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  1. Alright, I do realise that for the sake of fun gameplay players should be able to run around while having 3-4 planks on themselves. (although you obviously cant fit planks in your pockets IRL and you cant fight at all if you are holding them with both of your arms) But putting a corpse in your inventory as if it was some kind of medium size item? Walls made out of corpses? Do you use concrete for it not to fall apart? Jeez people, use some common sense.
  2. I would love to see finished nowadays era first ;D Edit: I like the idea, but the game is far from beeing finished to have different eras.
  3. Well, you definitely do not want to crash into something at this ridiculous speed that pony can accelerate to. So ponydynamics is a minimum.
  4. Then we need to remake topic into Boredom/Sadness discussion.
  5. Just read some books before doing so and you should be alright. And get some fuel.
  6. Why not? Firestation should have water reserve, gas reserve, axes , fireextinguishers. Would be a logical and useful addition as a place to loot. *I would suggest renaming the thread to firestation
  7. I like the idea - sooner or later you run out of batteries for flashlight. I would be great to have a way of making light sources by yourself.
  8. The title by itself is kinda depressing I think this is idea could work - but as of now cold is not a huge issue in survival. Besides it would be logical to implement warm blankets, clothes and such before going for things like this one
  9. Im just saying this to original post : If you think that helicopters can work in this isometric game without ruining mood and balance, then how about having a space shuttle launch pad! All you need is to read some books, get some fuel... And after some hotwiring you get to leave Mildraugh alltogether to fight moon zombies.
  10. I remember it too. What happened with moving furniture?
  11. Yes to additional crowbar usage, no to sewers.
  12. So if you want to knock on the barricaded door to let NPCs inside know that you've arrived back to your homeplace you'd have to damage door if we leave things as they are right now. Just an example. Anyone knows if sounds indoors are muffled by walls and such right now?
  13. You can hit door with any weaponry to make noise, but each hit reduces HP of the door as if you are trying to break it.
  14. Realistically you should not be able to properly use cars inside towns at all since there would be too many abandonded/wrecked cars blocking streets. At least highway must be a total disaster to navigate trough. Am I right? Also what would stop players from just driving "outside" map boundaries when given enough gas? Invisible walls? Artificial wreck piles? Military outpostes forcing anything back into Quarantine zone with guns? As a side note, average Joe can't hotwire a car.
  15. Im sure if I was a zombie I would always get a bite or two no matter how many bodies...I mean buddies are around. Realistically speaking Im sure that 6-8 zombies can mangle on the same corpse at one time easily. Others would just pile around, pushing each other. Make it as messy and chaotic as it can look in isometric game.
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