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Posts posted by Sykriss

  1. As a temporary fix, you could go to Zomboid\mods\ORGM\media\lua\client and remove the ORGMTest.lua file which contains the definition for that debug key and what it does. I'm not sure if clients will have to remove it as well or if the file will simply be ignored as it isn't part of the server files.

  2. While I agree, I feel like the devs have higher priority things to work on at the moment. On the other hand, and possibly slightly unrelated to this topic in particular, I feel like they should check out Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead and take some notes :P

  3. As fun as people might think this is, remember that we're in a zombie apocalypse here.  The unintended consequence is that you'll die more times than you ever could image as you pass out/fall unconscious around LOTS of zombies.  Or...not lots of zombies, just one.  Just imagine how sucky it would be to fall from the second floor accidentally (it happens), and you pass out from the pain.  One zombie comes across your tender unconscious butt and makes a meal out of you.  You're unconscious, so assuming you were in so much pain that you passed out, being eating isn't going to suddenly wake you up. 


    I think a lot of people would hate this.  In multiplayer, I come behind you and wack you in the head with a bat, then I walk away to let the zombies finish you off.  Unless you like playing without zombies, in which case just go buy the Sims, COD, or something.... 


    I agree with OPs idea, though I feel like the amount of time one is unconscious should depend on the amount of pain the character is experiencing. I also feel like if a character is panicked, that unconsciousness from pain should be less likely as the character would be experiencing an adrenaline rush.

  4. Quick Q Ortman

    So I was looking at the code for the Glock 20 (actually all weapons but, more specifically the Glock as I own one IRL and it seems like a good one to start out with at lvl4 aiming.

    So base hit chance is 50 (I assume percent?) now it says the aiming perk addition is 15 is this per skill point? And if so that means I have a 110% chance of a hit with beta blockers? (starting to not need them as char doesnt get scared with hordes of 100+) how does this all factor in? Also the crit chance (which I assume is the chance of a 1-shot) is 20 (yet again percent?) plus my 4 aiming 4x20=100 so I have a 120% chance at a crit? If this is the case then I should never ever miss a shot correct? I am just looking into this before I waist all my ammo (I used about 2k 00 buck shot to raise my aim skill to current its half to 5)

    Any response will be greatly appreciate.


    I don't know for sure regarding the stats, but what I do know is that with aiming 5 you'll be very accurate with pistols, rarely missing a shot (given that you aren't panicked).


    It would simply be a matter of adding more code similar to the emboldened snippets, and coding in the results of various limbs/organs being damaged. For the record, I'm not saying that it would be easy for the devs to implement. I'm simply saying that the framework for such a system is already existing, and that it would not be very resource intensive.


    If it's so easy, why don't you do it?



    Could just be a tiny paper doll placed on the screen, with selectable areas (preferred target, possibly ignored when rapidly firing / moving), rather than buried in a right click context menu or hidden within a menu. Make it togglable so it can be hidden. This would make it easily accessible if you need a targeted shot in a hurry. Click -> Aim -> fire.



    Agreed, that seems like it would be the best of both worlds. 

  6. Right click takes away from time to actually fire, and a drop down menu is really hard to use for larger numbers of enemies. Though for those who never cared for hotkeys I would see it as a feasible option.


    That makes sense, though, as it takes a second to aim, and you wouldn't need to use it unless you were trying to change where you were aiming multiple times while being attacked (which probably wouldn't be wise).


    Hotkeys would let this work out, but the aiming system would need to change to that of Fallout tactics, or Fonline.

    Realtime with isometric needs hotkeys


    I could see this as fluff after things are added, like aiming at legs causes zeds to crawl, head shots kill, arm shots make zeds unable to grab.


    But most of combat is spent running away from combat or shooting wildly so I doubt people would get too tactical. Though I could see tactics against NPC's being more important.


    I had the same idea.

    But where the hotkeys would be ?

    1, It could be like a new floating window (like the inventory) but a small one where are like 3-5 slots where you can bind your keys, for example z,x,c,v to z=head, x=body, c=arms, v=feet.

