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Voice Chat Volume Attracting Zombies


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I was just thinking that it would be cool if a VOIP chat was added where the volume level of the transmitter would effect the noise output of your character in game.


For instance you yell "Steve, Behind You!!" into your headset and your loud yell alerts lots of zombies to you!


Whispering Quietly would not attract zombies from as far away.


I think for immersion, this would be awesome! Currently when I use Steam Chat I can scream all I want to warn my friends of zombies behind them with no penalty! Zombies would hear you in RL.

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Based on today's Mondoid http://projectzomboid.com/blog/2014/12/a-very-mondoid-christmas/ it sounds like there will be a system for in game text chat that will attract nearby zombies.


Will they be removing the server wide chat then? Will this walkie talkie/hamm radio system be needed to have communication over distance now?


Since everyone could just use skype/ts/blah without distracting the devs from what they are devving I'm all for everyone to keep doing that for the time being.


You won't be able to stop people using TS, Skype, Steam Chat, etc, but my OP eluded to the issue that it sucks that there is no realistic penalty for using voice chat as there would be in RL.

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