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About Wolfen

  • Birthday 04/20/2013

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Female to male transsexual man
  • Interests
    Being on Tumblr and le Redit
    Not bathing
    I'm am an extremely tolerant woman, unless your a man, or a christian, or more successful than me

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  1. Maybe we need a few deaf zombies that wont react to noise and group up Or maybe just really shy and polite zombies...
  2. Perhaps a shovel should make its way into the game, one that can be used to bury the dead and usable as a weapon
  3. Because of you I can't stop thinking of a big strong Lumberjack that's asthmatic, thanks xD You can definitely be fit and asthmatic. Im fairly in shape and asthmatic That must suck for you, you have my sympathies When I was a kid I had Asthma so bad that I stayed in the hospital for a little while because of it, so I understand where your coming from
  4. Because of you I can't stop thinking of a big strong Lumberjack that's asthmatic, thanks xD
  5. I don't know, I can't find the settings from the server, but everyone around me was dieing, some from single scratches. And my character is still in constant Pain, painkilers help for a while but then it comes back, might be emotional pain! I did disinfect A LOT though, every wound I got immediately disinfected and sterilized bandage. Character is an obese French chef so always exhausted as well, obese people are just tough I spose! >Too much to zombify lol
  6. You don't need to keep everything on you all the time, just when you log off
  7. Agreed, a survivor can spend weeks building walls, collecting loot. Some guy finds your base, waits until you are offline, takes a sledge and with four swings is inside. :/ Currently, they're being implemented more for RP, than for securing loot. Currently, the best way of keeping stuff safe in MP, is hiding it behind something. No, the safest way of keeping your stuff safe is putting everything you own on you, and then logging off
  8. Would really appreciate jogging zombies, I also would appreciate a jogging speed for the player to match that speed, one that wasn't as fast as sprinting but took longer to tire the player out.
  9. I like Lemmy's Ideas, as we are not SUPPOSED to be good at everything(after the next build that is), or perhaps not even a jack of all trades
  10. [sorry double post can't find how to delete]
  11. >Implying that zeds could even land on their legs after a fall >Implying they wouldn't fall face first crushing the left side of their face, then proceed to get up and keep on trailing you. >Implying that the zed horde can be stopped by a mere ledge >
  12. Look even the idea of zombies relies heavily on us to turn off the scientifically critical part of our brain. When you die (assume mdeics can't revive you, and you are pronounced dead) your cells start to deteriorate immediately neurons are especially prone to this, that's why you get vegetable people most of the time, even if they revive them relatively quickly. Even those who have almost the same cognitive functions, have some difficulties (for example controlling limbs). Now we have zombies that can magically somehow reanimate after death. We suspend disbelief for the sake of fun for the fact of this reanimation (we don't question it, and don'§t care how it happened). However even this way there are problems. Muscles for eaxmple. Muscles need a couple things beside neurons to work, so zombies must have a fully functioning nervous system. If we agree that zombies slowly decompose, then their "working" nervous system is even more vulnerable then ours. Muscles also generate heat and the body needs to vent this heat somehow. I don't think zombies can sweat properly. And the list goes on. If you think it is unrealistic that fire can kill these frail creatures that barely have the muscle mass to even move, then everything in this game is unrealistic. If you want the game harder, then wish for hungry grizzlies in the spring, or cannibalistic survivors with shotguns. Until we have traps, fire is a good way to kill zombies in an emergency. Keep in mind, this way you don't get any xp, so people won't use it very often. Human fat can burn pertty well. If zombies are that putrid, they should dissolve in too much water. Dry corpses can catch fire better than wood, people used mummies instead of firewood in cases some cases. Zombies are in between, they are not invincible, and shouldn't be. Until the game makers come up with some more difficult enemies (maybe small bosses), we should't handicap the game because of our own, subjective gameplays and opinions. In sandbox, set the zombie counter to maximum, make the super fast, strong and materials to rare (basically everything against you). I will guarantee that you won't have the time to light that campfire in the middle of the road, or if you do the burning running zombies will set you aflame too (they live long enough to do that). Anyway, I think fire is well balanced compared to past versions. P.S.: Regarding the spreading the fire, you object to farging on the basis that there is no graphical features to indicate that the foraging materials exist. In this light, we don't know if anything flammable material is on the concrate or brick wall, and the game has no sprites or anything to show us larger fires, fires that can bridge over concrate roads pretty easily in real life, you don't need a firestorm to do that. The function and over all idea if the monster termed 'Zombie' is generally 'reanimated dead tissue', its dead but it works, its a simple idea. I'm not advocating something unfun to be added to the game for the sake of realism, I'm just making a valid point here. And, I swear, I'm not trying to be rude, but if you want a game where zombies are just dead things that shuffle every now and then and are just entertaining things to hack to pieces(and burn in mass for no real reason), then perhaps a dead rising game might be more your speed.
  13. Have you ever had a family member cremated? People aren't made of paper mache, it takes a LONG time at VERY high temperatures to cremate someone The fire would never pass through the skull. I would post some pics here to prove it... but I'd likely get banded, so I wont
  14. I REALLY don't like fire in this game For Zombies... they're zombies... if you try to burn them then you just end up with flaming zombies... an even bigger problem then regular zombies. If burned, a zombie's skin and muscles may get completely charred(and once eating away all the surface flammable material, then proceed to burn itself out), but even that shouldn't kill them, only destroying, a technically brain dead, reanimated brain works. If fire starts in a closed room, then the smoke and fire should -- eventually -- use up all the oxygen and smother itself out. Eating through a wall seems extremely unlikely And don't even get me started on fire burning on bricks, snow, and even snow
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