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    skyleaf reacted to Raath in 41.26 - Lightbulbs get reconditioned to 100% placing them in outside lights   
    I was wondering what condition lightbulbs were in the outside lamps and if the condition effected brightness.  Not being able to see the condition from the inventory I took one from a lamp and put it in a car which reported 100%.  I took an average 60% bulb from the car and inserted it into the lamp then removed it and put it back in the car which said it was now100%.  So outdoor lamps can recondition bulbs.
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    skyleaf reacted to Swamp Doctor in IWBUMS 41.26 released!   
    I don't even know how to ask you... I love your game...but there is one problem... I recently lost several fingers on my hand. After a certain amount of mastering and getting used to the new conditions of my position, I got somewhat used to the new WASD management. As in any shooter (or similar game using WASD) , I replaced the "back"(S) and "forward(W)" buttons on the mouse in the key settings, using its side buttons (mouse5 and mouse4) for the above movement. This saved me both mentally and physically! But in Zomboid there is no way to configure additional side mouse keys to link to the character's movement control :( I love your game. Help me stay in it by adding the possibility of more flexible control settings. From Russia with love your sincere fan...
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    skyleaf reacted to lemmy101 in IWBUMS 41.26 released!   
    Revamped mod system:
    - Updated the Mods screen. The mod description is displayed for the selected mod on the right side of the screen, instead of in the list of mods. Other details such as the ID, Workshop ID (if any), installation directory, and any posters are displayed on the right.
    - mod.info can have multiple poster= lines to specify multiple images in the Mods screen.
    - mod.info can have multiple description= lines which add to the total description.
    - The New Game screen has a button to choose which mods are enabled for the new game.
    - Each savefile has its own list of mods saved in a file named mods.txt.  mods.txt also has a list of map folders that is used in cases where parts of different maps overlap each other.
    - The Load Game screen displays the map folders and mod names used by the selected savefile. Since old savefiles do not have a mods.txt file, all currently-enabled mods are used when loading an old savefile. After loading an old savefile for the first time, the mods for that savefile cannot be changed, except by editing or deleting mods.txt.
    The old Zomboid/mods/loaded.txt file has been replaced by Zomboid/mods/default.txt.  This file contains the default set of enabled mods that will be used when creating a new game.  The default mods can be overridden when creating a new game in the New Game screen.
    default.txt also contains the list of map folders that was previously saved in options.ini (the old "mapOrder" setting that was used to deal with overlapping maps). If there are no map-overlap conflicts, this list of map folders is empty.
    - Added bBeingSteppedOn IsoZombie GameVariable to test if a player (or zombie) is standing on a prone zombie. Originally I was going to use this to prevent fake-dead zombies turning over when the player is standing on them.Prone zombies won't stand up if another zombie is standing on them.
    Changes on character creation:
    - Can now save/load outfit (clothing, m/f, name)
    - Can now select texture when item using multiple texture but no colors (jeans comes in 3 colors, but a random one was choosen everytime).
    - Tweaked washing clothes at sinks:
     - Clothing is washed one item at a time.
     - Items are washed in order from least-bloody to most-bloody when Wash > All is chosen.
     - Context-menu tooltips display the required amount of soap and water.
     - The correct amount of soap and water is used.
    - Added a display option to specify which modifier key used in combination with the mousewheel cycles between containers in the inventory and loot windows.  The default is Shift.
    - The "Walk To" context-menu command displays a cursor to specify the location to walk to.  This allows the player to click multiple times without having to choose the "Walk To" command again, making long jaunts through forests easier.
    - Items are now placed onto an adjacent not-full square when dropping items on the ground. This is needed since the loot window displays items from the surrounding 3x3 squares, and each square can only hold 50 weight.
    - Added an option (under Accessibility) to drop items near the center of the square the player is standing on, rather than exactly where the player is standing, for neat freaks.
    - Items now transferred from lightest to heaviest, to maximize the number of items that will be transferred.
    - Animation now plays when transferring items between main inventory and equipped bags.
    - Vehicle-headlight distance and intensity are based on the part condition instead of being randomly set  when the vehicle is created. Headlight width is also based on part condition. The Focus Up and Focus Down context-menu commands which changed headlight width were removed.
    - Updated community translations.
    - Added a nag panel that pops up the first time the user tries to access the Mods screen.
    - Added the word "ERROR" to the little red box of doom.
    - Zombies can now have random bandages (bloody!) on them, thanks Captain Australia on reddit for the idea!
