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Can't load after connection request accepted





I'm hosting a server and trying to play with two friends. One friend can connect and play, no problem, the other, when trying to connect gets connection request accepted and then nothing. It doesn't load anything else.


He can play his own game and join public servers without issue but can't join mine. We aren't using a client such as hamachi.


Things we've tried:

-Changing ports

-I've forwarded at least 10-15 ports to no avail

-Reinstalling both our games

-Completely trashing the server and trying again

-Running his game as Admin


He can ping my IP without issue, we can play other games that I host, no problem (starbound, risk of rain are two recent that come to mind)


I'm stumped by it any ideas?


Thanks guys

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4 answers to this question

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Posted · Hidden by Rathlord, December 13, 2014 - Can't ninja this
Hidden by Rathlord, December 13, 2014 - Can't ninja this

When you say you have 10-15 ports, are they sequental (or a range), such as 16261 - 16270? And it's UDP/TCP? Just want to make sure.

Otherwise, we'll probably have to see the results of trying to connect from the console, for both your server and his client. A screenshot of each would do.

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Regarding the ports you have open, can you just double check that there's at least 4 consecutive ports open (4 in a row, not random) and that they're open for both TCP and UDP.


Out of curiosity, have you tried having him connect while your other friend who can connect isn't on the server?


And have you tried to do a whitelist at any point for the server? If not might be worth taking it down.


If you could send us pics of both the client and the server consoles it might help as well.

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Hey Rathlord thank you for replying,


In regards to your questions:

I have ports 16260-16290 forwarded as both TCP and UDP, both of my friends do as well

I hadn't tried whitelisting until my friend was struggling so we started without one, he is whitelisted. However the server logs aren't showing him as unable to join. The logs say he is allowed to join


Here's the Server Console:



Here's my user console.txt:



Here's my friends console in pic and from console.txt:




thanks for your help again

we also have had him try without my other friend in the server

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