    2, As someone said before, it could be in the health panel (where are the hotkeys which you can choose where to place)


    - And it could be for the comfort that if you press "head" option it hits the enemies in the head until you change it to "arms" for example.

    - And it would nice for it to be certain change of hitting in the specific body part. (change to hit anything at all + change to hit the specific body part (if this is 70% change and you miss, the hit would go to random body part.. Like arms))



    This could work quite well. Another quick and easy way I thought of was to have an entry in the right click menu labelled Aim that, when clicked, brought up a picture of a body similar to the one in the health panel. You could then simply click the part you'd like to aim at and it would disappear.



    This wouldn't work in MP very well, unless you have to select the body part/organ to shoot in some sort of selection menu before engaging in combat. Even then, it would be difficult to switch to a different body part in a gunfight or CQC.


    The way I was envisioning it would be a menu added to the right-click menu you get when clicking anywhere, which would make it very easy to switch where you're aiming on the fly. Right click -> aim -> head/torso/arms/legs. As you become a better shot, each of those options gains sub-options, like brain, heart, lungs, left/right leg/arm, etc. 


    Fleshing this out a little bit, you could have a wide variety of effects caused by hitting/being hit in different areas. The chances of hitting an internal organ would vary depending on what weapon you used, being tuned realistically. A kitchen knife would be much more effective at causing internal wounds than, say, a plank. But a plank could break bones and give you a concussion, and you could maintain a higher distance from your target.


    • Damage to your brain deals very severe damage, heavily reduces coordination and results in a temporary reduction of all skills. Also reduces action speed and if possible, unconsciousness. 
    • Damage to your arms deals the same amount of damage as it does now, slows down melee attacks, reduces accuracy and reduces the effectiveness of weight reduction when equipping an item. A crippled arm is unusable and disables the ability to wield two handed weapons.
    • Damage to your legs/feet deals the same amount of damage as it does now, but reduces your speed by a lot. A crippled leg acts the same as a broken one.
    • Damage to your lungs deals the same damage as a torso shot, but causes you to get exhausted much faster, as well as causing you to cough up blood (making noise and attracting nearby zeds/players).
    • Damage to your stomach/gut deals the same damage as a torso shot, again, however causes heavy internal bleeding that is irreparable unless you are very skilled with first aid. It also makes food and water less effective in easing your hunger/thirst, and is very likely to become infected.
    • Damage to your heart will deal very severe damage and causes you to become very exhausted, very quickly. The probability of you bleeding out within (IRL) minutes is quite high.


    These effects are simply ideas and examples as to what kind of effects could be a result of such a system. With Zomboids emphasis on realism, I feel like this would be an appreciated change, and would also open the doors for even more interesting death stories. As we all know, dying in this game part of the fun :P


    I like the idea of different injuries in different places for different weapons. An expansion and refinement of the current medical system maybe?

    Such as getting bruises and breaks over your body after a fight with someone with a 2x4, getting cuts and punctured organs when fighting someone with a knife e.c.t

    The whole "VATS" system idea though would be pretty hard to do, especially in real time. Though it would be awesome



    We already have a VATS system, you just can't aim for certain limbs. To add such a feature, you would only need to add modifiers to the probability of hitting targeted limbs. The numbers are all already there. It do not see it being that resource intensive. Dwarf Fortress does it, Fallout: Tactics does it, there are numerous examples of complex, real-time damage systems in existing games. I am honestly tempted to delve into Zomboids code and see how location of a hit is determined as I am almost positive it wouldn't be much more than adding some more numbers to a dice roll and defining what those new numbers would do if rolled.


