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Everything posted by Maxis010

  1. No, I was suggesting the implementation of -1s, not that they actually work right now
  2. Similar suggestion, split the shutdown options to can fail after x and must fail at y So if the can fail is -1 but the must fail is set then they fail at a set time If it's the otherway around then there is always a chance of failure after the can fail point is reached Setting both values to -1 and the can fail and must fail points will never be reached How people choose to use this (if implemented) is their choice
  3. If you login with the username "admin" and the password you entered when the server asked you to on it's first boot then you have godmode and invisibility Invisibility will stop zombies from seeing you, and make you really fast Godmode will stop some of your character stats from changing, including but not limited to pain, weight, hunger, thirst etc Either login as a non admin account or open the player list and click the godmode & invisible buttons that appear when you hover over your name, every time you login
  4. You can also use SteamCMD to download Project Zomboid I have the following setup on my end ./SteamCMD/RunSteamCMD.bat @echo offtitle Update All Serversecho Please provide your Steam login details belowset /p username= Username: set /p password= Password: steamcmd +login %username% %password% +runscript update.txtpause./SteamCMD/update.txt force_install_dir ../Zomboid/app_update 108600 validatequitI find this easier than copying the folder from my local machine every update because it's faster (for me at least) and only downloads what it needs to
  5. Use the PZServerSettings.exe and save to ZomboidFolder\media\lua\shared\Sandbox\SandboxVars.lua Try changing the Reset ID, just a guess No luck finding it. All info i find on this seems old and with the -Dsoftreset option when starting server seem to hardreset or crash depending on RAM. Any other suggestions? It's in the server ini file located at Username/Zomboid/Server/
  6. Try changing the Reset ID, just a guess
  7. Well personally, I'd say instead of just having zombies respawn look at the migration as those 2 features would go hand in hand, so if zombies are heading towards the towns then they spawn on the edges of the map, then migrate based off of area density and natural movement (IE being attracted to sounds made by the director and players) Now that I think about I can see how this won't work as the map continues to grow So perhaps (working with the districts stuff you guys did) each district can respawn zombies but killing zombies in these areas and building walls suppresses this spawn rate until it zero's out, allowing survivors to secure areas Thank you for riding the thought express, this is the last stop
  8. This is the unfortunate truth, no matter what you set it to the power and water can still shut off the second you enter the world, my record is 4 hours then lost power, so much food, so wasted
  9. As as admin account on login I always open the players list and click the God Mode and Invisible buttons that appear when I hover over my name
  10. Download this program http://sourceforge.net/projects/sqlitebrowser/ Use it to access your server's database file. In "Execute SQL" run the following SELECT * FROM whitelistThe first entry should be the admin account, with password
  11. There is a Soft Reset implemented, It's like a complete reset but you keep all of the map changes (burned down building and player structures)
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