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Everything posted by Eblanc

  1. Eblanc


    Well no, but that's already implemented. common sense, if a zombie comes behind you you cant see it, also if youre watching far away you cant see your player, so if there is any immediate danger you're probably missing it.
  2. You were unmistakably wrong for the first 2 points. I have no way to prove or disapprove the DEV`s direction. And of course I`m basing it on Movies. What are you basing it on? Are you reading zombie novels..? hehe... I feel that is movies made by directors like George A. Romero really picture how a zombieapocalypse would fall through in "real life" I'm done with this back and forth. please Use google or something, before making any bold statements He's just being realistic, your not going to find many sandbags. And the devs probrably wont add anymore. In a way its a good thing Sandbags are really easy to find. Almost all sheds have them. anybody doing gardening will have them, construction sites have them, hardware stores have them, and thats just off the top of my head. And really they don't require a wheel barrel. They DO come empty, and they are as light as they can be. And after that all you need is spade and some dirt (This is already in the game) and there you go. I'm sure this will be balanced once there is hostile NPC's,
  3. I never played the old version. What was it like>?
  4. Dont know what you mean from removal of gasoline from cocktail recipe. And you can only make molotovs with certain high grade alcohol, and have to add other stuff like sugar to it to make it usuable. I'm not a 100% sure, but I feel like it's probably not as effective as any of the other Classic cocktails that are lethal. Like Gasoline and Tar. Sticks and burns intensely.
  5. "Working" Cars should be a rare commodity. Sorry dont know how ot change the title anymore
  6. You were unmistakably wrong for the first 2 points. I have no way to prove or disapprove the DEV`s direction. And of course I`m basing it on Movies. What are you basing it on? Are you reading zombie novels..? hehe... I feel that is movies made by directors like George A. Romero really picture how a zombieapocalypse would fall through in "real life" I'm done with this back and forth. please Use google or something, before making any bold statements
  7. I Feel like I'm having a debate with a 9 year old. Please check google and coomon sense before making false statements. "Sandbags wouldn't be able to stop bullets" Wrong. "You can't make sandbags out of pillow cases" -Wrong again. There's methods around it so it doesn't break. I.E. using duct tape all around the pillow to prevent it from opening. "The devs wont add more sandbags than youd reasonably expect..." -Well.. who are you to KNOW what the devs may add or implement. I feel that is pretty obvious that if there is need for more of an item, and we request it. It'll happen. Please search your answers before you post them, the game is about making it realistic. Trenches are not so realistic in a zombie apocalypse. Do your research, watch the movies, I can't recall a single trench in any of the movies I've seen. You know what I always see? SANDBAGS! Maybe, I'm sure the devs will add more sandbags if needed in the game. Have you not seen the walking dead??? Obviously not or you would know that martinez used trenches in his camp to trap walkers. You should watch that show if you like zombies and survival situations I watched the firs season, it was really great! But after, they replaced the main screenwriter with 3 different screenwriters, I really felt a change. Now I sleep before I could finish any of the first season episodes, It just bores me. It seems like they talk on forever.. I feel like I`m watching a drama that every so often has a cool hack and slash zombie scene in it. Any other examples?
  8. I Feel like I'm having a debate with a 9 year old. Please check google and coomon sense before making false statements. "Sandbags wouldn't be able to stop bullets" Wrong. "You can't make sandbags out of pillow cases" -Wrong again. There's methods around it so it doesn't break. I.E. using duct tape all around the pillow to prevent it from opening. "The devs wont add more sandbags than youd reasonably expect..." -Well.. who are you to KNOW what the devs may add or implement. I feel that is pretty obvious that if there is need for more of an item, and we request it. It'll happen. Please search your answers before you post them, the game is about making it realistic. Trenches are not so realistic in a zombie apocalypse. Do your research, watch the movies, I can't recall a single trench in any of the movies I've seen. You know what I always see? SANDBAGS! Maybe, I'm sure the devs will add more sandbags if needed in the game.
  9. Can anybody else vouch for this? I don't really have experience with guns. So I wouldn't know. I still don't think people would know, or try to mess with it. If I was on the apocalypse, and I miraculously got a gun. I really wouldn't fuck with it. What if I can't put it back together, or what if i do it wrong? if it's not broken don't fix it, it's my policy. plus i assume you need other tools as well? a screwdriver? maybe something else? I just did a bit of reading. Apparently, it depends on the gun, true semi-automatics should be cleaned constantly, while bolt action guns and rifles like revolvers or SKS can take a lot of abuse. It also mentions that if you're using the gun every other day with quality ammo you should NOT clean it. https://ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070707221427AAQxPPm
  10. Should be implemented automatically per XP Level. I think it's even implemented now, but I'm not a 100% sure. Can anybody confirm this?
  11. Sandbags ARE meant to stop bullets. A lot of common calibers get stopped by sandbags. I'm sure if needed devs will add more sandbags later on. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiY80JgB26Q Right now there's no NPCs shooting at you so it makes no difference how many sandbags you have I couldn't make the link a video? don't know how to yet. The video is Sandbags Versus bullets. So far it's one of the most effective methods of ballistic fortification there is. it stops almost all calibers and it's really cheap.
  12. Sure, but still where do you get this knowledge from? is it something you can figure out, just with your hands and your brain without any external information? Keep in mind there's no internet, and I'm doubtful gun cleaning manuals are something a common household would have. I don't know any friends who'd have one. where would you even learn how to do this if there's no internet and the library wasn't an option. it is probably the same as lockpicking, First Aid/CPR and perhaps hot wiring. relatively easy to do. (if you have the information) but if the zombieapocalypse comes through your door right now. Do you now posses any of these skills? really think about it. your priorities now are in safety, food and water.
  13. There is already a killcounter in, for zeds and survivors -.- I don't really understand the "fear of people playing the game just for score and don't understand how to play the game really". I think, different people are differently motivated to play a game. So, under this circumstance, you wouldn't win scorehunters as possible customers? Beside this, isn't the ultimate goal, to survive long as possible in this game? Edit: Lol There really is no fear, just nuisance when people use cheap/safe tactics and find exploits in the game and then they just brag about it. I can already see players taking the light eater trait, and just finding a specific spot on the map and just camping there for points. I don't know the direction this thread is going to, seems like everybody has a different idea. so I'm going to throw my 2 cents. I think that at the end when you die, should display 1. how long you surived 2. how many zombies you killed 3. what it is you died from 4. maybe put this information above and under the center, so that you could take a screenshot of the corpse and its surroundings if you wanted to. THEN you can brag to your friends about how epic was your last stand. I'm not hot about the memorial, but not against it either.
  14. I think i understand what you mean. You should change the title, and the explanation. Implementing a skill that would reduce panicking? it may already be implemented in the experience level. Can anyone confirm this?
  15. So are we talking about TRAPS or TRENCHES? or some kind of thing that does both things at once and works always in your convenience? I'm sure the Dev's will add more sandbags, once it becomes a necessity to defend against bullets. Plus the space for trenches would be limited.. I really hope no one is suggesting implementing trenches on Concrete.
  16. I Don't think it matters that much. Plus not every average Joe knows how to clean, repair a gun. But we all know how to pull the trigger. Plus a gun needs a lot of shooting before it malfunctions, (unless is defective, which is very rare). I guess if it's more realistic, there could just be no fixing guns. If it breaks, it breaks. A regular survivor wouldn't really know how to fix it. --------------------------------------------------------- I dont think this is practical. Even with bladed weapons, sure there is that chance that the blade becomes dull after slashing bone countless times, but a heavy semi sharp object to the head is still a lethal blow. And there is also the chance that it doesn't become that dull to really make a difference, (In real life) Human bones are easier to chop than tree's and still they last for years at times. I asume fire axes must be top of the line in quality.
  17. There is already Sandbags to help bullets. Trenches would be a terrible idea in a real zombie apocalypse. #1, the amount of time and work it would require to dig a trench. #2. The angle to shoot from zeds in the head would be really uncomfortable #3. If a zed happens to fall on a trench, god forbid. If a crawler falls on a trench, even worse. If a horde falls on the trench. Sandbags are already implemented and are meant to stop bullets.
  18. Eblanc