    Edit: And I found it. It's pretty much exactly how I had imagined, although it's even more random than I previously thought (every body part has an equal chance of being hit). There's already pre-existing methods in place to define levels of damage (or anything else you could want) depending on body part hit. See below:

      public void DamageFromWeapon(HandWeapon weapon)  {    if (GameServer.bServer)    {      if (weapon != null) {        getParentChar().sendObjectChange("DamageFromWeapon", new Object[] { "weapon", weapon.getFullType() });      }      return;    }    int PartIndex = 0;    int PainType = 1;    PartIndex = Rand.Next(BodyPartType.ToIndex(BodyPartType.Hand_L), BodyPartType.ToIndex(BodyPartType.Groin) + 1);    getParentChar().splatBloodFloorBig(0.4F);    getParentChar().splatBloodFloorBig(0.4F);    getParentChar().splatBloodFloorBig(0.4F);        boolean bleed = true;    if (weapon.getCategories().contains("Blunt"))    {      bleed = false;      PainType = 0;    }    if ((bleed) && (!weapon.isAimedFirearm()))    {      PartIndex = Rand.Next(BodyPartType.ToIndex(BodyPartType.Hand_L), BodyPartType.ToIndex(BodyPartType.MAX));      SetScratchedFromWeapon(PartIndex, true);    }    float Damage = Rand.Next(weapon.getMinDamage(), weapon.getMaxDamage()) * 15.0F;    if (weapon.isAimedFirearm()) {      ((BodyPart)getBodyParts().get(PartIndex)).damageFromFirearm(Damage * 2.0F);    }///    if (PartIndex == BodyPartType.ToIndex(BodyPartType.Head)) {///      Damage *= 4.0F;///    }///    if (PartIndex == BodyPartType.ToIndex(BodyPartType.Neck)) {///      Damage *= 4.0F;///    }///    if (PartIndex == BodyPartType.ToIndex(BodyPartType.Torso_Upper)) {///      Damage *= 4.0F;///    }    AddDamage(PartIndex, Damage);

    It would simply be a matter of adding more code similar to the emboldened snippets, and coding in the results of various limbs/organs being damaged. For the record, I'm not saying that it would be easy for the devs to implement. I'm simply saying that the framework for such a system is already existing, and that it would not be very resource intensive.

  9. Something ala Neo Scavanger would be net, but making calculations for every single thing in real time?


    Good luck with that


    It wouldn't be more intensive at all, it's not like you're doing many more calculations than the game does currently. You'd be adding a few more numbers to a dice roll, and some if statements that define what happens when these new numbers are rolled.

  10. This wouldn't work in MP very well, unless you have to select the body part/organ to shoot in some sort of selection menu before engaging in combat. Even then, it would be difficult to switch to a different body part in a gunfight or CQC.


    The way I was envisioning it would be a menu added to the right-click menu you get when clicking anywhere, which would make it very easy to switch where you're aiming on the fly. Right click -> aim -> head/torso/arms/legs. As you become a better shot, each of those options gains sub-options, like brain, heart, lungs, left/right leg/arm, etc. 


    Fleshing this out a little bit, you could have a wide variety of effects caused by hitting/being hit in different areas. The chances of hitting an internal organ would vary depending on what weapon you used, being tuned realistically. A kitchen knife would be much more effective at causing internal wounds than, say, a plank. But a plank could break bones and give you a concussion, and you could maintain a higher distance from your target.


    • Damage to your brain deals very severe damage, heavily reduces coordination and results in a temporary reduction of all skills. Also reduces action speed and if possible, unconsciousness. 
    • Damage to your arms deals the same amount of damage as it does now, slows down melee attacks, reduces accuracy and reduces the effectiveness of weight reduction when equipping an item. A crippled arm is unusable and disables the ability to wield two handed weapons.
    • Damage to your legs/feet deals the same amount of damage as it does now, but reduces your speed by a lot. A crippled leg acts the same as a broken one.
    • Damage to your lungs deals the same damage as a torso shot, but causes you to get exhausted much faster, as well as causing you to cough up blood (making noise and attracting nearby zeds/players).
    • Damage to your stomach/gut deals the same damage as a torso shot, again, however causes heavy internal bleeding that is irreparable unless you are very skilled with first aid. It also makes food and water less effective in easing your hunger/thirst, and is very likely to become infected.
    • Damage to your heart will deal very severe damage and causes you to become very exhausted, very quickly. The probability of you bleeding out within (IRL) minutes is quite high.


