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Posts posted by gorolho


    Hmm this is all some really great information guys! 1000 appreciations are yours. However, because I have the IQ of a dead baby elephant, what's the step by step for canning food?

    Seconded, I hope you can make vinegar in the future seeing as humans have been preserving food for milennia. I haven't played build 30, but I hope that drying meats shacks will be introduced for meats and vegetables for example. There are mods for this, but i prefer an official solution in the game.



    Hum, thirded? I too want to know how to do that.

  2. Correct me if I am wrong, but copyrights laws and stuff only apply when you are using another mark, without permission, and making money with it, isn't?


    Not quite. Copyright isn't about you making money from someone else's IP, it's more about you denying them the opportunity to make money from it.


    For example, copying media and giving it away won't make you any money, but it will allow people to access the copyright holder's material without paying, thus denying them income.


    However Trademark is somewhat difference, and I don't particularly know much about it's scope and limitations.

    Oh ok, I hadn't noticed it from the other point of view.

  3. I'm worried because I'm using an avatar based on a Disney character. 


    Seriously - if I mysteriously disappear one day then look for me either as a disembodied head at the Small world attraction or at Disney's technology complex at Cheyenne Mountain as a D-class prisoner forced to clean-up their genetic experiments.


    Correct me if I am wrong, but copyrights laws and stuff only apply when you are using another mark, without permission, and making money with it, isn't?

  4. When anime figures conquered earth in 2053, people's eyes turned so big that we could not use glasses anymore. The only way to survive at that time was to fight each other during 3 seasons and 23 episodes for no known reason. Unfortunately, our swords were too bright for our eyes, and as we did not have glasses, the only way to fight was to not fight. Therefore, with no fight within the Earth, the gates opened to a new civilization, with cute and big eyes, where everyone had cats and died due their allergies.


    I wish I was an astronaut.

  5. I agree and disagree.

    Agree because it reminds me to the begining of state of decay, and would be nice to see it as optional feature.

    And disagree in the part when you say that you can create your companion's traits, i mean, creating a OP crew would make the game easier.


    But the thing is: people will decide either to make an OP crew or make a crew which work together/a crew which follows the player will or needs (see as a medic expert, engineer, cooking chef, etc). The second part is what would make the game interesting, to create your own storyline, try to see this thread idea as a "you can either do x or y", you don't have to make an OP crew, even if you have the power to do so.

    I believe they said you could start with a wife or somthing like that I don't believe they spawn with you and you would have to find them this was a long time ago so it may have changed and not sure if it's just for sandbox


    That would be cool also, it would bring to the game new ways of playing, like missions and storylines created by the own player. Today what we can do in-game is basically "I'll have to go to x place and secure that place", "I must stay in my first house and clean the neighborhood". With NPCs we would have some interesting missions like "I have to get my brother to our uncle's farm the fast as possible".

  6. I mean, that's what the Panic moodles are supposed to be - you losing your cool. And I absolutely agree that we should add traits that affect that - I made a thread earlier suggesting an Intrepid/Steady/Nervous/Jumpy trait set akin to Weak/Feeble/Stout/Strong. (And maybe I should have posted the OP of this thread in that one.) So, yeah, I think it can be added to the game pretty straightforwardly by adding to the existing structure.


    Honestly, I'd also love to have tripping in the game, but I don't think it'd work from a players-controlling-their-characters perspective. :P


    Oh that's nice. And actually I think it'd be possible, just like the animation of climbing fences/windows, it's something the player can not interrupt after started (correct me if I am wrong).

  7. You have a point when you talk about the person's consciousness, but The Walking Dead taught me that every time you see a zombie you should stumble at something and then fall. Jokes aside, it would be cool to have a trait or something related to nervousness and conscious of the character, I know that there's an "emotion" that happens every time you see a big amount of zombie, I forgot the name right now, but it works as if the character was scared/amazed by the situation, I just don't know if this modifies the character's speed.

  8. As long as farming remains moddable to the extent that it is, I'm happy. The default farming takes so much micromanaging that it takes all the fun out of the game.


    Exactly, if you have a farm 5x5 (a good size for profit), and the game settings at 1 hour = 1 day in game, it's kind hard to take care of everything, since we have to use fertilizer and keep the farm wet/keep checking them. It's not a big deal because it's realistic, I think it's just the way that people choose to play, in my mind if someone starts a farm it's because he/she already have a safe house and etc.


    A minimalist version of the TommyGuns Mod.


    This mod contains the following:
    Remington 700
    Survival Axe
    Suppressor for the AR
    Suppressor for the vanilla pistol



    Is the sniper rifle (remington) compatible with the scopes in game? Actually, are the weapons compatible with the addons in game?

  10. Hey guys. Me and some friends of mine are taking on the project of creating a map of my hometown, Devils Lake North Dakota. It's quite a bit larger than Muldruagh (pop ≈ 1000) with a population of roughly 7,100. Needless to say, that'll make this map huge in game. Seriously, I lost count of how many buildings there are in just a couple blocks radius of the college.  But that's not gonna deter me; I have a lot of free time now.


