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Posts posted by Telkir

  1. Well... I don't want to argue my point indefinitely because that would only lead to trouble for everyone involved, but I do want to come back at you once as I think you've slightly missed what I was trying to say :)


    Maybe it was too much of a paraphrase to say "put up or shut up". I was talking mainly about your blog coverage and expressing a preference not to see any stuff about anims when there's nothing new to say, unless a time comes when you know for certain they'll be in IWBUMS shortly.


    I think we have a difference of opinion on how you should be structuring those updates - to me it feels like we've had 3 years of seeing the same thing except with slightly different wording. Sure, you guys have decided to post weekly, and you need to fill those posts with something, but... well, as I say, a difference of opinion, and I'm sure you would come back and say "Players would still complain if we went silent." That's true but it could be waved away if you gave some explanation of why you were going silent in the first place.


    I strongly disagree that animations aren't coming any later. We've had blog posts in both 2015 and 2016 suggesting they were very close to entering an IWBUMS build, then suddenly the hype for vehicles and MP takes off in 2017 and shifts anims to the back burner. Now, in 2018, we're hearing more about animations again - but suddenly they seem not as ready as they were before? Animations are coming later, either because (1) those two features have added more work to complete anims, or (2) it wasn't convenient to integrate anims into the main branch while vehicles / MP was being worked on. If anything I've said here is wrong, maybe you can instead give an idea why on earth the anims system been such an absolute monster that has dragged on for all this time?


    Anyhow, good luck to the team with the remainder of development. I don't expect anything in my box of internet text to change the future so I'll return to lurking and clenching my teeth as I try to remain patient.

  2. Although this is my first post, I've been a lurker following PZ news for... heh, well, too many years now. Despite the rest of this post I honestly appreciate the huge amount of work everyone at TIS, and now also TEA, is putting in to create something special. From the number of hours that many people have already spent in your game, it's clear the work is paying dividends for at least for a portion of the fans.


    That said, I can't hold back any longer from saying how disappointed I am to see animations shoved yet further into the dev cycle again. I'd been waiting patiently throughout the development of MP, then vehicles, with fingers crossed that finally - surely - there wouldn't be anything to prevent anims from coming next. Here we are, though. The wording of "Zedlights" says they won't be in B40, so that's maybe another 2 months or more until we get an idea of what'll be in B41. At this point my patience as a lurker has worn thin enough to say something.


    I know you as a dev team are following the best path you can see, but you've been talking about the new animation / clothing system regularly for 3 years, often in a way that suggested it'll be the next thing added. Come on, guys; from any viewpoint you have to see this is ridiculous. Please show some sanity and don't continue to do this. Respectfully, "put up or shut up."

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