    These effects are simply ideas and examples as to what kind of effects could be a result of such a system. With Zomboids emphasis on realism, I feel like this would be an appreciated change, and would also open the doors for even more interesting death stories. As we all know, dying in this game part of the fun :P



    Updated the ORGM compatibility patch once again - There are now three types of bullet tip types (Rifle, Pistol and 12 Gauge Slug), and I have slightly adjusted the mechanics for making bullet tips. I noticed that, with the original Hydrocraft recipe, an entire lead ingot net you one unit - and making a box of pistol ammo required ten. The same went for bullet cases. This meant that to make thirty 9mm rounds, you would require ten bronze and ten lead ingots, which I found to be very excessive. Now, one ingot will yield a box of bullet tips of your chosen variety, producing 50 pistol bullets, 100 rifle bullets, or 25 12 gauge slugs. I have also adjusted the amounts required to make a box of ammunition - you'll need the same amount of bullets and cases as there are rounds in the resulting box. For example, to make a box of 25 5.56x45 rounds, you'll need 25 small rifle cases and 25 rifle bullets (along with the specified gunpowder amount). This makes much more sense to me and is also a bit more balanced in favor of the player. Now, to make a box of 9mm rounds, you'd only need one lead ingot and one bronze ingot, plus you'll be left with 50 more small pistol cases. This may seem too easy to make ammo - but considering all the tools and equipment you'll need to even get to the point of being able to make your own ammunition, I feel that it is just fine. I am definitely open to suggestions, however! :)


    Anyways, here's the download link:




    Thank you! I wish I can do something like that lol


    Edit: It doesn't wipe the original recipes right? I still kinda need the original ones though.


    Edit:Edit: It appears that with this patch I cannot launch the game? Will do more testing.(Solved)





    No, it doesn't wipe the original recipes; the recipes and items I added are in separate files, so that if players decide to stop using ORGM they don't have to reinstall Hydrocraft to avoid getting errors/potential crashes due to my patch referencing items that are no longer in the game. Hope you figured it out :)

  12. With the locational damage system already implemented in PZ, I feel like the ability to target specific limbs of zombies/dragons/other players and potentially cripple them should definitely be a part of the game. The chance to actually hit what you're targeting would improve depending on either your aiming skill if using a firearm or the appropriate accuracy skill if using a melee weapon; however, the chance to completely miss would also increase, if aiming for a specific arm/leg or the head. This would be useful as you would be able to, for instance, target zombie legs if you were being chased and try to cripple them, giving you a better chance of distancing yourself, or heads, giving you a better chance for a critical hit or kill shot (at the price of an increased chance to miss unless you were highly skilled with the weapon you were using). With the addition of crippled/mangled limbs, you could target arms of other players in multiplayer, disabling their ability to use two handed weapons. If you weren't aiming for anything, the combat system would work as it is now. You could also, if very skilled with your preferred weapon (ideally some sort of long knife, or a firearm), try and aim for vital organs (obviously primarily against NPCs) such as the heart or lungs.

  13. I have a question about hunting.


    I have gathered some arrows, a bow and a bird call. When i try to hunt my person says "This is too difficult!" or something along those lines.


    Is this a similair message to when i am reading a skill book that is too high for me? Or does this show up every time you fail to get an animal?


    Does the type of weapon i use affect my chances of getting an animal?


    Also, i read (or heard, i forget) that in winter all hunting chances are -%50 So, when is winter exactly? THis is in Kentucky, but i have no idea how long their winter lasts, up where i live, winter is pretty much from october till april. But i assume this isn't the case in Kentucky?


    So when is winter? or rather, when is my hunting chance not down by fifty percent?



    PS, is hunting chance affected at all by any skill or stat? maybe trapping and aiming skills? sneaking?


    Hunting is affected by both the aiming and sneaking skills. Winter seems to start around November and lasts until February or March, and yeah, the weapon you use will affect your chances. Generally using a rifle or shotgun gives the best opportunities.