    It reduces the stuttering a lot. plus i need big letters. The upside is that I don't really suffer any consequences from the near sighted perk.
  19. I thought this was a bad idea when I read the title. If you can, should change the tittle. I think being able to see bandages, is a really good idea. Perhaps, they could implement Head Explosions like in Jagged Alliance 2. Where it happen, very, very, very rarely. It was more about a strong weapons and really close proximity.
  20. If thats the case, i think it's a terrible idea. Waste of time, and it would be very ambiguous for any new players
  21. Dont like the idea of threnches, i'ts not relevant to the game, you're fighting soldiers. if you're thinking of Traps or holes. Then post them as traps. Trenches are for soldiers to hide their bodies from bullets. there is also Sandbags, which are already meant to do that in PZ
  22. I Agree with having more information on food Expiration. 3 Levels ALWAYS. Fresh / About to Rot / Rotten And if you get a cooking level of 2, or 3. Make it 5 Stages, or even just Add a bar that says Freshness. The moment that bar hits zero, it's Rotten. And as it goes down (through hopefully 10 stages) it loses benefits Something like Stage 10 Hunger %120 Percent Stage 9 110% Stage 8 100% stage 6 85% Stage 5 70% stage 4 60% stage 3 50% stage 2 30% stage 1 20% Rotten 10% Because rotten still gives you a percentage of the hunger attribute. This could also be mixed with Boredom, and happiness multipliers.
  23. I'm sure if its not a lot of work, they might just give in. I think what I suggested kind of works. I guess a MOD would be more apt.
  24. I did search "Fertilize" and found nothing. Maybe you could add the link, to also close this thread?
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