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Everything posted by emilko62

  1. Bobchaos, where have you been all my life? No, but seriously this is the second time you've managed to amaze me with your outside of the box thinking. Though I have to disagree with you on Photophobia being a separate trait since it's usually a symptom of something, it's pretty rare to have it on its own, generally it occurs with migraines and other illnesses (Maybe i should start pointing out what should go for moodles and what should be a trait). Though the Prone to migraines one is a good trait but also not really for the following reason, eventually if this is how we have traits (one per illness) you'll get a pretty good amount of points. But what if there's only one trait which bundles inheritable illnesses, allergies and others of the sort? It would sort of work like your idea about how depression symptoms should be distributed but in this case it's whole illnesses. You would get a couple randomly selected illnesses, allergies etc and they would occur after certain periods of time or under certain circumstances.
  2. Thank you for the idea for how the symptoms should be distributed, i'll be adding that to my main post (while giving you credit, of course.)
  3. Thanks, but i don't understand how photophobia is such a problem, it basically causes headaches, nausea and in worst cases vomiting, when exposed to light and this should only occur during illness so this would prevent the player from running around like normal when feeling ill. For the vomiting, the devs have already started looking into that. If you check the Re-Animator mondoid (http://projectzomboid.com/blog/2016/03/re-animator/) in the very first couple of sentences you will see this: ,, We’ve got everything in the can from core stuff like combat and character movement, all the way to vomiting, rubbing painful body parts and swigging from bottles. ''
  4. Thanks for the feedback, due to the lack of replies i didn't really know if it appealed to the PZ community so i didn't know how to react. Anyways, if you want to look into this you can check the sources because they contain more information, i just cut it down to a reasonable size with only the most important information. If you have any questions, suggestions or anything of the sort, please contact me.
  5. Can't replace newspapers for smoke grenade because newspapers burn slower and have a more thicker smoke unlike toilet paper also it's made from a specific type of paper. For bleeding, unless you cut your finger while cutting vegetables or something of the sort, toilet paper is completely useless for bandaging. This is mostly because it absorbs blood but does not stop the bleeding. It's basically as affective enough as applying pressure to a wound with your hands.
  6. Those are called bladders or hydration systems, I don't remember but they're a fairly common thing people get when they go on hikes.
  7. It's a joke, I'm sorry if you misunderstood me. Also I like your idea.
  8. Devs will be adding clothing and different animation soon so i'll guess you'll be able to see gun holsters and different backpacks? Either way it would be not at all realistic to know what a person has or how much his backpack weighs without being omniscient.
  9. A read a post earlier in the suggestions about adding smell, i guess that could be bundled? Can't really think of any long term effects and the web can't supply me with information so your guess is as good as mine.
  10. New animation system and clothing system is coming soon (if you saw this week's mondoid) thought i don't know if they'll have any function other than making you look good as of now. Also the little things like cargo pants, fanny packs, holsters and tool belt are a nifty thing to add.
  11. I've researched this topic and have personally dealt with depression and i can confirm that it's not just that, then again there's different types of depressions and people who suffer from it have different symptoms and there's also different stages. This post is for clinical depression though which is one of the most common types of depression and the symptoms which are listed are the most commonly experienced but as i said in the post, they vary so maybe the devs would make it so you experience different combinations of symptoms every time your character has to deal with depression. I guess if the symptoms are too unforgiving they should only be given when you're severely depressed for a long time, at least that's what would seem logical to me. P.S. The things i post about should apply for real life and ingame.
  12. Just a thought, this is applicable especially with the new animations (the tripping and falling animation in particular) you should be able to break your nose and only be able to put in place if you have a certain level of first aid, or at the very least the lower the first aid level is the lower the level of success is and the higher it is of you screaming like a little girl and misplacing it. But in all seriousness this a pretty realistic idea and i think it should be implemented into the game.
  13. I've noticed there's only a few types of bottles of water around and there's a bunch of different bottles of waters in stores, like 2,5 liter bottles, 5 liter bottles, 10 liter bottles and more! Of course you can carry around a cooking pot filled with water but that's just silly, it's going to most certainly spill, same thing with other water containers that have no lid. Also, adding a thermos wouldn't be a bad idea, keeping warm drinks during the winter would be a blessing!
  14. Sadly enough that's not exactly how depression works, the idea is to penalize the player for not caring for the happiness of the character in a realistic manner.