    - Overlays updated
    - Limited the forces applied to vehicles when driving over corpses to prevent liftoff.
    - Added sewing kit (icon pending) to kitchen loot table, this contain needles/thread and few strips to fix clothing.
    - Added mouse trap in kitchen random distributions.
    - Forbid building barbed wire fences without a connecting fence post or barbed-wire segment.
    - Color palette at character creation now doesn't heavily favors shades of pink and green over others.
    - Flint knife now has crafting recipe 
    - Now possible to recover and repair a weapon used in Spear creation
    - Stomp with fractured thigh/shin/foot now affects stomping accuracy
    - When stomping on multiple zombies, player now chooses the one whose head is closest. Previously, the distance to the zombie wasn't considered, other than being in stomping range.
    - Allow the player to drop items while moving, to avoid unfair deaths
    - Changed Screws weight to match Nails.
    - Changed IsoGameCharacter.maxWeight from Integer to int.
    - Reduced the damage to headlights from hitting zombies.
    - Added more attack prediction for the standing/on ground zombie detection.
    - Moved Tailoring perks from Survivalist to Crafting sub category.
    - Changed Flint knife to Stone knife (using a sharped stone).
    - Increased Digital Watch spawning rate.
    - Lowered chance of some helmet removals.
    - Can now attach meat cleaver to the belt.
    - When a car spawn in zed stories (police, fireman..) key of the car can be find on one of the zombie spawned with it.
    - Lowered general condition of car spawning in house stories.
    - Renamed Key in House keys.
    - House key can now spawn in kitchen counter.
    - Fireman in burnt house stories now spawn a firemen vehicle.
    - Added Drink from pot anim.
    - Can now use the Stone Knife in various recipe (cutting animals, fish, creating stake...)
    Some changes on Foraging UI:
    - Foraging now doesn't close the UI.
    - Added progress bar on the UI when foraging.
    - Items gathered will be displayed on the right.
    - Can now filter on "fish baits".
    - Animals filter still get all the fish baits too.
    - Worms can now be found at level 0.
    Cutaways - [Bug] Can't see character through some objects
    Cutaways - Can't see inside of a house through a window facing top-right
    Cutaways - Cut-away walls plop back up when trying to open a window, even when unsuccessful.
    Cutaways - Hide the eaves on roofs when entire building is hidden/transparent
    Cutaways - Player made walls not display walls, windowframes, doorframes on north and west when build it on Z>0.
    Cutaways - Wall cut away system not hiding enough of player-made walls
    Cutaways - Wall cut out issue when near window
    - Fixed advantages give through cancelling attacks (IMPORTANT: If you prefer playing with the ability to walk while attacking zeds (kiting), then this is possible by disabling Melee Movement Disruption in Sandbox options)
    - Fixed player animation lockup when gun breaks after firing it.
    - Fixed blob corpses in McCoys and Prison zones.
    - Fixed a reused zombie's animation blending in from the previous one it was playing before the zombie was removed from the world.
    - Fixed the wrong HurtSound being played for zombies after male/female swap.
    - Fixed reversing over corpses not playing a sound.
    - Fixed bunch of bugs in Fixing Generator (perks wasn't taking in calcul, also now gives electrical exp.)
    - Fixed snapping in farming actions due to wait for turning to finish before playing the animation
    - Fixed the player taking damage from heavy loads when resting, sitting or sleeping.
    - Fixed vehicles taking fall damage each time they were loaded.  It didn't happen every time, possibly only when two vehicles were touching.
    - Fixed issues with targeting windows and shooting zombies through windows.
    - Fixed failing to load models with capital I in the filename using the Turkish language.
    - Added 'world' attachments to more weapon models so they are centered and lie flat in the world.
    - Fixed zombies farther away than 10 squares having a negative chance to spot the player.
    - Fixed not being able to build barbed-wire fences in one direction.
    - Fixed zombies thumping fence posts.
    - Fixed fake-dead zombies sometimes appearing naked until the player gets close.
    - Fixed no wait for turning to finish before starting ISBuryCorpse.
    - Fixed inventory items displaying the timed-action green highlight after actions finish.
    - Fixed the player continuing to move while sleeping somtimes.
    - Fixed lua error after clicking Continue after the last-played savefile has been deleted.
    - Fixed Flashlight not being consumed from bags or on the ground when crafting Lamp-on-Pillar.
    - Fixed battery status not being preserved when installing a radio in a vehicle. Changed ConditionMax from 10 to 100 for radio items that can be installed in vehicles.
