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I had a few ideas while I was playing online last night to improve the chat system.


1. (Hot keys for custom chat commands) First, I think it would be pretty nice to be able to hotkey custom commands for chat. So instead of having to stop and type out something you could simply hit a key and say whatever it is you wanted.


2. (Chat indicator when typing message) I noticed when playing with others we never know when someone is about to say something so there is alot of times where we are all awkwardly standing around wondering if the other player is about to say something or not. There should be some sort of indicator that someone is trying to communicate. Maybe some moving dots "..." or something that shows that a player is currently typing a message into chat.




...and different channels would be pretty neat too. Or at least the ability to make a private group chat. And/or send private messages to players like /whisper <playername> "how is it like being a zombie? Told you not to go down the stairs you stupid fk."

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