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The Indie Stone
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Everything posted by lemmy101

  1. Ah, you need to think outside the box EG! Imagine an invisible player character and setting his location to being where your lua driven vehicle object is each frame
  2. All you ever really NEED to know is if the java says one of the following: float double long int short you can just mentally substitute that with 'number'. That's all you NEED to know. A useful addition is that: float double 0.3443 is possible. Each of these represents a number that can be 1, 2, 3, 4 or any point in between them. 1.3, 2.54345, 4.565634 etc. A character can't just stand on one tile or another, he can stand on the edge of a tile, or 1/4 down it and 1/7 across it. A character in the middle of tile 130, 212 is at 130.5, 212.5 (0.5 of the way through, or 50%) where a character stood on the point between 4 tiles is at 130, 212 (or the very top left of a tile). A character could be 25.543534% hungry, or 13.453534% damp, so again these are 'float' kinda values. long int short 0.3443 is not possible, since decimal places do not exist. It's like counting on fingers, you count 1, 2, 3, 4 and nothing exists between those values. Integer values (int, long, short) are useful for counting and stuff. You have 10 zombies, or 24 zombies. You never have 12.43 zombies. So passing 123.456 into a java function that wanted an int, it would become 123 and would just chop off the decimal places. It won't round up. Even 12.999999 would become 12. If you try to get tile 213.432, 312.423 it will not return a mythical tile inbetween two tiles. It'll trim off the decimal places and assume you want tile 213, 312. Last thing you maybe need to know is that integers are important, and since lua does not have them sometimes you have to force the issue. If you divide a group of 11 zombies into 2, you don't want 5.5 zombies in each group, you can do this in lua by doing.... totalGroupSize = 11 eachGroupIdealSize = totalGroupSize / 2 -- this is now 5.5groupASize = math.floor(eachGroupIdealSize) -- floor makes 5.5 into 5, cuts of decimal place like intgroupBSize = totalGroupSize - groupASize -- now group A is 5 and group B is 6, instead of them being 5.5 each.
  3. confused why you would EVER think this about a post in the modding forum or that we'd be that mental to fundamentally change the genre of the game 2 years since people started buying also peeps, don't expect this too soon, obviously a good chunk of it is dev for zomboid NPCs anyhow, but the rest of it will have to wait for those moments where I really need a break from normal game dev, or once we hit Steam. The game comes first, goes without saying.
  4. Who's to know, that's up to the rest of the team. This is purely a me thing atm so can't say anything to that. but if it turns out awesome, then perhaps?
  5. So since I was a kid, I've always wanted to make a turn-based tactical game with Fallout / XCom / Laser Squad mechanics. My best bud growing up (since I was 5) and myself spent many many an night splitting XCom teams in half to make an improvised multiplayer version and even with the awesome new XCOM we still have an itch to scratch. He'll likely be co-designing this with me. In fact, prior to zomboid, I actually did want to make one, even started dabbling, but it appealed less to Binky, and that led to our decision to do Zomboid since it needed to be something we were both passionate about. (ironically since the new XCOM his interests in the genre have risen, so who knows for the future!) Well, now the proper modding system is in, I figured I'd make one as a mod! Things to bear in mind: 1) The MetaCombatSystem I'm writing demands a lot of the functionality that could be leveraged for a turn-based stuff. A lot of the work is required anyway and directly benefits NPCs and the meta-game. 2) This is a strictly out of hours thing, no one get mad. 3) There will be no version of this until NPCs are out, as a lot of the code it depends on can't be put into the main dev branch until NPCs go in. So what's the plan? Zomboid plays as usual, until the moment you get aggro (or combat with NPCs start), at which point it'll go into a combat mode (using just slightly tweaked (literally two lines of code) the system I'm currently working on for the combat in the vanilla game) At that point you'll be moving your dudes one by one, you and any npcs in your party, proper Fallout style. Other planned features = * Aim for body locations * Cover system (ahem in vanilla, not sure why adding this as a feature) * Multiplayer hotseat mode (with replays for next player) - to turn into over net once we have internet mp. Truth be told it may even beat vanilla to being online since it's about 100000000000 times simpler with turn based games. * All the things I want in a turn based squad tactics game but have never got. * Deep mechanics. Basically want this to be really deep and geeky.
  6. lol if NPCs were in we'd be talking about going on Steam. PZ's code is pretty much open for anyone to look at, I really doubt we'd have gotten away with adding NPCs and not telling anyone for long. When NPCs are in modders will see they are in a heartbeat without every having to run the game.