    - Fixed not being able to remove a clothing patch without having patch material in inventory.
    - Fixed clothing tooltip using the wrong player in splitscreen.
    - Fixed mod IDs for deleted mods not being removed from mods/default.txt, resulting in them being added to mods.txt for new games.
    - Fixed texture-filtering issue that affected scrollbars and the debug console sometimes
    - Fixed being able to drink from a Washing machine
    - Fixed not being able to put a corpse in a grave without a shovel
    - Fixed fresh, frozen ice cream having negative boredom / happiness values for some inexpiable reason
    - Fixed Hats held in char inventory (not worn) also becoming wet/soaked
    - Fixed translations for new game modes not being used in Load Game ui and post-death text.
    - Fixed zombified players not standing up due to other zombies standing on them.
    - Fixed game-mode translations not being used in a few places.
    - Forbid digging graves above ground level. People could put dirt on a roof then dig a grave in the roof.
    - Fixed dragging items from a bag to the floor not unpacking them first, as was done when clicking the Drop button.
    - Fixed military fences being climbable when facing south or east.
    - Fixed new bandage items being added each time the game is loaded, resulting in bandage models not being removed.
    - Fixed higher engine quality lowering the chance of starting a vehicle.
    - Fixed colder weather increasing the chance of staring a vehicle.
    - Fixed vehicle engineQuality sometimes being less than zero or greater than 100.
    - Fixed rendering of lightswitches, shelves, and other objects that are on the south or east side of a square. This also fixes rendering of doors that swing open the opposite way of most other  doors (double-doors in Westpoint Gigamart and church for example).
    - Fixed placement of sheets on doors that open the opposite way from most other door
    - Fixed cutaway outline for window frames that have no window (such as carpentry window frames).
    - Fixed not being able to build doors on a square a player or zombie is standing on.
    - Fixed metalwork not using items on the ground.
    - Fixed metalwork not equipping a non-empty Blowtorch if an empty Blowtorch is equipped.
    - Fixed non-empty bags being allowed but not being used when doing carpentry (creating a rainbarrel for example).
    - Fixed Torch and Rope items on the ground not being allowed when creating Lamp-On-Pillar.
    - Fixed tooltips blocking mouse movement over context menus.
    - Fixed properties of some light switches (attachedE, attachedS).
    - Fixed properties of some overlay sprites in tiledefinitions_overlays.tiles.
    - Fixed clothing on zombies and on the ground not getting wetter in the rain.
    - Fixed unnecessary reading of directory contents when looking for mod.info files. This slowed down activating mods for the first time.
    - Fixed water effects animating while the game is paused.
    - Fixed lua error when creating a splitscreen player.
    - Fixed player being able to walk through compost bins by making them solidtrans
    - Fixed characters pathfinding through Lamp-on-pillar by making them solidtrans
    - Fixed log walls not being transparent like tall fences. (not LOS transparency)
    - Fixed the savefile picture not updating after playing then quitting to the main menu.
    - Fixed DebugOptionsWindow being taller than the screen sometimes.
    - Fixed being able to sneak run/sneak run low when having foot injuries.
    - Fixed making stakes not giving woodwork exp.
    - Fixed being able to remove battery while the car engine was running.
    - Fixed drink from bowl. (drink from pot anim is coming!)
    - Fixed drinking from popcan having timing issue.
    - Fixed duplicate bandage models and body-damage models being applied to zombies sometimes.
    - Fixed a zombie snapping upright after hitting it after it climbs over a counter. A zombie will still snap upright if it is hit while it is still on the counter.
    - Fixed replaceOnUse/replaceOnDelete not setting favorite is the previous item was favorite.
    - Fixed destroying stuff not having a calories modifier.
    - Fixed riverside garage missing their loot table.
  4. Like
    skyleaf reacted to Geras in Make snow less tiresome to look at   
    Imo currently snow is too white, and it gets tiresome to look at after some time.
    Don't get me wrong, I think winter in PZ is the best looking season, and I also have my monitor set at 0 brightness.
    I just think making snow a little bit less white, and a little bit more grey would go a long way as far as eye strain is concerned.
    One of the shades of grey where a cloud is simulated on the screenshot would be 100x times better for snow color than the pure white.

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    skyleaf reacted to FlashFire in [Build 41] Unable to connect electricity to house stably   
    Have you tried to change the lamp's blub?
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    skyleaf got a reaction from ur12b4got in Bandage still visible after healed   
    I guess it should not be normal?
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