speech function)


To others:

Afrikaans is indeed mostly derived from 17-18th century Dutch dialects (from the settlers of the Dutch East India Company) and native languages such as Xhosa.


PS: I just noticed someone else is already working on the Dutch translation.

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The Main Menu

UI_AF = {	-- Main screen (lua) :	UI_mainscreen_laststand = "lAASTE STAAN",	UI_mainscreen_option = "OPSIES",	UI_mainscreen_debug = "ONTFOUT",	UI_mainscreen_demoBtn = "JY IS BESMET!",	UI_mainscreen_sandbox = "SANDBOKS",	UI_mainscreen_survival = "OORLEWING",	UI_mainscreen_mods = "MODS",	UI_mainscreen_exit = "UITGANG",	-- Option screen (lua)	UI_optionscreen_gameoption = "SPEL OPSIES",	UI_optionscreen_display = "VERTOON",	UI_optionscreen_fullscreen = "Volskerm",	UI_optionscreen_videomemory = "Video Geheue (vereis weer te begin) ",	UI_optionscreen_multicore = "Multi-kern(vereis weer te begin) ",	UI_optionscreen_shaders = "Shaders ",	UI_optionscreen_shadersunsupported = "Nie ondersteun word deur die hardeware",	UI_optionscreen_resolution = "Resolusie ",	UI_optionscreen_language = "Taal (vereis weer te begin) ",	UI_optionscreen_keybinding = "Sleutelbord Kortpaaie",	UI_optionscreen_reloading = "Herlaai",	UI_optionscreen_easy = "Maklik",	UI_optionscreen_normal = "Normale",	UI_optionscreen_hardcore = "Harde",	-- Map selecter (lua)	UI_mapselecter_title = "KIES DIE KAART VIR 'N NUWE WÊRELD",	UI_mapselecter_savename = "Red Naam: ",	-- World screen (lua)	UI_worldscreen_title = "KIES GERED WÊRELD",	UI_worldscreen_deletesave = "Is jy seker jy wil verwyder wat red?",	-- login screen (lua)	UI_loginscreen_desurakey = "Desura Sleutel:",	UI_loginscreen_username = "Gebruikers Naam:",	UI_loginscreen_purchasemethod = "Koop Metode: ",	UI_loginscreen_desura = "Desura",	UI_loginscreen_google = "Google Checkout/PayPal",	UI_loginscreen_password = "Wagwoord: ",	UI_loginscreen_login = "LOGIN",	UI_loginscreen_loginfailed = "LOG IN MISLUKTE",	UI_loginscreen_loginsuccess = "SUKSESVOL AANGEMELD",	-- characters creation (lua)	UI_characreation_title = "PASMAAK KARAKTER",	UI_characreation_title2 = "Kies Beroep en Persoonlikheid Strekke",	UI_characreation_forename = "Voornaam",	UI_characreation_surname = "van",	UI_characreation_gender = "Geslag",	UI_characreation_body = "liggaam",	UI_characreation_bodytype = "liggaamstipe",	UI_characreation_hair = "Hare",	UI_characreation_hairtype = "Hare Tipe",	UI_characreation_color = "Kleur",	UI_characreation_beard = "Baard",	UI_characreation_beardtype = "baard tipe",	UI_characreation_addtrait = "Voeg Persoonlikheidstrekke >",	UI_characreation_removetrait = "< verwyder Persoonlikheidstrekke",	UI_characreation_pointToSpend = "Punte om te bestee",	UI_characreation_occupation = "Beroep",	UI_characreation_availabletraits = "Beskikbaar Persoonlikheidstrekke",	UI_characreation_choosentraits = "Gekies Persoonlikheidstrekke",	UI_characreation_description = "Beskrywing",	UI_characreation_cost = "Kos",	-- professions and Traits	UI_prof_securityguard = "Sekuriteit Garde",	UI_prof_constructionworker = "konstruksie Werker",	UI_prof_parkranger = "Park Veldwagter",	UI_prof_policeoff = "Polisie Beampte",	UI_prof_fireoff = "Vuur Beampte",	UI_prof_unemployed = "Werklose",	UI_trait_axeman = "Byl Man",	UI_trait_axemandesc = "Dubbel spoed te breek deur die deure met die byl.\nVinniger byl swaai.",	UI_trait_handy = "Handige",	UI_trait_handydesc = "Vinniger Blokkeer.",	UI_trait_thickskinned = "Dikvellig",	UI_trait_thickskinneddesc = "Minder kans skrape of byt om die vel te breek.",	UI_trait_patient = "pasiënt",	UI_trait_patientdesc = "Minder soos om kwaad te word.",	UI_trait_shorttemper = "Vinnige Humeur",	UI_trait_shorttemperdesc = "Vinnige woede.",	UI_trait_brooding = "Dreigend",	UI_trait_broodingdesc = "Herstel stadiger uit slegte buie.",	UI_trait_brave = "Dapper",	UI_trait_bravedesc = "Minder geneig om paniekerig te raak.",	UI_trait_cowardly = "Lafhartige",	UI_trait_cowardlydesc = "Veral wat geneig is om 'paniekerig geraak.",	UI_trait_clumsy = "Onbeholpe",	UI_trait_clumsydesc = "Maak meer geraas wanneer beweeg..",	UI_trait_graceful = "Grasieuse",	UI_trait_gracefuldesc = "Maak minder geraas wanneer beweeg.",	UI_trait_hypochon = "Hipokondriese",	UI_trait_hypochondesc = "Kan ontwikkel infeksie simptome sonder dat hulle besmet is.",	UI_trait_shortsigh = "Kortsigtige",	UI_trait_shortsighdesc = "Kleiner siening afstand stadiger sigbaarheid vervaag.",	UI_trait_hardhear = "Hardhorend",	UI_trait_hardheardesc = "Kleiner persepsie radius.