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Everything posted by leonhart18

  1. no word on server yet? it isnt giving modifiers for me...
  2. so.....can i suggest something? maybe making bags of trash? it does seem counter productive to have to use so many making a junkyard just to open a bag and look inside.....so maybe that system should be completely reworked? maybe add the items as trash loot table items instead of random chance from a junkyard. i just cant get over how silly it is to need something like that to look inside a thin plastic bag. Absolutely love this mod though.... on another token, is it normal to keep old smithy hammers when going up a tier in metal? like needing a copper smithy hammer to make an iron, but keeping the hammer afterwards? just seems odd, when an iron hammer is more than capable of hammering all types of metal. copper may be too soft, but surely iron is all that is needed.... last thing is i cant figure out how to make duct tape flething...im sure im missing something small.... best mod ever btw. so much more life in the game now
  3. Ok this has been a weird issue forever can some one tell me what is wrong? If you u them in a bag you should get trays from the on create. recipe Store Dried Apple Slices in Bag { HCZipperbag, HCDriedapples, Result:HCDriedapplesbag, Time:30.0, Category:Cooking, OnCreate:recipe_hcbakingtray, }function recipe_hcbakingtray(items, result, player) local inv = player:getInventory(); inv:AddItem("Base.BakingTray");endIf you eat them directly from the tray ... item HCDriedapples { HungerChange = -30, BoredomChange = -10, UnhappyChange = -15, Weight = 1, Type = Food, ReplaceOnUse = BakingTray, DisplayName = Dried Apple Slices, Icon = HCDriedapple, } If you eat them before cooked ... item HCDryingappleslices { HungerChange = -20, Weight = 1, Type = Food, DisplayName = Drying Apple Slices, Icon = HCDryingapple, DaysFresh = 1, DaysTotallyRotten = 1, IsCookable = TRUE, DangerousUncooked = FALSE, MinutesToCook = 40, MinutesToBurn = 60, ReplaceOnUse = BakingTray, ReplaceOnCooked = Hydrocraft.HCDriedapples, }So why is this still happening? Anyone know? They vanished when i pulled them out of oven and into my main inventory. never put them in a bag
  4. drying fruits consumes baking tray, and pulling them out of oven makes them dissapear. so drying fruits gives, sadly, nothing edit: fruit slices randomly reappeared hours later in the oven. odd, lol. still no trays tho
  5. Wheres the zombies?

  6. been lurking since old forums man. not giving up, not yet. if i had any slight inkling whatsoever on how to add it myself id do it lol. along with making the canning more realistic, such as more jars and lids, making the contents last longer....maybe even add the ability to dig a basement. THAT would be pretty cool. a basement wine brewery, making my fun juice as i sit in the sky watching the zeds try to climb my sheet rope
  7. been lurking since old forums man.
  8. well then suggestions is the perfect place for it then
  9. why cant we dry/cure meat into jerky? especially raw fish.....its easy to do irl with a proper rack or a dehydrator, and we have generators......
  10. leonhart18

    need help

    my only question: will it work for mp? me and my wife play together all the time
  11. i need shotgun shells, water the crops while i hit the pd
  12. leonhart18

    need help

    not sure where to puit this so hoping for the best. where do i change a setting or lua to increase the amount of jars and lids in the game to be found? ive lived in kentucky for 20 years and i cant go to any neighbors home without drinking sweet tea from a canning jar they provide me. its a rather popular thing with the older generations around here. i just want to find more.
  13. well after playing for 13 hours on this build i love it. but for two issues. even AFTER clearing 90 percent of the map, including the malland the far flung cabins, living off dry fodd and looting,running to next house,rinse repeat,i have totaled 3 jars, 5 lids, 29 vinegar bottles and ZERO sledgehammersplaying survival mode. something about loot spawn seems.....off. i mean no sledge after looting every garage, warehouse, shed, AND the logging co on the map? something isnt right here.
  14. i got warned to be lovely too. i forget its hard to interpret friendly banter and well meaning sarcasm in text format. but either way great jpb on the speedy hotfix guys!
  15. ok skippy, information was REQUESTED. a step by step that makes sense and doesnt do a lot of technical mumbo jumbo it assumes everyone already knows. you were given info, aka we did the steps exept for port forwarding and it doesnt work. and CAPS LOCK IS CONVEY EMOTION SIR
  16. so me and my wife each own our own copy of PZ through steam. NO MATTER WHAT WE DO WE CANT GET A SERVER RUNNING TO PLAY TOGETHER. I NEED HELP< STEP BY STEP, start from scratch on HOW WE SET THIS UP. for example we use a suddenlink router so ALL common ports are already open. least thats what the tech told me on the phone. P{LEASE HELP
  17. if my twigs were branches id cut down a forest.
  18. one more noticable issue. containers that frequently contain guns or ammo are now empty. 4 seperate characters went to the WPPD amory, never got more than a hunting knife, an single shotgun, and a box of ammo.
  19. maybe its just me. but im using a character with lucky and strong, 45 foraging attempts in each forest in each cardinal direction outside of WP, totaling 180 foraging attempts with a fresh character, yielding 3, yes just 3, tree branches. i know the areas are supposed to forage out after a few attempts but wow. i got almost 90 berries and 50 violets, 43 stones and more twigs than i care for but tree branches are.....just not common at all.
  20. Maybe you're just a bad axe maker. Perhaps you should wait until you level up a bit more...? And have you ever tried cutting a tree down? I'd bet it'd take a few more than 12 hits, especially with a blunt, home made axe and taking in consideration that you're getting ready made logs. sure you could say that, but it still doesnt compare to a regular axe taking just 5 swings to chop down trees as well. the 12 swings wouldnt be so bad if it wasnt for the fact the axe breaks shortly into tree two and the low low low odds of trees branches with the new skill
  21. does anyone else feel the new stone axe needs work? cant even cut two trees before it breaks....and 12 swings to chop one tree down? yowsa.maybe 7 or 8 sure..... EDIT: and tree limbs are rather hard to get, considering NONE of the trees around the forest must have any branches at all, lol
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