  7. we have Mac peeps around here, hopefully they will help out soon. Us PCers sadly have little to offer
  8. Float stands for floating point numbers, but technically speaking, there is no such thing as floats in lua. In java you have different variables that represent different number types. For example a byte type in java will only take numbers from -128 to 127 whereas an int can take numbers from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. The difference is of course that a byte will take less memory and should be used if you know that there won't be any larger nummers. Theoretically it should speed up some processes, but in most if not all cases the performance increase should be negligable. Lua doesn't care if you have an integer or an float it treats all numbers the same. Moreover lua doesn't care which type a variable is. A variable can be all kinds of stuff. Functions for example are also variables of type function - that's why you sometimes see declarations as: Package.functionName = function(param1, param2)...endWhich I find pretty ugly personally (though it's just a question about coding style). What should you learn? That lua doesn't care about the type of the number, but java does. As far as I can tell, most of the time when PZ wants a float it wants a real number from 0 to 1 so you can pass it 0,233332 for example. If it takes an int and you pass it a float it should be rounded to an int automatically on conversion. Hope that was understandable. If anything is incorrect, feel free to correct me people. Maybe I'm gonna put that into the tutorial. More specifically, EVERY number in Kahlua is a double. Bar none. Even ints. But yeah, there's a part between lua and java where it converts those doubles into floats, ints, shorts, whatever the function its trying to call needs. (speider: double is like a float but with 'double' the size of a float, so a higher / lower number is possible)
  9. For me it only comes up, when I have set a breakpoint or if it encounters a bug ... maybe try that? Tried it, no debug stuff Got an error message in the logfile though. Just want to know if I can call the screenshot function from lua... Do you get a console window in-game when u start? If not, then you are not in debug mode.
  10. call the function breakpoint() in lua this will always break every time it runs.
  11. Hold left shift when you boot the game
  12. It should be just a case of putting your mod in a mod folder with all the files it over writes, and doing a file description file etc.
  13. This is exactly how it works. More like Skyrim really, where each mod folder 'overrides' the original and mirrors the file layout, the mod being active causes it to load its file instead, and the mods each override in turn to provide the modded game, so mods could be ordered to be compatible where they wouldn't have been before.
  14. any chance I can get a copy of that so I'm not in a position to build one myself. We will give you a lovely contributor credit if it works for everyone (also it seems perfectly reasonable thing to do imo, not really a hack at all)
  15. I mean, it's a native function, C right? how did you call it?
  16. Really? well I take that back then and wonder why in hell everyone's so pissed off about it in the OGL / LWJGL communities. OK so question 2) How in fuck do I call XInitThreads?
  17. no, it needs to be created before the java main thread is created. AKA before main() which is the earliest possible time you could call it. Much better programmers than I with a ton more linux experience than I have said this is not fixable, the makers of lwjgl expressed their frustration and lack of power to do anything, so am inclined to believe that.
  18. can you send a pm to me and RJ with a link to the original save? (not the one you tried to load up, if you don't have that now then look for a _backup save)
  19. ARGH how is this possible, I've NEVER SEEN A SINGLE ONE yet others say there are 'so many'. it's only take me or RJ seing ONE of them to be able to fix this fkin thing
  20. Right click game in Steam, go into Properties, click BETAS tab and select the beta branch in the drop down. Warning, as with all non-official releases, backing up saves in C:\Users\<Username\Zomboid is recommended. [New Stuff] Improved night time, is now lighter, still dangerously dark but not totally black.Fixed crash bugsProper modding system (enable/disable mods in-game list) required to avoid mod related save problems etc)Option to turn on/off multi-core rendering (defaults off for single core/linux)Make the right click for world item much easier (selecting a sink for example).When destroying something with items inside it (e.g. crates), the items are dropped on the ground.If you destroy a crate and there's another crate on top of it, the crate fall.New Survival Guide entrie for the Inventory Management.Translation !Come on baby light my fire....... Saves properly on sleep. Never lose more than a day with some unexpected crash or power loss. [bug Fix] Got rid of weird square of light around player.Fixed various crash with inventory.Fixed drink/take water bugs.Re-added tooltip for traits selection.Equipped bag are now saved.The animation for destroying wall is a bit faster.Fixed various carpentry bugs.You can now add a sheet rope over self-made windows frame, let's build a stairway to heaven with a sheet rope !Crafted door fixed !Fixed fast forward cooking bug.Fixed various renderer / multi-core related bugs.Fixed LOS bugs allowing you / zombies to see briefly through walls while moving about. [balance] Reduced the chance for a zombie to become a crawler when you hit him. [Known Issues] Small font a little too small for high resolutions, we'll increase the size of this before public release.
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