  14. Hey cool server man had some fun on it earlir I was just wondering how did you get the maps to work on your server I set up a server for me and my friend and for the life of me can't get a map to work on it


    Are you using Hamachi or Steam? I can't access the admin tools to port forward on my router, so if you're using Steam, I'm not sure what to tell you. For Hamachi, there's a few steps involved.  I'll go through the steps as best I can.


    Step 1. Download preferred map mod (I'll be using South Muldraugh as an example).


    Step 2. Copy the "South Muldraugh" folder from the maps folder in the archive to the media/maps folder in your PZ installation directory. (Should be C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Project Zomboid if you have it on Steam)


    Step 3. Go into the folder you just copied to your install directory, and move all the lotpack and lotheader files into the Muldraugh, KY folder. Leave every other file inside the South Muldraugh folder. There should be a thumb.png, spawnpoints.lua, objects.lua and map.info left.


    Step 4. To allow players to spawn in the new region, you'll need to open up your <servername>_spawnregions.lua file and add this line below the line that specifies Muldraugh:

    		{ name = "South Muldraugh, KY", file = "media/maps/South Muldraugh/spawnpoints.lua" },

    That should be it! This same process applies for any other map mod, I just used South Muldraugh as an example. If you have any troubles, feel free to play on my server, as the more the merrier! Haha :P

  15. To add more than one item to the players inventory with a recipe, you need to have a function like this:

    function AddMultipleItems(item, count, player)	for x=0, count do		player:getInventory():AddItem(item);	endend

    then add a different function to call the function you just made and specify the items you want to add (note: you'll need to make the count 1 less than what you want):

    function recipe_additems(items, result, player)	AddMultipleItems("Modname.Exampleitem1", 25, player);	AddMultipleItems("Modname.Exampleitem2", 1, player);end

    When called, the above function will add 26 of Exampleitem1 and 2 of Exampleitem2 to the players inventory.


    To call this in a recipe, you would want to set it up like this:

     recipe Open Box of Nails    {        NailsBox,        Result:Nails=20,        Sound:PZ_PutInBag,        Time:5.0,        OnCreate:recipe_additems,    }
  16. Updated the ORGM compatibility patch once again - There are now three types of bullet tip types (Rifle, Pistol and 12 Gauge Slug), and I have slightly adjusted the mechanics for making bullet tips. I noticed that, with the original Hydrocraft recipe, an entire lead ingot net you one unit - and making a box of pistol ammo required ten. The same went for bullet cases. This meant that to make thirty 9mm rounds, you would require ten bronze and ten lead ingots, which I found to be very excessive. Now, one ingot will yield a box of bullet tips of your chosen variety, producing 50 pistol bullets, 100 rifle bullets, or 25 12 gauge slugs. I have also adjusted the amounts required to make a box of ammunition - you'll need the same amount of bullets and cases as there are rounds in the resulting box. For example, to make a box of 25 5.56x45 rounds, you'll need 25 small rifle cases and 25 rifle bullets (along with the specified gunpowder amount). This makes much more sense to me and is also a bit more balanced in favor of the player. Now, to make a box of 9mm rounds, you'd only need one lead ingot and one bronze ingot, plus you'll be left with 50 more small pistol cases. This may seem too easy to make ammo - but considering all the tools and equipment you'll need to even get to the point of being able to make your own ammunition, I feel that it is just fine. I am definitely open to suggestions, however! :)


    Anyways, here's the download link:




  17. +1 


    Also, given the fact that there is locational damage in PZ, a solid hit to the head with a blunt weapon should increase the chance of being knocked out by a lot. This also makes me wonder if adding limb targeting should be a thing - Allowing players with a high skill in blunt/blade accuracy to target specific limbs. You could target zombie legs to make them have an increased chance of falling over, or heads for an increased chance for critical hits. Oh, the possibilities! :P

  18. Well, I mentioned I was going to revamp how Hydrocraft handled bullet casings and tips... Well, it's all done! There are now pistol bullets, rifle bullets, and 12 gauge slugs, which you can make using original Hydrocraft bullet tip recipe. One ingot will net one box of your chosen type of bullet (50 pistol/100 rifle/25 slugs). Another reason I decided to make this change was due to the fact that an entire lead or bronze ingot only got you three effective bullet tips or cases - You would need ten bronze ingots, and ten lead ingots, to make thirty 9mm rounds. I found that to be ridiculous, hence the change. I also put all the recipes in their own crafting tab (Reloading) for ease of use and so the Engineer tab doesn't get crowded :P I can't really think of any other incompatibilities, but if you guys can, let me know and I'll get working on it ASAP.