\nSmaller hoor reeks.",	UI_trait_keenhearing = "Gretig Verhoor",	UI_trait_keenhearingdesc = "Groter persepsie radius.",	UI_trait_eagleeyed = "valkoë",	UI_trait_eagleeyeddesc = "Vinniger sigbaarheid fade.\nHigher sigbaarheid boog.",	UI_trait_heartyappetite = "Eetlust",	UI_trait_heartyappetitedesc = "Moet meer gereeld eet.",	UI_trait_lighteater = "lig eter",	UI_trait_lighteaterdesc = "Moet minder gereeld eet.",	UI_trait_athletic = "atletiek",	UI_trait_athleticdesc = "Vinniger hardloop spoed.\nKan hardloop vir langer sonder om moeg",	UI_trait_overweight = "Oorgewig",	UI_trait_overweightdesc = "Stadiger hardloop spoed\nBand uit hardloop makliker.",	UI_trait_strong = "Sterk",	UI_trait_strongdesc = "Ekstra knockback van handwapens.\nToename in die uitvoering van gewig.",	UI_trait_stout = "stewige",	UI_trait_stoutdesc = "Ekstra knockback van handwapens.\nToename in die uitvoering van gewig.",	UI_trait_weak = "Swak",	UI_trait_weakdesc = "Minder knockback van handwapens.\nAfname in die uitvoering van gewig.",	UI_trait_feeble = "Struikelende",	UI_trait_feebledesc = "Less knockback from melee weapons.\nDecreased carrying weight.",	UI_trait_resilient = "Veerkragtig",	UI_trait_resilientdesc = "Minder geneig is om siekte.\nStadiger tempo van zombification.",	UI_trait_pronetoillness = "Vatbaar vir siekte",	UI_trait_pronetoillnessdesc = "Meer geneig is tot siekte.\nVinniger tempo van zombification.inniger tempo van zombification.",	UI_trait_lightdrink = "Lig Drinker",	UI_trait_lightdrinkdesc = "Dronk Vinnig.",	UI_trait_harddrink = "Geharde Drinker",	UI_trait_harddrinkdesc = "Nie van dronk makliker.",	UI_trait_agoraphobic = "Agoraphobic",	UI_trait_agoraphobicdesc = "Kry paniekerig geraak wanneer die buitelug.",	UI_trait_claustro = "kloustrofobies",	UI_trait_claustrodesc = "Gets panicked when indoors.",	UI_trait_marksman = "Skutter",	UI_trait_marksmandesc = "Verbeterde geweer akkuraatheid.\nVinniger herlaai.",	UI_trait_nightowl = "Nag Uil",	UI_trait_nightowldesc = "Verg min slaap\nEkstra Bly waaksaam, selfs wanneer die slaap.",	UI_trait_giftgab = "Gawe van die gesnap",	UI_trait_giftgabdesc = "Ekstra hoë charisma.\nBeter kans currying gunste van NPCs.",	UI_trait_outdoorsman = "Outdoorsman.",	UI_trait_outdoorsmandesc = "Nie deur moeilike weer somstandighede.\nEkstra oriëntering vermoë.",	-- various	UI_btn_back = "TERUG",	UI_btn_save = "BESPAAR",	UI_btn_next = "VOLGENDE",	UI_btn_play = "SPEEL",	UI_btn_delete = "SKRAP",	UI_btn_new = "NUWE",	UI_Yes = "Ja",	UI_No = "Nee",	-- Last stand selecter (lua)	UI_laststand_title = "KIES LAASTE VERSET CHALLENGE",	UI_characreation_random = "WILLEKEURIGE",}
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Cool, nice hearing from our European counterparts! You should start a translation too plekpot (place pot? lol) let us make this game accessible to everyone! :)

I'm afraid my English isn't good enough for that. :shock: I'm Flemish Dutch, which technically is the same as Netherlands Dutch (we have a language union), but in reality the Flemish and Dutch use different idioms, some general words and pronunciation. I don't think two different translations would be necessary though.


(type plekpot in the Dutch google translate and use the text to speech function)


To others:

Afrikaans is indeed mostly derived from 17-18th century Dutch dialects (from the settlers of the Dutch East India Company) and native languages such as Xhosa.


PS: I just noticed someone else is already working on the Dutch translation.



Not quite sure about the Xhosa in it, and my family has been in SA since 1666 A.D.


Gotta agree with the rest of what you said though. Also we have some weird words from obscure languages too. Like several words derived from Indonesian. (Dutch East Indies back then).

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