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Everything posted by trombonaught

  1. TWD's meandering hordes are awesome. Maybe this can be implemented with an Advanced Zombie Options variable like "group leader travel distance" or something like that, wherein hordes wander to random locations chosen from within the selected range of their original rally point. Not sure how the rally point stuff works but if we had the zombies doing more than hanging out in the centre of the parking lot/trailer park/street, that'd be great.
  2. Maybe your server has time cranked up (1 day = 15 mins) or food spoilage accelerated? I'd also say cabbage lasts (hyperbolically) forever, at least by default.
  3. Maybe randomly-spawned animal carcasses could act as rally points for hordes? And one day this could scale up to an integrated hunting system... Until then, it could be implemented as a randomly generated spawn-state for forest cells similar to burnt/boarded houses. Randomly generated leghold traps could also serve as a player danger and/or materials for experienced trappers. Maybe a modified exposure metric mediated by wind/sun/temperature exposure, in addition to rain, could add to probability of becoming ill.
  4. If this is already a suggestion by another name, my apologies. Smoke detectors!! I just read this in another section. Something to alert you that the stove is about to destroy your base. Also (of course) another risk for giant hordes. Depending on implementation, maybe a smoke detector is near an open window and you start a fire outside... smoke alarm! Horde! Also could be a new random building state similar to burnt or boarded houses: fire in progress, alarm triggered, zombies en route. Also gives more content for electrical maybe.
  5. I was just reading people talk about electrical being new and really, still in development. Transformer boxes/fuse boxes/interactive alarms would do wonders for this skill.
  6. It looks awesome but in reality, I find I do much more inventory interaction in PZ and this would probably bog me down pretty quick. If you thought farming was a clickfest already, just imagine harvesting with this system in play.
  7. I feel like this question gets asked all the time, but I have been unable to locate a definitive answer (devs help us out???)... In sandbox/co-op, what is the exact formula that describes the relationship between population multiplier, population start multiplier, and population peak multiplier? All I can find are unanswered, archived posts of the same question or speculative guesswork that is only half helpful (but still, thanks to those who helped). Can someone please clarify what's going on with these variables (ONLY if you know please, there is too much guesswork out there already). Thank you so much!
  8. Hmm or maybe an option to dissallow traits/defects on a new character that were used on the most recent character. That way consecutive characters will be different, but players still have choices. Or some sort of clone tracker whereby a player cannot recreate the same combination of career/traits in a server.
  9. Cold rooms/cellars. In addition to smoking, drying, and easier canning finds (still looking for a 2nd lid, cmon), subterranian cold storage for root vegetables over Winter would be awesome. And subterranian building layers for that matter, because underground zombies are awesome (we all want to get CHUDded somewhere in this game, amiright?!).
  10. Not much to add except for OHMYGODPLEASEYES. My server took to adding wooden posts to our expanded second story walks because it looked too silly. Maybe if there were a roofing build mechanism that didn't require supports, this could still permit elaborate single floor structures but demand more forethought for taller buildings.
  11. "Play until you die" is great for single player but in private multiplayer servers, death means less. You don't want to stop at death because all of your friends are still in, but if you respawn you know it never ends. To prevent this cycle that ends in burnout for some, a leaderboard and admin conditions could make for a clearer endgame. Who can survive the longest character in a year? Who can end the most zombies? Who can maintain the longest original character? An in-game record of player bests could give players these endgame goals, while scripted win conditions could do even more. Any chance of seeing any of this?
  12. Does anyone know if there is a way to track days survived/zombies killed within a server? I've been running a server where players "win" by holding highest kills or longest survival at the end of a year. Players submit this info to me with screencaps which I use to update the server message board which displays the most current leaders. Is there a way to have this information tracked and updated automatically? Thanks for any help/ideas/suggestions!
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