    Something I've also been considering is the ability to craft gun magazines using the Hydrocraft crafting benches/smelters/etc using springs and sheets of metal. Would anyone be interested in such a thing? Let me know! :)


    Finally, here's the new download link:



    I also want to give props to ORMtnMan, as his fantastic mod has inspired me to start learning Lua and modding PZ. Thanks, man. Anyways, enjoy!

  19. I haven't had any problems with this myself, but I do have a suggestion to help minimize this issue; as it is, it seems like servers load chunks when players occupy them, but do not unload them from memory when they are vacant. As you can probably imagine, this causes the used memory for the server to keep increasing and increasing until it hits the limit set by the server operator, at which point you get these errors. Curious as to why the devs did not implement a system like this, as loading chunks into memory but never unloading them is just asking for memory problems with populated servers.

  20. A bit of an update for the Hydrocraft compatibility patch: I have added compatibility for creating and breaking down ORGM ammunition using the Hydrocraft bullet tips and gunpowder. You will now need to craft the appropriate casings for your rounds (using the same recipe for native Hydrocraft casings), or break down rounds of similar caliber. You'll also need a pair of pliers when breaking down rounds. I seem to have forgotten to include the recipe script in the initial release of the patch, so for anyone who tried it and noticed that it did absolutely nothing, it will work properly now :P





    I'm probably going to adjust the way the casings and tips are handled, as I find that they way they are currently implemented in Hydrocraft is a bit illogical. For instance, in native Hydrocraft, it takes 10 units of casings and 10 units of tips to make a box of 9mm ammo, which is 30 rounds. I plan on adjusting the way the patch handles casings by making it a 1:1 ratio; e.g. if you want to make a 25 round box of .30-06 ammo, you'll need 25 large rifle casings and 25 bullet tips. Just makes more sense like that to me :P




    How do you prepare ducks for eating? There doesn't seem to be a "skin duck" recipe that I can find. Thanks!


    Edit: Nevermind, should have looked a bit harder before asking, lol. 


    Edit 2:


    I have taken a bit of time to make a compatibility patch for Hydrocraft that allows the use of ORGM weapons/ammo in the hunting recipes. I am not sure if there are any other incompatibilities; if there are, please let me know and I'll see what I can do to resolve them. This does NOT disable the original Hydrocraft recipes, so if for whatever reason you decide to stop using ORGM, you won't have to reinstall Hydrocraft. Enjoy!  :)



    ORGM compatibility would be a great idea! I had to uninstall ORGM since I cannot really hunt beside using arrows and stuff.



    That is exactly why I made the compatibility patch. I have an excess of large caliber rounds at my safehouse, and figured I would give them a use! I have also slightly adjusted the chances for a successful hunt; larger calibers give better results with big game, as well as using a scoped weapon (ORGM sniper rifle category).


    Also, it would be great if I can make bullets/gather gunpowder etc... And I'm sorry if I'm asking too much lol


    But honestly I agree that it would take time to make everything compatible.



    I could probably do this, let me poke around in the files and see what's up


    Edit: A few hours later, and...


    I have added compatibility for creating and breaking down ORGM ammunition using the Hydrocraft bullet tips and gunpowder. You will now need to craft the appropriate casings for your rounds (using the same recipe for native Hydrocraft casings), or break down rounds of similar caliber. You'll also need a pair of pliers when breaking down rounds. I seem to have forgotten to include the recipe script in the initial release of the patch, so for anyone who tried it and noticed that it did absolutely nothing, it will work properly now :P Keeping to the tradition, I have not modified any native Hydrocraft files, so if for some reason you decide you don't want to use ORGM any more, you won't need to reinstall Hydrocraft. Enjoy! :)




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