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Splitscreen questions



So I'm trying to play split screen with my girlfriend, but I'm trying to split the screen inbetween 2 distinct screens, is that possible ?

I plugged my fix monitor into my gf's laptop, we're starting the game from her laptop to then split the screen with her laptop as player 1, and trying to get player 2 on my screen.

I'm pretty much a noob with dual screens in general so I've no clear idea what I'm doing, so far I got her desktop "extended" to my screen, but if I start the game it will only be shown on hers.

Can I add a custom resolution like 3000x768 and play windowed, and then adjust the window inbetween our 2 screens ?

Or is there a way to do it with fullscreen on ?

(Rapid answer would be lovely, as we'd very much like to try it right naooow <3)

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5 answers to this question

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Start ProjectZomboidServer.exe.

Go to the Start menu and type command prompt
Right click on cmd.exe and go into Run as Adminsitrtator
Type IPConfig
Find the IPV4 address

The IPV4 address will be the address of the host for your friend to connect to.

Should be all, so long as you're both on the same router.

Make sure the one hosting the game signs in with localhost, not the ip, though.

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Go into Adjust Screen Resolution and set it to Extends, with both monitors the same resolution.

Then launch the game in Windowed mode and maximize it. It should now fill the screen, half and half. Then you can have splitscreen on two separate monitors, hopefully.

Alternatively, go to %username%\zomboid and add the resolution to options.ini. It'll take effect when you launch the game (full screen or otherwise).

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Thanks EG ! No success with the first option so we tried the 2nd one, which worked as intended as we moved the window to adjust the split inbetween the 2 screens, but her laptop didn't seem to handle it very well as we had regular freezes and low fps when we met relatively large groups of zeds, sadly not very enjoyable to play ^^

Is there a way to create a LAN server ? As we'd like to try to co-op without lags

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If you're on the computer hosting the server, type localhost in the IP field

It'll connect you with or some other hellish number . . . but it effectively means packets never leave your computer and require being funneled through the router. should do this as well, but it doesn't always seem to work as intended.

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