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Posts posted by joaojotta

  1. 11 minutes ago, Bidule said:

    Digital Watch doesn't seems to need batteries. You just have to pu them in you're main inventory (not inside bags) and it show the date and time. It's the same as with the alarm clock.

    Oh, nice!

    I just found one on my first run at a house (and I didn't even chose Lucky on character creation) but couldn't really figure out because my mouse died (some weird issue with the USB port) so I had to close the game.

    Search the web but found nothing...


    Nice to know! It's probably one of those Casio watched that last forever. eh eh

  2. 11 hours ago, CaptKaspar said:

    I hate it, but I am starting to get disinterested in playing. It's harder to play the game knowing there are so many huge and awesome looking updates in the 'near' future.

    Exactly the same as me: I have a plan of a diferent play style but I don't feel like putting it into action because I want that update (specially the animation update that kind of changes the fighting style of the game - has anyone seen pushing?).

  3. Yeah, I guess people want to rotate the map more because of the POV on some occasions. Not so much for 3D or anything.


    Speaking of seeing behind elements:

    Maybe some kind of key to toggle on and off the elements directly in from of the character (player POV, not the actual character) would help.

    Something (again) like in The Sims 2 where you can get some king of blueprint view of the game.


    As for the "right click - walk to":

    Thats actually a nice tip although it gets weird to play like that, sometimes. I guess the ASDW is so perfect for the game...


    Bottom line: this game is great and everyone just wants to make it even greater!

  4. On 4/5/2016 at 5:42 PM, Rathlord said:


    Its already been explained in detail why this wouldn't be possible in this thread. There's not much else we can say about it. 

    I guess I missed that explanation.

    Anyway, I was just pointing out how it could be made and got sure I said that I do not know how the game is built and if it could make it possible or not.

    It would be awesome it if would be possible. If not, that's cool.

  5. I think the rotation people are talking about is every 90°, a little like old The Sims games or SimCity 2000.

    Maybe a language barrier made it less clear.


    Now, I'm not a programmer or anything but I believe every object on the map has a coordinate based on an XY axis.

    Rotating the camera every 90° would only change the + and - values (I don't think I'm crazy am I?).

    Don't know how much "horsepower" would take to do it though.


    Of course, If the game is built on other physics principals it could make it impossible to even think to rotate the map.


    Have you guys even tried it?

    Is would be SO AWESOME!!! With a compass and everything...

  6. 7 hours ago, EasyPickins said:
    • The "Dig" context menu action now says "Dig With Hands" when the player doesn't have a shovel or trowel. (Issue #71)

    So good!

    I almost bled to death twice in a week because of that.

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