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About Colin

  • Birthday 05/08/1987

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  1. I've been searching through the javadoc but was not able to find the info I'm looking for. Is it possible on registered onPlayerDeath event to get the zombie object that will be re-animated (after IsoDeadBody i assume)? Specifically I'd like to set the zombie type.
  2. Hi there, I'm currently nearing completion of a mod, but I would like to add 1 last thing. I need to be able to store a "rating" value for each player. I am testing with player:getModData(), but these values seem to be assigned to the actual character. When the player creates a new character, these variables are gone. If someone can point me in the right direction
  3. Thanks guys, this will do the job for now --// --// Clear all skills and xp --// Author: Colin J.D. Stewart | Updated: 15.08.2022 --// local function clearSkills(player) local pl = PerkFactory.PerkList; local xp = player:getXp(); for i = 0, pl:size()-1 do local pk = pl:get(i):getType(); player:level0(pk); --// Thanks Hugo Qwerty xp:setXPToLevel(pk, player:getPerkLevel(pk)); --//Thanks Tchernobill xp:setPerkBoost(pk, 0); xp:getMultiplierMap():remove(pk); end; end;
  4. Great, level0 is ideal if curLevel > 0 then player:level0(pk); end; However, it still does not clear the xp boosts, the api docs don't have much info filled unfortunately.... Once I get home later tonight I will check through all the apis for what I need. Thanks.
  5. Temporarily I have written the following function to perform more or less what I want. --// --// Clear all skills and xp --// Author: Colin J.D. Stewart | Updated: 14.08.2022 --// local function clearSkillLevels(player) local pl = PerkFactory.PerkList; local xp = player:getXp(); for i = 0, pl:size()-1 do local info = pl:get(i); local pk = info:getType(); local curLevel = player:getPerkLevel(pk); if curLevel > 0 then for i = curLevel, 0, -1 do player:LoseLevel(pk); end; end; xp:setXPToLevel(pk, player:getPerkLevel(pk)); end; end; If there is no better way, then if someone can point me in right direction to also clear xp boosts for each skill. Thanks.
  6. I'd like to reset character skill levels and xp through lua. I have found the function LoseLevel, but this would require lots of checking current level and various other wasteful calls. Is it possible to do a full reset of skill levels? Or will I need to build a custom function to run through all skills. -Colin
  7. Oh, great will check it out, thanks
  8. I have some ideas for a game-mode I plan to build, but one of the things I need is a server config that forces the client to bypass character selection screen (ideally with a Lua event for programmatically generating character). -Colin
  9. I had a feeling there would be no way to bypass it, I guess bypassing character creation needs to be a feature request Thank you
  10. Hi there, First off, long time player, I haven't posted in a very long time and i've never bothered with modding really.... (which I plan to start, I come from a modding Arma 3 etc), so greetings to everyone! My question and first plan is.... is it possible to bypass the character creation, obtain the survivor object and programmatically assign traits etc? Kind Regards,
  11. Actually it would be better to do this as an interval check, this will it will be more accurate and will not take up too many cycles. Basically on tick cycle, keep track of ms passed and every ~1 minute, do the check, since it should only be making changes if you are hanging around dead bodies anyway, if you're running along and there is a pile of bodies close by, it is no big deal but if you're hanging around them for several hours, this is another story!
  12. I am not asking for this feature, I just mentioned it would have been a good addition to the game
  13. Speak for yourself, regardless, I am not specifically stating this for electric vehicles, but for other potential items that would exist outside the predefined date..... as a procedural game content creator, game developer and programming language developer, I know exactly how much work it is developing features that require procedural generation or replacement.... creating new layouts for buildings is not hundreds of hours of work but instead days of planning and coordination, with some ideas between the current devs, I'm pretty sure they can do it...... (whether they would want to is a complete different story) buildings already can be pre-burned, so placing "invisible plots" for buildings that did not exist before and replacement buildings would not be difficult at all since they have already built the necessary tools.....
  14. I think it most definitely would be worth it (much more than vehicles), and it would not take much extra work to add in some additional items that are only spawned when the start date was > than item "introduction" date.
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