    Some Google Maps




    lake and ponds



    College (lake region)



        football field, track field and arena

    School for the deaf

    elementary school

    many gas stations

    Several parks



    grain elevators


    downtown-- historic buildings and shopping

        banks, cafes, sports and hardware stores

    car dealerships, post office

    grocery stores

    movie theatre, fast food places

    police station and jail

    hotels, houses, mansions, farms

    trailer courts, apartment complexes

    old-folks homes



    casino and resort



    I'm curious how many tiles do you think this map will take. I'm also curious to whether or not there is a limit.

    The area of the city itself is 6.41mi2


    I'm looking forward for it, keep us updated :D

  11.  Don't understand too much about the mechanics of the game but fire is a huge problem with no way to combat it. I see how fire spreads an it seems like there's a fire tile and then tiles around it that can either catch fire or not, so they would be like "tile on fire". We need a way to make a water tile say you pour out a bucket of water on the ground, for so many moments that would then be a water tile and the outlying tiles would then have a chance to be "tile on water" or underwater an thus change the status of "tile on fire" so to say. This mechanic to also be applied to the farming/rainfall perhaps even a puddle graphic perhaps also if the ground is wet there's a chance to bust your ass on a slip n fall perhaps even a very small chance of fracture which would also be another reason to take the elements much more seriously.


    Good idea, and if you allow me, I would also add "snow" and "sand" tiles to put out fire. Since we have snow now, and we already have sand bags since a good time ago, it would be helpful to take care of fire with these things that are not that hard to gather.


    Sounds cool, but when you said barrel did you mean a wood barrel? What material are the barrels in your city made of?



    i think the OP is referring to something like this, which would be a good idea as we already have barrels in some of the warehouses




    Well that's pretty cool actually, it could also be used as a fireplace and an alternative oven. The devs should definitely look forward for this since we cannot move ovens and the only way to protect ourselves from cold are the clothes.


    Short and friendly answer: It sounds like a good idea, but it requires a long time of work and thinking, anyway, do you have any pictures of what you already did?


    Long but not rude answer: I sometimes stay in between the fence when we talk about 2D and 3D. As my OCDish and perfectionist mind, I like the idea of sticking with only one kind of model, sprites and graphics. In my mind if one item has a 3D sprite, then every other item should have the same 3D sprites in my opinion. I am not saying that would be a bad idea, actually, if the game had 3D sprites, many items and resources could have a most interesting way of use and look. But as the devs said (but in another words), everything is a good idea, but the plans are different right now.

    Textures are not difficult to edit.


    But if you edit a texture on one model, it's the same for all the models, currently I don't know how to not do that... if that makes sense. And it seems like currently there is not a way to not do that.


    As for the 2-D 3-D thing, I don't care either way. I was actually kind of bummed when they released the 3-D models, but I'm fine either way. If there was a way (simple, preferably) to edit / change them, I would love to mess around with it, but I am no programmer and can't figure it out. I found a lot of crap from the early releases of PZ where people were able to edit the actual sprites and add their own stuff.


    I didn't get any screenshots of the bits of the models that I removed because I didn't think it was that impressive. It's pretty simple actually, just have to mess around with the files in the 'models' folder (I think that's the one, I'm on a different computer and can't look at the directory). The problem with those files is that there is no way currently (or simply) to make new models for mods.

    The original format for the models are DirectX (.x) files. A quick look at the specifications indicates they're not too far from this in their current state, but there are some differences. Right now, TIS uses a tool that converts the models from X into the format the game uses. (Though I'm not too sure why there needs to be a difference).

    The tools themselves haven't been released yet, but they're planned to be at some point in the future. Without that (and without decompling game code) there's probably no way to add new/different 3D models/textures without just altering the current ones.

    2D sprites have a similar problem: they're hard-coded into the game, but different textures can be added with texturepacks and mods.


    You sound like a wizard genius. I am not a genius. I seem to remember finding some software that could open(?) the pack files and display the .pngs(?). But that's as far as I got. I know it can be done and can be implemented in-game, but I'm on a much lower level.



    Wow, that's pretty cool actually. Do you modify the character skin or do you modify clothes and then use them? If you modify the character skin, then it would also be cool to do that with some clothes, and add accessories for example. Can you also mess around with depth and somehow do a backpack? Or it stays "printed/stuck" on the character skin like a plain thing?

  14. Short and friendly answer: It sounds like a good idea, but it requires a long time of work and thinking, anyway, do you have any pictures of what you already did?


    Long but not rude answer: I sometimes stay in between the fence when we talk about 2D and 3D. As my OCDish and perfectionist mind, I like the idea of sticking with only one kind of model, sprites and graphics. In my mind if one item has a 3D sprite, then every other item should have the same 3D sprites in my opinion. I am not saying that would be a bad idea, actually, if the game had 3D sprites, many items and resources could have a most interesting way of use and look. But as the devs said (but in another words), everything is a good idea, but the plans are different right now.

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