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Everything posted by getstoopid

  1. I hope they fix the "personal" light source like flashlights to work in MP. It's ridiculous that everyone needs their own and you should also be able to use it as a stationary light source by placing it on the ground.
  2. The Colt AR-15 is the "civilian" version of the M16 and is semi-automatic.
  3. I actually found quite a few gas lamps in garages and those storage containers... so they already do spawn there. Candles however, I've found maybe one or even none in my 350 hours in-game...
  4. You mean like your posts? I mean seriously there is not much positive about the game in your statements aside from the "I really love the game.." followed by a big but
  5. There are candles afaik but apparently it's the rarest thing you can find... it seems they don't have that many candles in kentucky, maybe wax costs a fortune there or had back in the 90s? I'm from europe so what do I know...
  6. Not that yellowish overlay maybe but I like the idea in general... maybe It could just be brighter overall?
  7. It's an isometric game, so why wouldn't you know which direction is which?
  8. Was requested a few times already and I hope it will be added at some point. However, I don't think that there are many individuals out there able staying focused and conscious while sawing off one of their arms or leg. Would be more of a multiplayer feature I'd assume or only if you have a specific trait like "high pain threshold" or "strong willed".
  9. He meant if other survivors are present, I guess and not the one plane crash survivor who simply had no choice. @OP I agree with most of what you said about people and their intrinsic motivation to "do good" BUT you yourself also mentioned those gangs, groups of bullies and rare violent idiots. ...And now you have a problem because if you have no or only a small group behind you (and people you care for and feel responsible for), you just can't rely on statistics (= the probability that bob here, wearing a gun and a large bloody machete, is not one of those rare types but friendly and helpful). So what will happen... let's call it a misunderstanding. The next problem will be that civilization is spreading thinner every day for the first few weeks to the point where you may see no other people for days or even weeks and chances are that at least one time your trust will be abused and (if you survive it) you will be waaay less trusting or even hostile in the future which leads to more distrust and violence spreading like a disease. Because "society" to handle those bullies and gangs doesn't exist any more... the good people are no longer the majority aside from larger communities that may form after a while... I would assume for the first few months or even years humanity is in for the dark ages again.
  10. Sounds like minecraft spawning/despawning logic? I think that this wouldn't apply to pz because of zombie migration, even if it feels somewhat broken sometimes.
  11. It sure is! Most (all?) of it is available on youtube and even soundcloud =)
  12. Yep absolutely but the bolts should have an increasing chance to break with every shot
  13. Hmmm I guess that tells you that you maybe should rethink your playstyle Or just love it and keep going if that month living and then dying is worth it \o/ After all with 3k hours in I think you understand the mechanics and how to circumvent the risks... you just decided to do something else (because it's more fun *g) But back to topic, I oppose the idea of layers behaving like "deflector shields" that need to be overcome one by one... not because it's unrealistic or wrong but because it would pretty op.
  14. I think layering should add a bonus to protection... so let's say I wear only a denimshirt it gives 7%, if I wear a leather jacket over it it adds the 30% from the jacket PLUS let's say 10% for "one extra layer". I know that's not exactly what the OP is talking about but I also think that the protection from clothing is rather low. also there should be no clothing (aside from underwear) adding nothing since wearing a simple tshirt could with a little luck maybe protect me from a scratch at least...
  15. Absolutely, there sadly just isn't at the moment. My idea for lvl10 cooking would be a flat bonus to every meal of 20 boredom- and 20 unhappiness reduction and also +1 ingredient. Guess that would make it a pretty awesome reward
  16. Jup other than building lvl3 walls (and just because they don't look crappy) there is no real reason to lvl beyond 7
  17. Totally agree with your opinion on the negative traits, except I want to add that sleepyhead has a big impact on mp servers with sleeping on... since on small servers usually the whole group needs to skip time (without hopping off the server). So one sleepyhead hits the whole group
  18. Wait no! When the game kills me than it was my fault for sure! That's what we roadie fanboy acolytes tend to believe... what do I say, I meant what we KNOW! You know you're sounding like an angry little child ragequitting because the game is sooo unfair! You said you're in your 40+? Hard to believe actually... Noone said this game is perfect or anywhere near finished and yeah it really takes a long time. But guess what, you could just lay it down for a while and try again when the next update comes out. In this and the other thread about losing your character all you do is ranting, even if you think of it as "constructive criticism" it doesn't really sound like it. Criticism should be in a respectful and friendly tone. We all know the mechanics of the game are broken in some situations, nothing new here. Most of the players just live with it and wait for a fix. So, what is it you really want? What did you expect would be the response on your posts? An apology from the devs or sympathy from other players? Then you should work on your attitude.
  19. Maybe you have a very short memory? But even so, I would assume that you usually don't fight for your life while backpedaling over dead bodies and litter or through the woods...
  20. Totally agree on the limb damage! The "clumsiness" as you put it is somewhat necessary I guess as fighting is too easy at the moment and unrealistic. You can't just backpedal and slap their heads without ever tripping in the real world... especially if you are in the woods and/or bodies lying all around you with puddles of blood and whatnot. If you'd try, you'd surely die... I agree though that this should become less of a problem with higher skill(s). Primarily I'd tie it to nimble I guess - this skill is already related to combat stance so it would make kinda sense.
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