  15. There is a consumption limit for food in the new IWBUMS but no water consumption limit as far as i know.
  16. I guess that makes sense, thanks for the info.
  17. While at this point in time if your character is depressed he won't just wander off and kill himself but why not give some actual purpose to the moodle? Depression has a physical impact as well, not only a psychological one. Physical Symptoms of depression are: Headaches. These are fairly common with people with depression. If you already had migraine headaches, they may seem worse if you're depressed. (Headache moodle? Generally it would have the effect of the pain moodle) Back pain. If you already suffer with back pain, it may be worse if you become depressed. (Less carry weight maybe?) Muscle aches and joint pain. Depression can make any kind of chronic pain worse. (I heard the Devs will add joint pain due to running too much or something of the sort, so this is a good idea!) Digestive problems. You might feel queasy or nauseated. (Speaks for itself.) Exhaustion and fatigue. No matter how much you sleep, you may still feel tired or worn out. Getting out of the bed in the morning may seem very hard, even impossible. (Faster fatigue and slower recovery rate) Sleeping problems. Many people with depression can't sleep well anymore. They wake up too early or can't fall asleep when they go to bed. Others sleep much more than normal. (Waking up in the middle of the night or not sleeping enough thus waking up tired.) Change in appetite or weight. Some people with depression lose their appetite and lose weight. Others find they crave certain foods -- like carbohydrates -- and weigh more. (Woohoo! Long live the nutrition system!) Dizziness or lightheadedness. (Disorientation and nausea?) Credits: Credit to bobchaos for the idea of how the symptoms should be properly distributed. Sources: http://www.webmd.com/depression/physical-symptoms
  18. Nice! Looking forward to more mods similar to this one!
  19. Why doesn't the PZ team add energy drinks? They're common in the real world and they would be compatible with the PZ world. They could probably increase Strength and Speed, probably reduce drowsiness too.
  20. Please, if you have any suggestions, or if you don't like something, feel free to reply!
  21. *NEW TRAIT!* Family man (unofficial name) - You get a bundle of inheritable diseases (e.g. migraines), allergies (rashes, sneezing etc.) and others. How it works: You get randomly selected disease, allergies and etc. which are triggered by certain circumstances and occur over a certain period of time. Headaches - Headaches are common and i think they should be added in the game, headaches vary from the pain location, the severity of the headache, the cause of the headache and the duration of the headache. (should be a moodle) Vomiting - Vomiting happens for multiple reasons, drinking too much alcohol, food poisoning, disgusting smells (e.g. a rotting corpse), could be caused by the stomach flu, also formally known as Viral gastroenteritis (i'll get into that later). (it should be involuntary action sometimes triggered by these symptoms) Photophobia - Photophobia is caused by different diseases and it's basically extreme sensitivity to light, it's usually accompanied by nausea and headaches when exposed to light. (Should be a moodle) Stomach Pain - Also known as abdominal pain is hard to determine the cause without the help of a medical professional because causes may vary from simple gas to Ulcers. (Should be a moodle) Migraines - Migraines are caused by: Foods. Aged cheeses, salty foods and processed foods may trigger migraines. Skipping meals or fasting also can trigger attacks. Food additives. The sweetener aspartame and the preservative monosodium glutamate, found in many foods, may trigger migraines. Drinks. Alcohol, especially wine, and highly caffeinated beverages may trigger migraines. Stress. Stress at work or home can cause migraines. Sensory stimuli. Bright lights and sun glare can induce migraines, as can loud sounds. Unusual smells — including perfume, paint thinner, secondhand smoke and others — can trigger migraines in some people. Changes in wake-sleep pattern. Missing sleep or getting too much sleep may trigger migraines in some people, as can jet lag. Physical factors. Intense physical exertion may provoke migraines. Changes in the environment. A change of weather or barometric pressure can prompt a migraine. Symptom's may include but are not limited to: Pain on one side or both sides of your head Pain that has a pulsating, throbbing quality Sensitivity to light, sounds and sometimes smells Nausea and vomiting Blurred vision Lightheadedness, sometimes followed by fainting Treatment: There's a lot of medication's out there to treat the pain of migraines but mainly the way to go through a migraine is just waiting it out. (which could be quite painful) Viral gastroenteritis - Typically known as stomach flu, Viral gastroenteritis is mainly caused by the Norovirus and the Rotavirus (I will not cover the Rotavirus because mainly children suffer from it and adults only transmit it without experiencing symptoms) Norovirus - It mainly transmits through contaminated water and food, it can spread from person to person (gives you a good reason not to go into someone's house and to start eating his food or to be too friendly with sickly strangers) (this shouldn't be a noodle nor a trait it should just be a disease which occurs and displays a certain amount of the listed symptoms.) Symptoms: Nausea. Vomiting. Abdominal pain or cramps. Malaise. Low-grade fever. Muscle pain. IMPORTANT! The Norovirus can be fatal and it certainly will be without proper treatment! Treatment: There is no specific medicine to treat the Norovirus, though there are natural-ish ways of treating it. The main way to treat it is by drinking plenty of fluids but that doesn't help in most cases because of constant vomiting or because of vomiting upon drinking water. If drinking water does not work it is recommended you drink small sips of lemon water or in severe cases, glucose is needed, it could be taken orally or injected intravenously. That is all i can think of for now, if you find any contradictions or do not agree with some of the suggestions i present, please feel free to reply! Sources: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/viral-gastroenteritis/basics/causes/con-20019350 http://www.webmd.com/pain-management/guide/abdominal-pain-causes-treatments https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photophobia http://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/digestive-diseases-nausea-vomiting http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/migraine-headache/basics/causes/con-20026358 http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/migraine-headache/basics/symptoms/con-20026358 http://www.webmd.com/children/norovirus-symptoms-and-treatment http://www.cdc.gov/norovirus/about/transmission.html
  22. Generally speaking the freezing toilet thing shouldn't be a problem unless you don't have salt on on hand since if you fill it up with salt it prevents it from freezing. Thing is, if the water is shut off what's the purpose of preserving the toilet?
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